
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Birthday Blues

Ten months have passed since Jason defeated the evil Brother Blood. After Brother Blood's defeat and the subsequent defeat of the HIVE Academy, the world has been pretty peaceful. A few villains would pop up every once in a while, but they wouldn't be a threat to our heroes. Now, on a special day for the hooded sorceress, a regular villain in Doctor Light stands on an oil rig in the Pacific Ocean. He stands close to a giant light machine, attached to it by large chords.

"Once I drain all of the oil from this barge, I will submerge this city in eternal light," said Doctor Light.

"Eternal light? Are you kidding me? You are a D-list villain," said Jordan.

"Who said that?" asked Doctor Light.

"Me," said Jordan.

Jordan throws three Claws at Doctor Light. He tries to dodge the small projectiles, but they explode in front of him, sending him flying into the machine.

"The Titans? How did you find me?" asked Doctor Light.

"Maybe next time you choose a place that we can't see from our living room," said Raven.

"Oh. I should have planned this better, but that doesn't matter. You won't beat me," said Doctor Light.

"Think again!" exclaimed Cyborg.

Cyborg blasts Doctor Light with his sonic cannon and he is sent flying towards Raven. He ends up at the feet of the sorceress and looks up. Instead of talking, Raven rises, and tentacles appear from her cloak.

"Jail or him," said Raven.

"I would love to go to jail now," said Doctor Light.

"Good choice," said Raven.

Jordan grabs Doctor Light and places him in handcuffs. Cyborg looks at the clock integrated into his arm and sees that it is around twenty minutes before midnight.

"Well, it's not midnight yet, so who wants donuts!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"I'll pass. I'll see you guys back at the tower," said Raven.

"I thought you liked doughnuts," said Jordan.

"I just don't have the taste for them tonight. That's all," said Raven.

"Who doesn't have a taste for the nuts of dough? They always taste amazing," said Starfire.

"I just want to get home before tomorrow comes," said Raven.

Raven slowly hovers off the rig and flies towards the tower.

"So, what is so important about tomorrow?" asked Beast Boy.

"Her birthday. She never likes to celebrate it," said Jordan.

"Why?" asked Beast Boy.

"Beats me," said Jordan.

"Why don't we throw her a birthday party. Maybe that will lighten her mood," said Cyborg.

"That is probably a bad idea. She hates her birthday," said Jordan.

"Trust me. Birthday parties always fix everything," said Beast Boy.

"When have you ever been right?" asked Jordan.

"I've been right on multiple occasions," said Beast Boy.

"When were these multiple occasions?" asked Jordan.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Eighteen hours pass. Back in the tower, Raven sits on her bed and stares at the alarm. It slowly ticks as it just becomes six o'clock. Only six hours left until her birthday is finally over.

"Six more hours and this day will finally be done. Maybe the prophecy was wrong," said Raven.

The sorceress continues to look at the clock until she hears a noise. She quickly gets up and wonders what she just heard. She walks towards her door and exits her room. She then walks through the dark hallways towards the living room. She reaches a living room after a long stroll and she sees nothing for a few seconds until she hears something that she wished that she never heard.

"Happy Birthday, Raven!" exclaimed the girl's friends.

"Ahhhh!" exclaimed Raven in fear.

"Why are you frightened? It is us. Your friends," said Starfire.

"I knew giving her a party was a bad idea," said Jordan.

"I don't like celebrating my birthday. I thought I told you guys that," said Raven.

"Relax, we know, but a party won't kill you. Having a little bit of fun may make you like your Birthday. We hung up a lot of decorations," said Beast Boy.

"And I made my world-famous eight-layer cake and three different frostings," said Cyborg.

"And I've created a Tamaranian delight, the Crown of Meat," said Starfire.

"I hope that this is ok. I know how stubborn you can be," said Jordan.

"No, this isn't ok. I know that you guys just want me to enjoy my Birthday, but this isn't it," said Raven.

Raven turns around and tries to walk back to her room, but Starfire flies in front of her to try to prevent her from leaving.

"You have to stay. We have music, the iced cream, and a weird game that includes pins and a donkey's butt," said Starfire.

"We even have a pinata shaped like Beast Boy and I know that you want to smack it," said Cyborg.

"I said no," said Raven.

"Come on, Raven. You can't be moody today. It's your Birthday and it's very special. Why can't you just-," said Beast Boy.

"I said no!" exclaimed Raven angrily.

Raven snaps back and angrily destroys all of the food and decorations with her magic.

"Sorry," said Raven.

Raven exits the room as her friends look at her, shocked that she would do this. They were just trying to be nice.

"I told you that this would be a bad idea," said Beast Boy.

"Give it a rest. I'll go talk to her," said Jordan.

Jordan walks out of the living room and briskly jogs up to Raven.

"What's up with you?" asked Jordan.

"I don't like to celebrate my Birthday," said Raven.

"It's more than that. It has something to do with Trigon doesn't it," said Jordan.

"How did you come to that hypothesis?" asked Raven.

"I went inside your mind a few years ago. I'm pretty sure anyone would remember a giant demon trying to kill you and your best friend," said Jordan.

"If you truly knew everything, you wouldn't like me anymore," said Raven.

"You were in my mind and I was in yours, but for some reason, I don't know everything about you. You won't let me in. Look, I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but you should allow your friends to know a lot of stuff about you," said Jordan.

"You are a hypocrite for saying that," said Raven.

"So, you're not going to tell me anything?" asked Jordan.

"No," said Raven.

"If you ever do what to talk, just ask," said Jordan.

"Not going to happen," said Raven.

"What is she not telling me?" thought Jordan.

Three hours pass. Raven now sits in the center of her bed, staring at her alarm clock as it slowly ticks. It finally reaches 9 pm, but her birthday won't be over for another three hours.

"Oh come on. Hurry up. Why can't this day just be over? Just meditate. Meditating will make this day go faster," said Raven.

Raven and her alarm clock levitate over her bed. She crosses her legs and starts to chant as she meditates.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zin-" said Raven.

Raven starts to cough before she can continue chanting and grabs her throat. She opens her eyes and sees that her room is on fire.

"What you have concealed is what you shall become. You can't stop this. The prophecy shall be fulfilled," said Trigon.

The Mark of Scath made out of fire appears on her wall.

"No!" exclaimed Raven.

Back in the real world, Raven screams, but everything is fine. There is no fire or demonic marks. Just her dark room. She wipes the sweat off her forehead and starts to breathe regularly. She hears a knock on her door and slowly approaches it. Preparing for the worst, Raven opens her door and immediately prepares to attack whoever is behind the door, but it is just Jordan.

"At ease, Raven. I was just walking by and heard you scream. Is everything ok?" said Jordan.

"Everything's fine. You just scared me," said Raven.

"How? You've only gotten scared one time since we were in this Tower. What's going on?" said Jordan.

Before Raven can answer the question, the alarm sounds that there is trouble.

"A villain has appeared. Let's go," said Raven.

"You're going to tell me what I want to hear," said Jordan.

"No," said Raven.

"Great. Let's go," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. The Titans enter a giant factory with giant gears and pumps, but they see nobody.

"So, who's the villain?" asked Cyborg.

"Hopefully, whoever the villain is isn't easily run over. I'm tired of facing these fodder enemies," said Beast Boy.

"We're heroes, Gar. This isn't about having fun," said Jordan.

"I know, but practically nothing has happened in nearly a year. I'm so bored," said Beast Boy.

"Whoever this villain is, we will kick their-," said Starfire.

"Slade," said Jordan.

"Huh?" asked Starfire.

"I can smell him," said Jordan.

"You're just being superstitious. Slade is dead. He will never come back," said Beast Boy.

"Jordan is right. Has it been a month? Maybe a year? Time flies fast in hell," said Slade.

"No way," said Cyborg.

"Yes way. Hello, Titans," said Slade.

Slade walks out of the shadows and the Titans are shocked to see their nemesis back in the flesh. He looks the same, but the Mark of Scath appears on his forehead.

"How has he returned?" asked Starfire.

"Maybe it's just another illusion like last year," said Raven.

"No, it has to be the real deal. We can all see him. Slade doesn't do the same thing twice," said Jordan.

"It is the real me. It's not my spiritual self like last year. I have pleased my master and he has sent me to fulfill his wishes," said Slade.

"Who's your master and what does he want with us?" asked Jordan.

"He doesn't care about you all, only one of you," said Slade.

"It's Raven isn't it," said Jordan.

"You have gotten smarter since I've been gone," said Slade.

"You won't get her," said Jordan.

"Oh I will and none of you will be strong enough to stop me," said Slade.

"Come and bring it!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Take this!" exclaimed Slade.

Slade lifts his hands and fire appears in them. He then launches a large stream of fire at the Titans. The other Titans dodge, but the stream of fire is targeting Raven.

"When could he do that?" asked Beast Boy.

"His master must have blessed him with some new powers. We will still take him down no matter what," said Jordan.

The large stream of fire rockets towards Raven, but she transforms into a dark raven and exits the factory. Slade turns his attention to Cyborg and tries to blast him with a few giant fireballs, but easily runs past them and hops off the main floor.

"Have you guys ever had the feeling that you were glad to be alive?" asked Slade.

"No, but we will make you forget that feeling in a few seconds. Titans, go!" said Jordan.

The Titans start to blast everything that they have at the undead mercenary. Starfire launches Starbolts, Cyborg launches his sonic cannon, Jordan throws a few explosive disks, and Raven throws some parts of the factory at Slade, but he casually blocks the attacks with a fire wall.

"Is that all you got? I was expecting a challenge," said Slade.

"We're not done yet!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Beast Boy runs towards Slade and transforms into a gorilla. He jumps into the air and tries to smash the mercenary with his pure weight, but Slade grabs him and throws him through a wall. Starfire tries to shoot him with a few Starbolts, but Slade launches one fireball at her and she is knocked out of the sky. Cyborg grabs a large pump and tries to hit Slade like he is a baseball, but he just uses his intense flames to cut through the pump.

"Woah," said Cyborg.

"Woah. Is that all you got? I was expecting a snarky remark. Now, I'm just disappointed," said Slade.

"I don't care about what you want to see or hear. We will send you back to Hell where you belong," said Cyborg.

"You're not doing a good job at that," said Slade.

"How about this!" exclaimed Cyborg.

Cyborg tries to punch Slade, but Slade easily dodges the punch and flicks Cyborg on the forehead, and sends him flying into the wall. Beast Boy gets back up and transforms into a triceratops. He tries to charge at Slade, but Slade slams his fist on the ground and breaks it, causing the green changeling to fall into the Earth. Jordan sneaks up on Slade and throws multiple Explosive Claws at him, but they don't affect him.

"Are explosives the best that you can do? That's truly sad. Weren't you trained by Batman?" said Slade.

Slade turns around, but Jordan isn't there. The explosives were just a distraction so he could get behind Slade. Slade quickly turns back around and receives a large fist to the face.

"Your new powers have made you sloppy. You depend on your fire more than your hands. You may have gotten stronger, but you have somehow also gotten weaker," said Jordan.

"How can you measure my strength, but I haven't even used my full power?" asked Slade.

"That's what all of you villainous scum say," said Jordan.

"Prove that I am lying," said Slade.

"I will by defeating you right here and sending you back to your master in the deepest layer of Hell," said Jordan.

"Come at me, my former apprentice," said Slade.

"Ahhh!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his two katanas and charges at the menace. Slade pulls out his katanas as well but infuses them with a little fire to give his attacks a little more strength behind them. The blades of master and apprentice clash a few times quickly before Jordan's blades are melted by Slade's flames.

"Shit," said Jordan.

"Jordan, did your mother tell you to never play with fire?" asked Slade.

"Don't talk about my mother," said Jordan.

"Do you even care about her? You haven't talked to her in ages," said Slade.

"You're just trying to get in my head like always. I'm too smart to fall for that," said Jordan.

"But you're too slow to dodge this," said Slade.

Slade quickly slashes through Jordan's suit and kicks him in the face and sends him flying towards Raven. He lands right next to the sorceress and she kneels to check on him.

"Jordan, are you ok?" asked Raven.

"I'm fine. He's gotten stronger. He hurts more," said Jordan.

"I just want this day to end," said Raven.

"But, this day is far from over. We all know that," said Slade.

"Go!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan tries to kick Slade, but his foot is grabbed and he's thrown out of the building through a wall.

"No. Take this," said Raven.

Raven uses her magic to create a giant hand and grabs Slade. She then slams him against the wall. She floats towards the wall to check on him, but he isn't affected.

"I have a message for you," said Slade.

"I don't want to hear it," said Raven.

"But, you must," said Slade.

Slade grabs Raven's right wrist and she feels a sharp pain and falls out of the air. She lands on a large gear and looks at her wrist. The Mark of Scorn appears on her burnt wrist.

"No," said Raven.

"It has begun," said Slade.

Slade uses his power to start crushing the building. Her friends start to regain consciousness, but they are unable to move. Enraged, Raven quickly gets up and floats.

"Stop!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven screams in anger and her power bursts. The building stops crumbling and the pumps stop pumping. It's like time stopped. Raven descends from the air and safely lands on the ground. She looks around and sees that everything has stopped.

"How did I do this? Did I stop time?" asked Raven.

"Yes you have, birthday girl. You may have stopped time, but you can't stop me. You can't stop any of it. When I heard the truth from my master, I couldn't believe it. I spent all of my time trying to get Terra and Jordan, but I should have gone after you. You have too much power and you're just wasting it hanging with your friends. A glorious destiny awaits you. It's always the quiet ones isn't it," said Slade.

Slade starts to move while everything else stays the same. As he approaches her, Raven starts to run. She reaches a wall and turns back to see the mercenary walking towards her.

"Shut up," said Raven.

"But, I can't. Did you believe that you could just blow out your little candles and wish this day away? Today is the day it begins. You've known this all your life. You have probably prayed to God to prevent this from happening, but he can't do anything about it. You can't do anything about it. It doesn't matter how much you run or walk or squirm, you can't run from your destiny. You can't do anything to stop it," said Slade.

Raven escapes from Slade's cold grasp and transforms into a raven, phasing through the wall. She sees Jordan's body, frozen in time, and floats over to him. She taps his chest and he starts to breathe again.

"Raven, what's going on?" asked Jordan.

"I somehow stopped time. We have to get out of here," said Raven.

"What about the others?" asked Jordan.

"They're fine for now, but we have to get moving before he catches us," said Raven.

"Ok. Let's go," said Jordan.

Raven and Jordan are engulfed by Raven's magic and are transported via raven to the other side of town.

"Trigon is coming, isn't he?" asked Jordan.

"Yes. I never wanted this day to come. That's why I hate celebrating my birthday. It's just a countdown to the inevitable," said Raven.

"Don't talk like that. Once we defeat Slade, we'll force him to tell us what we need to know," said Jordan.

"We can't beat him. We're not strong enough," said Raven.

"Have a little faith. We've beat him before and we'll do it again. For Terra and the world," said Jordan.

"Valiant words, Jordan, but you have never faced me. I am completely different than before. You won't win this time," said Slade.

Raven and Jordan look up and see Slade staring at them from the building in front of them.

"Raven, run. I'll deal with him," said Jordan.

"But, he'll just wreck you like he did the others," said Raven.

"Then, I'll just buy you some time. Go!" said Jordan.

Raven flies off as Slade tries to follow, but Jordan pulls out his grappling hook and grapples Slade back to the ground. He then pulls out a taser and tases the line, electrocuting Slade.

"Nuh-uh, Slade. You can't get to the princess without taking out her knight first," said Jordan.

"Good idea. I'll just deal with you first," said Slade.

Slade melts the grappling hook with his flames and charges at Jordan. Jordan barely avoids his opponent by jumping over him and lands behind him. He then launches a flurry of punches and kicks at the mercenary as he quickly turns around. After the flurry, Slade just stumbles back. He then cracks his neck and inhumanly rotates his head.

"You have gotten stronger. That actually kind of hurt," said Slade.

"You're not human," said Jordan.

"I told you. I'm completely different than I was two years ago," said Slade.

Slade launches a large stream of fire at Jordan and he is sent flying into a building across the street. Slade starts to slowly walk towards him as flame flickers in his hands.

"Do you understand, Jordan? You can't win. You can't stop the inevitable. Like I told the birthday girl, he is coming and you can't stop him. Nothing can. He will turn Earth into another Hell," said Slade.

"We won't let that happen," said Jordan.

"Are you that naive or just playing dumb. Batman won't save you. Superman won't save you. The Justice League won't save you. God won't save you. That girl that you call your friend will doom you all and all you fools can do is just wait until you are gravel under his feet," said Slade.

"You can say all of that, Slade, but I won't fall or falter. You go down tonight," said Jordan.

"The unbreakable will is for fools. You are Batman's sidekick," said Slade.

Slade creates a giant fireball and throws it at Jordan. Jordan quickly grabs his bo staff and uses it to block the fireball. He then grabs a flash grenade and throws it at Slade. It explodes and somewhat blocks Slade's hearing.

"A flash grenade? Is this all that you have? Pathetic," said Slade.

Slade starts to walk forward, but he is kicked in the back and sent flying into the building. Jordan then throws a few smoke bombs and blocks Slade's vision. Jordan starts to wail on the mercenary more and kicks him into a bright room. Jordan pulls out many Claws and throws them at the lights, turning the room into one of darkness.

"We have only fought in bright places so far. How about this for a change?" said Jordan.

In the darkness of the room, Jordan proceeds to hammer Slade from all sides. No relent. Just a constant flow of punches and kicks. Slade doesn't dodge because he doesn't need to, but it still hurts. The pain that he is feeling won't affect him long-term, but he is both impressed and pleased. Jordan has grown. Jordan continues to attack Slade until his helmet starts to crack. It cracks more and more until, after one more punch, it finally shatters.

"Do you see my face, Jordan?" asked Slade.

"It's just a skull. What did Trigon do to you?" said Jordan.

"Nothing that I didn't want. You may have become a better fighter. Hell, you may be able to give me a good fight now, but not today. This fight is over!" said Slade.

Jordan tries to move, but his leg is grabbed by Slade and he is thrown out of the building and into a bus. Once he hits the bus, Jordan quickly gets up and tries to go back after Slade, but he is punched in the gut by his arch-nemesis, spits out some blood, and is brought to his knees.

"Excellent work, Jordan. I am proud, but your best won't be good enough. I have an objective and I never fail my clients. Toodaloo," said Slade.

Slade walks away as Jordan watches him. Jordan won't give up and throws a couple ice disks and a gas canister at Slade. Once the mix of gadgets hit, Slade is frozen and gas encircles him.

"This won't stop me," said Slade.

"I know. I'm just buying time. You will be stuck here for a few minutes. Just hang tight and relax. You'll be seeing us soon," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a replacement grappling hook and grapples away. He runs across the rooftops and pulls out a device from his utility belt. A red dot appears on the screen and Jordan follows it. He reaches a large church in less than a minute and hops off the roof. He walks up to the door and slowly opens it.

"Raven, are you in here?" asked Jordan softly.

He gets no response and walks into the church. He checks every aisle, but she is not there. He walks deeper into the church until he hears faint breathing. He walks over to a door and grabs the knob, but this was a mistake. A blast of Raven's magic sends him flying into a wall.

"You won't get me, Slade. I will-," said Raven.

"Relax, it's just me," said Jordan.

"Jordan," said Raven.

"Slade will be here any moment. We have to go," said Jordan.

"We can't stop him. No matter where we run, he will find us. No matter where we teleport to, he will be there. On this day eighteen years ago, the people who raised me looked into my eyes and saw my future. On this day, something bad is supposed to happen and the revival of Slade must have been it. This is why I didn't want to have a party. You don't have to have a party to still recognize that the day is your birthday," said Raven.

"The symbol on his forehead. What is it?" said Jordan.

"It's the-," said Raven.

Raven and Jordan's conversation is interrupted by Slade blowing up the entrance to the church.

"Am I interrupting something? If I am, please accept my apology by flame," said Slade.

Slade sends a wave of flame, sending Jordan through a window and leaving him alone with his target.

"Jordan!" exclaimed Raven.

"It's just you and me, birthday girl," said Slade.

Slade launches a stream of fire towards the birthday girl and she darts towards the exit. She quickly knocks down the door and starts running through the alley. Jordan quickly gets up and starts following his sorceress friend as he plucks glass from his side.

"That guy never quits," said Jordan.

"He will never quit until he gets me," said Raven.

"What does Trigon want with you?" asked Jordan.

"Not sure, but it isn't good," said Raven.

"Can you unfreeze time? I need to make a call for backup," said Jordan.

"I can't. I froze time out of rage. I can't fake that. I'm not an actor," said Raven.

"Just great. This day keeps on getting better," said Jordan.

"I love the chase, but not today. The message will be delivered," said Slade.

Slade creates a fire wall and blocks Raven and Jordan from advancing down the street. As Slade walks closer, Jordan leaps towards him and tries to punch him, but his hand is grabbed and his wrist is twisted. Slade then slams him against the wall and throws him behind him. Raven escapes by transforming into a raven, but Slade is hot on her tail. Jordan slowly gets back up and sees Slade chasing Raven in the sky.

"Why can't they ever just stay on the ground?" asked Jordan.

Jordan grapples onto a rooftop as Raven struggles to escape from Slade. Raven uses her magic to throw a car at Slade, but he slices through them. She throws another and another and another but Slade just casually slices through them. Slade tries to grab Raven with hands made out of fire, but she weaves and flies between two buildings. She then uses her magic to crush Slade between them and tries to fly away, but Slade blows up the buildings and zooms towards her, tackling her into a building. A few seconds pass until Raven is already back on the move, but Slade just grabs her and rips off her cloak, revealing the markings on her back.

"What you shall conceal, you shall become!" exclaimed Slade.

"No!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven tries to hit Slade with some magic, but Slade just grabs her forearm.

"The message shall be delivered. Your destiny will be fulfilled," said Slade.

Most of Raven's clothing is destroyed and her hair grows longer as Slade tightens his grip. The world around her turns into Hell. The buildings are destroyed, ravens with four demonic eyes fly in the skies, and the ocean is now lava. Her friends have also been turned into stone after fighting what seemed to be an impossible battle.

"No," said Raven.

"Yes. Behold the world that you will make," said Slade.

"This can't be real," said Raven.

"Yes, it is. This is the future. Your future. This future has existed ever since your birth. This world will come to pass. I will make sure of it. You will destroy the world and I will be there to make sure you do," said Slade.

"No!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven screams and a giant black Raven appears above the tower. The black raven engulfs the world as time resumes moving. The world around the two enemies returns to normal as well. Before Slade can drop Raven, Slade hears the scream of a familiar voice.

"Get your dirty hands off her, you bastard!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Ok," said Slade.

Slade drops Raven and Jordan is forced to change course and grapples towards the falling girl. He grabs her before she splats on the ground and lands on a smaller building's rooftop. He prepares to grapple to the rooftop that Slade once stood on, but Slade has disappeared.

"Dammit. He's gone," said Jordan.

"Good. We wouldn't have won anyway," said Raven.

"Are you ok?" asked Jordan.

"No, I'm not. I'm not even close," said Raven.

Raven starts to cry as Jordan stops smiling and adopts a worrying expression. The only way to help a friend in this condition is to not talk but to hug and embrace. Jordan hugs the distraught girl as her tears roll down his grey suit.

"I don't care about how powerful Slade has become or how strong your father is. We will prepare and deal with them both. Your destiny shall not be fulfilled while I still breathe," said Jordan.

"The future is already set in stone. Nobody can change that. Especially a powerless mortal like you," said Raven.

"Have you forgotten all of the things that we have been through in the last four years? We've done the impossible before. This will just be another normal Tuesday in the office," said Jordan.

"Why are you so confident? He manhandled us all," said Raven.

"Well, to be honest, I don't have much confidence, but a wise man once told me that a little faith is all you need to become an invincible force. We will defeat these demonic bastards. I promise you. We won't lose," said Jordan.

Welcome to season 4. This season will not be completely different at the beginning or end, but the middle is where everything is at and you guys will enjoy it. This premiere was a little long, but you guys will like it anyways. Now, time for the updated character bio.

Age- 20

Height- 6'1

Weight- 199 lbs

Favorite Lines- "I don't believe in luck." "Have a little faith."

AP/Durability- Building Level- Jordan may just be human, but he is very physically powerful thanks to the skills he has learned and his crazy workout schedule. In the comics, basically, all of the Batfamily is scaled to be around Building Level, so that is where he will be. Plus, all the Titans at this point of time, even Robin, are scaled to be Building Level.

Speed- Relativistic to Lightspeed- This means that he can not move at lightspeed, but he is close. He can dodge Doctor Light's light beams most of the time. His reaction speed is at least light speed, but his moving speed is a little slower (Hypersonic).

Intelligence- 157- Jordan is very smart. With his IQ, he can make many gadgets, be a very skilled detective, be an amazing strategist, and be a really good teacher. He also has a photographic memory which helps him very much.

Lifting Strength- 61 tons- Class 100- This means he can lift up to 61 tons or 122,000 pounds. The helicopter that he partially lifted for the small amount of time was around that heavy, so that is the max that he can lift.

Gadgets- Grappling Hooks, Claws, Explosive Claws, Explosive Disks, Smoke Bombs, Taser, Electrical Disks, Ice Grenades, Shock Gloves, Katanas, Bo Staff, Escrima Sticks, Tracking Devices, Hacking Device, Flashlight, Laser Beam Distributor, Heating Device, Mini Explosives, Ice Disks

Suits- Barbatos, Barbatos (Armoured), Dark Pheonix (Armoured), Dark Phoenix (Lighter) <- Current suit that he's wearing.

Skills- Engineer, Chemist, Hacker, Detective, Leader, Martial Artist (Taekwondo, Jiujitsu, Ninjutsu, Kung fu, Kickboxing, Karate, Judo, Akido, Muay Thai, Hapkido, Boxing), Acrobat, Swordsman, Mulltilingual (English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin)

Allies- Batfamily, Titans, Justice League, Titans East

Enemies- Slade, Joker, Mutants, H.I.V.E

Notable Victories (Not all of these are solo. Only the first two, Mammoth, and Brother Blood are solo victories without any one shots gadgets or moves.)- Killer Croc, Bane, Manifestation of Trigon, Mammoth, Slade, Terra. Brother Blood

Notable Losses- Slade

That was the updated bio. I added a couple things, but not a lot. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts