

James had a rough life growing up to say the least. After he was born he almost immediately was handed over to an orphanage. Where he spent the first 10 years of his life, the head woman of the orphanage was extremely abusive.

Almost all of the kids that stayed there didn't for long, weather it be running away or being adopted. It was rare for them to stay as long as James.

(now that that's done let's get to the now :p )

James woke up in the middle of the night. He looked up at the clock, it was 2 a.m. He wondered what woke him up, then he heard it. It sounded like scratching on wood. The longer he listened the louder it seemed to get. No, it was getting closer. Soon it was the only thing he could hear or even think about. Then once it got near the door it stopped. He wanted to know what it was but, he was so scared he couldn't move. Then he waited and waited but nothing happened. After 2 hours he couldn't keep himself awake and fell asleep. When he woke he couldn't find anyone at all. Not his friend Todd or Jessica, not even the head lady. They were all just gone, none of their things missing or even their bed sheets Bing moved from last night. Then he heard it again. A faint scratching sound. He wanted to run but he couldn't. Soon he seen it. the best way to describe it is a living nightmare. it was at least 8 feet tall with 4 arms and the horns on it were like a elephants tusks. the scratching was its foot long claws dragging on the ground. It seen him his fate was sealed. It ran at him so fast he could barely see it. Then, darkness, as far as he could see.

(3 years in that darkness later)

James had long since lost what sanity he had. Then something he never thought he'd see again. Light. He ran to it as fast as he could. Then he seen it, on a little red box floating in front of him.

[Welcome, to hell.]

(This story is probably going to be bad. just going to say that now.)