
Chapter 43 Someone at the Door


Anna POV-

"-I wasn't aloud to talk to the 'scum' that worked for us anymore.." And I never did see Sammy again. I can only wonder where she ended up.

"What did your father say?" She asked..

"About what?"... I replied, glancing at her then forward again.

"That she hurt you.." She almost whispered.

"He didn't know.." I shrugged.. "My mother said I had a nasty fall.." I replied nonchalantly.

"You never told him?"...

"I never told anyone.."

"Was that the only time?" She asked in a caring tone..

"No.." I laughed for a few seconds.. as though it had been obvious, shaking my head as I did.

I felt her grip on my hand tighten. I forget that not everyone is as desensitised to violence.

"Are you okay?" I asked after she didn't say anything else..

"Yeah.. I just.. I wish things had been different for you.." she sighed defeatedly..

"So do I.." I paused in thought.. "But if things didn't happen the way they had I wouldn't be here with you now.." I tried to find the good in our situation hoping it would lighten the mood a little.

"Anna?" she asked in a curious tone..

"Yes?" I replied mimicking her tone.

"Do you remember how you got here?" she asked in the same curious manner as before.

"I do.." I replied.. Florence looked up at me waiting for me to tell her.. "But first it's my turn.." I smirked. She glared at me for a second before being unable to stop a smile..

"Ask away.." She grinned still looking at me..

"Was there anything else that put you off me?" Why do I want to know? why does it matter?

I don't know but it does.

"Why are you asking me that?" she replied in a concerned tone..

"I don't know" I sighed.. "I just thought about it alot.." I answered honestly.

"Why?" She asked again.

"I had alot of time on my hands." I answered in a questioning tone, as I myself don't know the asnwer.

"Me too.." she sighed before continuing, "I mean.. I've thought alot about why I was against it.. and honestly at the end of it all.." she lifted her head to look at me before finishing her sentence "I couldn't find a single reason good enough"..

I smiled almost laughing.. "There were plenty of reasons that were good enough.. You didn't know me, I was 'considerably' younger..-" I put emphasis repeating the word she had used "-and I'm a woman.. let alone the fact that the world was looking at me.. or trying to get a glimpse of me. You are trying to hide.. I respect that.." I really do. I've been in the exact spot she's running from.. and let me tell you, I wish I had ran. The memories, the flashbacks.. the scars.. the constant dimples in my arm and neck where they alternated my poison injections. I'm not sure which life I would have preferred.. The lonely Queen or the caged, drugged up Lycan. At least in this life I am not alone, and hopefully I will never be in a cage again.

"Annabelle!" She said shaking my hand to get my attention.. I looked over to see a concerned expression on her face..

"You didn't hear me did you?".. I just shook my head realising I must have been too deep in thought..

"No I'm sorry.. say it again." I replied sincerely.

I really hadn't meant to ignore her..

"I said.." she began.. "you know what, it doesn't matter. What were you thinking about?" She asked..

"It's not important.." I answered..

"Why not?".. she asked still concerned, stopping us on the trail by my hand.

I looked away off into the trees.. "It's not a very happy thought.." I admitted.

"Please?" she asked pulling my hand closer too her. I look down to see her with puppy dog eyes.. maybe she spent too much time with Mav while I was away.

I rolled my eyes realising I wasn't going to get out of answering.. "I was wagering which life is worse." I replied calmly..

"What was your conclusion?" she asked cautious but still intrigued..

I inhaled deeply before replying honestly.. "I think It is better to not be alone.."

"So you would choose this?" her tone sounded hopeful..

"Right now I would.." I nodded slowly in affirmation with my own words.. "but I can't say I would have said the same thing a few weeks ago.." I admitted.. the point is honesty. I watched her face change as she heard words she didn't want to hear.. "I think I would rather have gone back to having no choice than be tortured for months.. Years.." I corrected quickly with a sigh..

"I'm sorry." she paused looking down at my hand, she brought her other hand up to fiddle with the lumpy raised scars on my wrist.. "I wish I could have done something sooner.. Marcus and Gigi said they would protect you.. they made you out to be our savior and then they left you to rot.." she grimaced at her own choice of words and so did I..

"I think they just saw me as a means to an end.. but regardless.. none of this is down to you so please stop blaming yourself.." This constant juggling of guilt is taking its toll on her.. I see the dark circles under her eyes that only appeared after she had met me.. "You deserve better." I sighed closing my eyes.

"Your beautiful, funny, strong and brave.." Somehow I still feel inadequate.. I tried to keep my head low and eyes closed but she wouldn't let me.. "Look at me.." she demanded my attention before continuing.. "You make me question and second guess every decision I have ever made.. you turned my whole life upsidedown and I wouldn't change it for the world.." The genuine honesty in her voice is refreshing..

"Really?" I asked like a sad kid who was told some good news.

"Nothing in my life has ever come close to you. For a long time I was void of all feelings-" I want to hear the rest of whatever it is she has to say but right now something else caught my attention..

"Shh-" I cut her off pulling her towards me.. I wrapped one arm around her leaving the other one free.. she held onto me tightly realising I was sensing some kind of danger. We stood silently for a few seconds before I smelt it again.. the faint whiff of smoke. We are almost at the foot of the mountain that we've been calling home. I know that you can't smell the fire that's inside the cave.. meaning someone else is out here.

"Do you smell that?" I somehow asked through the mate bond..

"No?" she replied in a worried tone looking around from behind my arm..

Why we can communicate like this when we are not transformed is the last thing on my mind.

"We need to get Beatrix.." I said as another faint, unwelcome smell entered my nose. Body odour.

"Fuck, shit, fuck.." I mentally cursed.. frantically scanning our surroundings..

"Hey.. what is it?" Florence asked with a concerned expression as she used her hand to gently force me to face her..

"There's someone out there." I answered before looking up again to resume my frantic glances aimed in every direction.. "Ronan could have told anyone about the cave, what if he had arranged to show up for something and never did, and now they have come looking for him?" The panic and fear was evident in my voice, I was unable to hide my true feelings in my mind as I was more occupied with trying to protect us.

"What should we do?" she asked.. I can feel her eyes on me but I can't concentrate right now..

" 'We' aren't going to do anything.. I need to keep you safe." I told her firmly.

"Your not leaving me again!" She protested.. she knows I will not put her in harms way, and besides she is still in hiding.

"Whoever they are.. they can't find out what you are.." I paused to look at her again "I won't let that happen." The thought of her being in the cell next to me is so excruciating, it brought an annanounced tear to my eye. I had to look away.

"None of it matters as long as we get out of here together.." she pleaded but to no avail.. I had already come up with the begining of a plan in my head, and she wasn't a part of it.

I looked up a tall tree to my right.. "You need to climb and stay there until we get back.." I ordered..

"Can't we run?.. I can help you, if you just let me" her tone sounded defeated now.. she knows I've made up my mind..

"No Florence.. let me help you.. climb the damn tree!" I barked again growing impatient.. I can't leave Bea behind.

She slowly let go of me and stepped back staring at me slightly hurt..

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. I just need to know you are safe.." I pleaded pulling her back to me for a tight hug.. I'm glad she hugged me back.

"What about you?" she asked in a sad tone, not taking her head off my shoulder as she held onto my waist tightly. Throughout this conversation my anxiety is growing deeper. From the stench I can now tell there are at least 15 sweaty bodies out there.

"I'll be okay as long as you are.." I lied as I separated us, lifting her face gently in one hand to look at me.. "I love you... Now can you please climb the tree?" I asked softly.. She closed her eyes and just nodded..

I know I lied.. I mean, I will feel better knowing she is safe and away from the eminent danger, but I also feel like there is a very slim chance that I will be okay.

"I love you too.." she replied, cupping my face in her hands and planting a warm gentle kiss on my lips.. she planted another shorter kiss on my forehead before breaking away from me to stand at the base of the large tree.. I approached her, locking my hands together as a step up for her to easily reach the first branch..

She scoffed a little jokingly but still used the aid I'd given her. I stepped back, taking a few deep breaths as I watched her climb.. who knows what is in store for us.

"Promise me you will stay here.."

"Anna.." she sighed in a pleading manner.

"Please just promise me.. you'll stay until either me or Bea come and get you.." I replied firmly.

"I promise.." Was all I needed to hear.. now I know she will stay I can go and get a handle on things.. whatever they are.

I walked the 8 minutes minutes it takes to get back to mountain slowly and cautiously.. As I drew nearer I began hearing voices that grew louder with everystep. The voices were inaudible grunts until I heard one that I recognise.. "I don't know where she is!" Bea shouted.. I'd climbed partially up the mountain as to stay out of sight.. the scene was now coming into view.. Bea must have heard them coming because she has muddied her hair which you can no longer see as a brilliant white but a dirty brown.

"This is where she is supposed to be!" Growled one of the men who had a long dark beard that flowed onto his chest.. I recognised him as a Palace guard. It's hard to forget the faces of people who seemed to enjoy hurting you.. the confusing thing about this is their clothing represented that of the skrill.. what is going on here?..

I can only see 8 men.. which means the rest are waiting nearby.. I need to be careful how I handle this..

"Please, I just found this place." Bea pleaded, taking on the role of a weak innocent girl..

"Shut up!" Another man ordered.

The bearded man approached another of his men "Bring him here" He snarled.. the man he'd just spoken to went off into the woods behind them. A minute later he returned dragging a rope. A few seconds passed before I could see what he was dragging.. or who he was dragging. Another face I'd hoped to never see..

"Sooo Doc.." he hissed taking the rope and pulling it hard so the doctor face planted in the dirt. I looked back to Bea who was now silently cursing herself, unbeknown to the men around her. Something clearly started making sense in her head.

"You said she would be here.. well.. where is she?!" he bellowed grabbing the doctor by his face, which was already bruised and swollen. One eye was even swollen shut. He had become hard to recognise.. but I'd still know his face anywhere.

"I don't know.." the doctor spluttered through his own blood.. After a few long seconds the man released the doctor into a pile on the floor.

"Then you are of no use to me.." The man said slowly drawing a huge sword from his belt. A beautiful sword that I now recognise as mine.. That's my fucking sword.. did Ronan take it to give to him? I can't even remember the last time I saw it..

As this exchange was happening I noticed one of the men examining Bea with eager eyes..

"But she will be useful won't she boss.." he said as he licked his dried crusty lips..

"She sure will." The leader replied, smiling wide showing teeth as yellow as corn. I beg to differ.. Now I'm angry..

I can either wait until he kills the doctor and then make an attempt at Beas rescue.. or, I can try to save the doctor aswell and deal with him myself..

Screw it.. I let the feelings of anger and rage flow through me freely.. The familiar warmth took just seconds to resonate before I had combusted into their worst nightmare.

In one leap from the mountain and I arrived at his feet, just seconds before he could swing the sword.. my sword. Fear on a strong man's face looks unnatural.. but I'm getting used to it.

His mouth opened in shock as he took a few stumbling steps back.. already his beard was half singed away from the flames. He was very confused and scared but he decided he was going to fight.. he raised the sword once again this time aimed at striking me.. as his arm moved in my direction.. I dodged swiping my claws at his arm, taking his hand clean off as I did. The strangest thing is there was no blood.. the flames cautorised his wound as quickly as it had been made. His hand made a thud as we all watched it hit the floor.

I looked between his men for a few seconds, all their eyes darted from me to their boss who was now clutching his stub screaming in pain.

"FUCKING GET HER!!" he bellowed at such a force spit sprayed from his mouth.



I genuinly have no idea what's going to happen. I never know how a chapter will end up.. I didn't even plan for Anna being Fae.. it just felt right and ended up helping the story to make more sense.

You know by now, my process is not having a process.

As always I hope you enjoyed my mediocre writing skills, I hope I didn't repeat myself too much and I hope you have an amazing day.

P.S. If you think there is too much swearing.. there probably is.. I'm English and honestly I tried to make it not as sweary as it would have been... this is me toning down... I swear alot in my day to day life.

Best Regards, Twink.

Peace <3


I mean I don't know why you would come back to read more if you felt that way but also, I don't know what's going on haha. Love. Love.

Twink_98creators' thoughts