
Chapter 1 Intro

"Annabelle wake up!" Came a loud motherly voice from a large wooden doorway.

Annabelle just managed to open her eyes by the time the head maid had opened the curtains, letting in the scorching beam of light straight into Annabelle's eyes, she winced in pain before throwing the cover over her head in annoyance.

"Oh for heaven's sake do you have to?" Annabelle grumbled from her hiding place.

"If you can't even wake up on time, how are you ever going to fulfil any of your duties?" Asked the maid in a stern voice, Annabelle peaked her head out from the behind the covers. She knew the maid wasn't going to disappear, no matter how much she wished it.

But that doesn't mean she would go happily.

"My duties?... You mean being a baby maker for whoever the 'king and queen' choose to be the future king" she retorted throwing a pillow in the maids direction and rolling back the covers, revealing her white silk pajama set. She asked the question but didn't care for the answer.

Annabelle was the only child of King Peter and Queen Alexandra, much to their dismay, and not through lack of trying. Anna didn't remember much about her younger years, just that she had always felt tired. For as long as she could remember Annabelle had been the apple of her father's eye. He had wanted a son but Annabelle was the closest thing he would ever get.

This showed in his parenting. He had his head guard be her private tutor and by the age of 15, she could no longer convince the other guards to train with her.

Annabelle used every opportunity to escape the confines of the castle, when her father wasn't around. This was pretty often and although she would get a firm beating from her mother.. she thought every second was worth it.

When she slept she dreamed of freedom, but every morning she awoke to the blaring sunlight, to dress fittings and dinner rehearsals planned by the Queen.

Annabelle's mother resented her.

She see Annabelle's existence as her living failure. Everyday the Queen was reminded of the fact that she could not produce a male heir for her king, for her kingdom. She is the epitome of rage.

The only time they ever spoke to each other was when Queen Alexandra was telling Annabelle to "Stop slouching!" Or "Get your head out of the clouds girl!"..Girl... The Queen hardly ever addressed her by name. Only when she was playing the part of being a proper lady around guests did she ever use Annabelle's name. Anna would often receive the queen's backhand if she ever spoke up or aired her opinion. Which became increasingly often as she grew up and more resilient to her mother's cruelty, reluctant to follow the path laid out for her.

Today Annabelle had only one dress fitting to attend, being prodded and poked at her mother's will.

Lately Annabelle had felt even more alone. The time was growing near for her parents to choose her partner.

In 9 months, on Annabelle's 18th birthday the Royal family will host a grand ball to meet all the potential candidates; Princes and Lords from neighbouring and distant lands. At the end of which am the best suitor will be determined.

After the fitting Annabelle was due to attend lunch as requested by the Queen. This was out of the ordinary but Annabelle didn't mind too much. She saw it as an opportunity to ask about her father.

It's been almost two weeks since Annabelle had seen her father, this was very out of character. Anna felt he was a doting father, that loved his daughter. He checked in on her as often as he could, which was usually every couple of days. Sometimes upto a week if he was traveling. He had business to attend and made an effort to connect the kingdoms, she was proud of his accomplishments, the main one being the peace he was creating. Even if she hated the fact he left her alone with her mother.

Annabelle started to worry when she saw the head guard whispering with the Queen in the dining hall."....call for a meeting..." Was the only thing she heard from her mothers mouth. They quickly stopped when they spotted her slowly walking over. They both wore very serious expressions.

Although her mother looked pretty much the same, the head guard Gerald didn't usually look so concerned. He normally met her with a warm smile, after all he had taught her everything she knew about fighting. They had built up a strong bond over the years.

Gerald gave Annabelle a sorrowful look before quickly leaving the room, trying to avoid Annabelle's questioning gaze further.

The Queen looked down at her half eaten scones, jam and cream.

The loud bang of the closing door echoing throughout the room as the guard left, filling the painful silence for a second before leaving the two alone. The Queen looked up at Annabelle who had already sat at her designated seat.

She sat four seats down from her mother on the large wooden table that seated twelve.

"Annabelle, we have much to discuss. I should tell you now before you find out from someone else... it's about your father.... He might be dead" she said as calmly as she had ordered her breakfast.

"What do you mean he might be dead?!" Annabelle asked trying to contain her frustration at how collected her mother could be with news like this. How can she just sit there.

"He left on an expedition a 11 days ago, the trip was supposed to last five days, today we got word that some remains of the ship had been found washed ashore in the fishing town of Fleece. I am going to hold some meetings with the council who will continue to run things in his absence. Meanwhile 'we' continue with preparations for the ball. We must make sure we only tell those who need to know. We wait to see what the council decides." She spoke in a statement like tone. Like she'd just read off a script. Annabelle knows that even though her mother is saying 'we' she really is just talking about herself. Anna is always told to keep quiet, no matter what it is. "Your time is coming.. despite what we are.. one day you will rule this land" The kindest most confusing words to ever come from her mothers mouth.

The King and Queen were so different from one another, arranged marriages can be like that.

They respect each other but there was no love there. Annabelle was shocked to say the least, she had always felt alone but never felt this lost. What on earth was she going to do?.


The first chapter is a quick introduction to Anna's life. It makes up a tiny percentage of the story so please don't let your opinion be based on this chapter alone.

If you just don't like the way I write then fair enough (insert laughing face).