
Chapter 19 Flo 2


Florence POV-

She's a Lycan... I should have guessed really but I couldn't be sure. I'm the closest anyone has got in 400 years, and I'm not much.

I never thought the difference between male Lycans and females, were so drastically different.

I seriously don't know how this muscular beast came out of that tiny girl.

I've witnessed great amounts of violence but this... this is a whole new level.

When everyone was dead.. she just laid down and went to sleep. I thought it was odd that she fell asleep in her Lycan form before changing back to human. But that's not the first question on my mind...

I'm so relieved It's finally over.

I approached her almost naked body. She stinks of blood. She has chunks of fur and dirt stuck to her skin in the drying blood. I don't have anything on me to cover her up with so I guess one of their old blankets will have to do.

She's asleep but I still feel nervous touching her. She is heavier than I thought she would be, and bigger than she looked too.

When I was seeing her in the chains she looked so small compared to them, that was an optical illusion obviously because this girl would tower over me.

I could clearly see her nose was broken.

Her face was already swelling behind the blood. I couldn't see just how much of it was hers and what was theirs.

I lifted the girl gently holding the blanket to her. When my hand reached her back, my fingers found a wet squishy mass.

I leant her forward into me to see huge open gashes left by claws. I grimaced. It took me a few seconds of watching the blood run and freezing, before I remembered that Orga grows around here. This might be your lucky.. unlucky day?. Oh this poor girl.

I made a makeshift stretcher out of some branches and some vines, and then laid her on her front as not to aggravate her wounds more.

There is blood covering everything here. I want to leave this place as fast as I can, Ill take her to the stream and clean her up abit on the way back. Hopefully Marcus will come looking for us soon.


We finally made it to the stream. Dragging this girl through the woods on my own was tiring to say the least. And we still have awhile to go, especially if I have to take her all the way by myself.

I laid the stretcher softly on the ground next to the stream. I then tore a small piece off of the blanket I'd laid over her. I dipped it in the stream before returning to the girl.

Looking down at her delicate features, it's hard to believe she can do so much damage.

I brushed her messy black hair back away from her face softly with my hand. She is hurt pretty bad. I used the damp rag to carefully clean the wounds and dirt from her face, then her hands, her legs. I didn't dare remove the blanket though.

It was hard to see exactly what happened, once she changed everything happened so fast. I didn't know where else she'd been injured until I cleaned the blood off. I needed to clean the wound on her back and mix some Orga. I had already seen some growing on the way back to this stream which was a plus.

I washed a slate rock in the water before using another rock to mash the Orga on top of it. I used my fingers to softly press it into the deep gouges on her back, "that's going to be a gnarly scar". Her body tensed up, she let out a slight whimper and my heart sank instantly. I pushed too hard..

"shhh.. I'm sorry" I whisper to her retracting my hand.

I made sure to be a lot gentler after that, finishing up the wound on her leg.

It took me much longer to finish cleaning and dressing her wounds than it should have... I was so scared I would hurt her again.

I waited for the bleeding on her back to stop before covering her wounds with more tear offs from the blanket. I drank some water from the stream and carried on with our journey.

After about an hour after setting off I had picked up a familiar scent. Marcus appeared and I was relieved to say the least.

I let two other guys carry the girl back while I walked Infront with Marcus, I needed to speak to him about the girl.

I'm guessing he already knew what she was, I just don't know why they didn't tell me?

Like I wasn't going to find out eventually..

I felt the need to know everything about her, I don't know what it was, maybe seeing her in that moment of weakness made me connect with her on some level. I appear to be strong but inside, I'm just fucked up, I feel like she is probably the same.


He told me all he knew about her, knowing I risked my life for her was probably enough reason to let me in. Considering we are taking her home and everyone will know anyway. I guess she is what all the fuss was about.

Her name is 'Annabelle', she isn't from this world. That's new, I thought there was only one world. And 'Princess' Beatrix and 'Princess' Mavelo personally came all the way here to ask us for help. I hate the royal family. I hate every royal that ever lived. They are self centered, self loathing and just all round nasty. They are a dictatorship that should be set on fire. I wonder why they are spiting their father though, that's pretty interesting...

She woke up briefly along the way. Marcus gave her some water, he tried reassuring her and she went straight back to sleep. He seemed really happy after that. I think she probably slept because she's exhausted not because she trusts us.


We made it back to camp and everyone was rushing around to see the 'Lycan Girl'. Marcus told them all to continue with their duties and they did. I'm glad they listened to him because if they didn't I think I would have lost my cool.

I need to get her somewhere to stitch her up.

"Take her in there!" I ordered the two men dragging her on the stretcher to put her in an empty hut.

I need to get ahold of myself.

The men placed her down onto one of the beds inside the hut. They exited past me and I just stood there, frozen.

"Do you want me to get Dom?" Marcus's words shocked me back to life. Dom is one of our greatest healers and don't get me wrong, he can be alright. But he gives me the creeps. The thought of his hands on her body while she's practically naked is making me feel sick.

"No! ...no" that came out harsher than I'd planned.

"It's okay Marcus really, I've got this" He passed me the medical equipment that had been given to him, I sent him a half smile and walked into the hut.


It took awhile, after cleaning her wounds again and I don't know how many stitches later, I finally did it. Her deepest wounds are now closed and already began showing signs of healing.

I used the rest of the Orga I'd picked earlier to put on her stitched wounds and re-bandaged them with fresh cloths..

I wanted to dress her so she didn't wake up naked and in a strange place but somehow, maybe waking up and finding out a stranger dressed you is more creepy. I decided to leave her be and go eat something. That was a rather long and stressful job.


I returned to the hut that Annabelle was in about an hour later, but something stopped me at the door. I heard voices.

"She won't mind, I'm telling you. It's nothing I haven't seen before. I'm sure she'll be greatful to not wake up naked and in a strange place" A young girl sounded like she was pleading her case when another woman spoke, she sounded more mature.

"Mav... why have you seen her...Naked?!"

Oh so these must be the princesses. To be honest I'm wondering the same thing as Beatrix. Also why am I standing here like a weirdo, listening in on conversations I shouldn't be...

I just wanted to check up on her, make sure she's still healing. I don't know why these royals are so interested in her.

"Is that all you got from that?. It doesn't matter really does it? Just get out, I'm sure she won't want you to see her naked too.." The young girl sighed. I heard footsteps approaching the door way and quickly made it look like I was just passing by.

The last time I saw Bea she was a young girl. Now she has flourished into a beautiful woman.

She was almost flawless but the dark circles around her eyes showed she's been in a rough patch.

I wish I could feel sorry for her... who am I kidding no I don't. I generally don't do emotions which is why this girl was playing on my mind. I just know I need to keep her safe.

Now Mav is in there dressing her. Annabelle seemed so fragile right now, what if Mav rips her stitches or something. I need to go clear my head.

I decided to take another walk to get more Orga too. She's going to need it soon...


The next day...

I didn't sleep much and woke up early to watch Annabelle's hut. Not in a creepy way or anything, you just never know what could happen.

Everyone will be looking for her.

The King knows so all the capturers will be on the hunt.

It was a weird feeling seeing Beatrix and Annabelle leave her hut together. I didn't see Bea go in there so I'm assuming she never left.

As soon as Annabelle stepped outside she stopped and closed her eyes. Her hair flowed in the breeze away from her face.

I watched her take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. I realised everyone had stopped to look at her too. In this moment, though beaten up and bruised, somehow she still had an air of confidence and elegance about her that I can't describe. A whiff of her scent hit my nose. I'm guessing she had bathed or something because she no longer stank of blood and guts, which is a pretty overpowering smell. She smelt of the most enticing fragrance you can imagine.

Am I becoming obsessed? The girl doesn't even know me...

She soon noticed the quiet and looked around quizzically at the onlookers. I watched Bea's face realise the situation, she grabbed Annabelle by her arm whisking her away. I heard Annabelle hiss in pain, not being noticed by Bea who continued to drag her. Then they were out of my sight. I felt a twang of sadness in my chest, it doesn't matter now. She is no longer my problem.

Hey guys, I might have messed up somewhere in the story. I was copy and pasting and may have accidently put a part of the wrong chapter in the wrong chapter. I might not have. I'll reread the whole thing later. I hope you like the story so far :)

Twink_98creators' thoughts