
The Snake Appearance

3rd POV

New York

In a bedroom of a hotel, a young girl could be seen sitting at the edge of the bed while calmly playing a game on her smartphone. The girl could be described as charming, she was 5'4 ft tall, above average for a girl at the age of 15. She has black hair with a few strands of hair being light brown as natural highlights. She has beautiful sea-green eyes and high cheekbones. She's wearing long black jeans, a dark green short-sleeve shirt, and white puma shoes.

Suddenly the door to the bathrooms opens and a young woman in her early thirties walks out of it, the beautiful woman is dressed in long black jeans, a white blouse, and black lace-up flat sandals. She has long light brown hair and grey eyes with soft tan skin.

" Elena, what have I told you about using your phone." the older woman questioned as she walks toward the younger female and quickly takes the phone away before she turned it off.

" To only use it to call in emergencies or for important things, but come on mom! we've been in here for hours now, can you blame me for being bored?" the now known Elena complains to her mother.

" There is a reason why we are here Elena, I have already told you this." The mother of Elena exasperated said while taking a seat beside her daughter. Elena couldn't help but frown at her mother's words and couldn't help but share her thoughts.

" Well, maybe I wouldn't be like this if you would tell me why we are in here in the first place. Since we left home you have been avoiding all my questions regarding coming in here."

Nataly, Elena's mother couldn't help but sigh at her daughter's words, because she knew that it was the truth.

'I guess now is the best time to tell her, after all, there's only one hour left before he gets here.' Nataly thinks after checking the time on her wristwatch.

" Very well then, the reason why we are here has to do with your father," Nataly says while studying Elena's reaction.

" What does he have to do with this?" Elena couldn't help but ask, the only thing that she knew about her father was about how he died in a car accident before she was born and how he was a great man who loved her mother deeply.

" Your father is not dead, he is indeed pretty much alive." at hearing those words, Elena was shocked and confused, why would her mother tell her that he was dead when he wasn't and why he hasn't been there with them all these years if he was alive. But before she could say anything her mother didn't give her the chance.

" I know what your thinking but let me explain. Yes your father is alive, and he loves you very much but the reason why he hasn't been with us all these years is because of who he is. Tell me do you remember all those stories I used to tell you about the greek gods and their stories?" Nataly Patiently starts to explain before questioning Elena and after receiving a hesitating nod in confirmation she decided to tell her the truth.

" They are real, all of them, every story I told you and stories about the greek mythology that you may have heard is true or has some truth in it. I know it's hard to believe but I'm telling you the truth.

I'm telling you this because your father is one of the Olympian gods and because you are his daughter, you are a demigod."

Elena didn't know what to do or think at this point, she has always wondered about her father and what type of person he was before he died, was he happy when he found out about mom being pregnant with her? But being told that he's alive and a god, no one can be prepared for that. Slowly but surely her confusion starts to fade away and anger starts to take its place.

"Then why he left us, did he even loves us at all? if he's a god then nothing could have stopped him to be with us..." Elena couldn't help but snarl those words out, believing her anger at her father was justified for leaving them alone but before she could say anything her mother interrupted her.

" I understand you are angry but there is a reason why he's not with us. When I said that most legends if not everything of Greek mythology is real, I meant it. Every monster or creature that you have heard such as medusa, the minotaur, hellhounds, and harpies are all real, and they hunt and kill demigods such as you, every demigod has a smell that attracts them and the more they know about their nature as a demigod and the supernatural the stronger the smell becomes.

And if not that then there is the ancient laws, one of those laws forbid the gods to directly meddle with mortals lives, and that is why he ain't here with us." Nataly finished explaining to her daughter. Silence fills the room as Elena thinks over what her mother just revealed as her shock starts to slowly fade away.

After reflecting on the words of her mother, Elena focuses back on her mother.

" Alright, but that doesn't explain why we're here for." Elena grudgingly said trying to steer the conversation away from her father and find out why they were there in the first place.

Nataly at hearing her daughter she starts to explain how there are many more demigods from the other gods and how there is a place there in New York on the eastern part of the island in Montauk where demigods when old enough are sent so that they could learn in how to control their powers and to learn how to fight against the monsters so that they can defend their selves. That someone would arrive to pick her up and escort her to the camp shortly.

After thinking about what would await her in the camp, Elena couldn't help but wonder about her father even though she still holds some anger toward him, she couldn't deny the fact that she wishes to know who is he.

" Mom, who is my father? early you mentioned how he's one of the Olympian gods but there are eight gods in the council, so which is he?" Asked Elena.

At hearing her daughter's question, Nataly was prepared as she was waiting for Elena to ask that, she looks deep into her daughter's eyes, in them, she could read things such as anxiety and curiosity.

" Your father is Poseidon, The Olympian god of the seas and Earthquakes, creator and father of horses and king of Atlantis."

Elena at hearing her mother's words starts thinking about this revelation, this might explain why she always loved going to the beaches and why she always felt at peace when swimming. So lost in thought she was that didn't notice when the door to their room opened and a man walked in, only when her mother gets up to speak with him did she realize they weren't alone anymore.

Nataly seeing the man in front of her couldn't help but bow a little in his presence, she was conflicted as this means that she will be separated from her daughter but she reminds herself that this was for her daughter's safety.

" It is an honor to meet you, Lord Hermes," Nataly says while unconsciously moving beside Elena. Elena at hearing the name of the god of messengers couldn't help but widen her eyes and instantly examine his appearance.

The man in front of her was tall, fairly handsome, and at least 6 feet high, with slightly tanned skin. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, he wasn't buff but he was muscled, not as a swimmer but more like a runner which she shouldn't be surprised taking into account what was his domains.

The mentioned god at hearing the woman's words he nodded and smiled slightly when she unconsciously moved beside her daughter, it always fascinated him how powerful and beautiful the love of a mother has for their children, even more so if they are willing to protect them, even from a deity like himself.

Moving his eyes he observes the young child known as Elena Salvatore. After a couple of seconds he decides that there was no doubt in her being a daughter of his uncle Poseidon, she has the same eyes as him and he could see some semblance in her facial structure that reminds him of the old sea god.

" Good afternoon, it is a pleasure to finally meet the mortal that my uncle had a child with, even more so, to meet the said child that is now my cousin." at the end of these words, Elena was offered a hand to shake as a greeting.

Surprised Elena shyly shakes his hand before immediately after letting go. Before she could say anything she was turned around and met with the worried eyes of her mother.

" My little pearl, Lord Hermes is here to pick you up and bring you to the camp of demigods that i have mentioned early, I, unfortunately, can't go with you as no simple mortals are allowed inside of it. You can call me when you are in the camp and can come back to our home at the end of summer, but i would prefer if you stayed there until you are powerful enough to defend yourself. Remember, I will always love you no matter what and always be there when you need me, and while I understand your anger at your father, please do not hate him, he loves you very much and has always watched you even if he couldn't be with us physically.

All I ask from you is to try to understand his situation and if possible forgive him, can you do that for me, Elena?."

Conflicted over this matter, Elena reluctantly nods her head in acceptance and tightly hugs her mother knowing that it would be a while before she can see her again.

Walking up to the waiting god, the blond man puts a hand on her shoulder, Hermes told her to close her eyes, and the moment she does, golden light surrounds her before both demigod and god disappeared.

Hours later in Camp half-blood.

Elena was sitting alone in her father's cabin, the moment she arrived with Hermes, she was surrounded by the rest of the demigods and a centaur that later she learned was Chiron, the trainer of heroes.

After being officially claimed by her father, something that she was still trying to process about the green trident symbol that appeared just above her head, she was shown around the camp and learned what she will learn and do for the next coming months.

Looking at the clock on the wall she knew that dinner will start in a little bit, so sighing she got up and walked to the dining pavilion. After offering food to her father and having sat at her table, she eats by herself, the food was good, it would have been better if she didn't have to deal with all the murmurs and looks from the other demigods eating at the respective tables of their respective parents.

Suddenly Chiron gets up from his seat and calmly walks toward the fireplace before taking a seat beside it, as if a signal, everybody got up and went to take a sit around the fireplace and the centaur. Elena confused could only imitate the others.

She later learned after asking one of the demigods besides her that this was an unofficial tradition of theirs, where Chiron would tell stories about one of the ancient heroes of ancient Greece, a legend or story about one of the Olympians, or about a powerful demigod that fought during the last titan war.

As time goes by, Elena couldn't help but think about all the demigods that Chiron has mentioned that have fought in the last war against the Titans. She couldn't even imagine how was to be in their shoes at that time, fighting a war against such monsters and deities as the Greek Titans.

She couldn't also but think about the name of Percy Jackson, a name that she has learned about early from Chiron and the surrounding demigods. She didn't know how to feel about this boy who was supposed to be an older half-brother to her from her father's side. She knew that she would have liked to know him personally, she always thought of having a sibling but her mother so far wasn't interested in finding someone else to be with.

She was pulled out from her thoughts by the voice of Chiron as he finishes retailing about a child of Apollo who bravely gave his life to fight against a horde of monsters to protect a group of injured demigods until reinforcements arrived.

" And that is the end of the story of Petro Gonzales, and while thanks to him many demigods survived that encounter he died in a brave but tragic end." at this Elena saw that some of the demigods presents started to bow their heads in what she assumes to be in respect. Suddenly she realizes this is her chance to ask Chiron what has been in her mind. Raising her hand, she caught the attention of Chiron.

" Yes, Elena? is there a question that you might want to ask?." Elena could feel all the eyes of the other demigods on her, she decided to ignore them and ask the centaur what has been in her mind during the start of his tales.

" Yes, I wish to ask what has happened to Percy Jackson? you have mentioned him a lot and I know it is thanks to him that the war has been won by defeating Kronos, but what happened to him? you haven't mentioned if he died somehow and he's not here in the camp. So where is he then?." Elena finished asking her question and the demigods were silent as the more young and recent Demigods who have arrived at the camp before Elena also waited for the centaur to answer the question.

On the other hand, the older demigods and those that have fought in the war, those that knew the fate of the great demigod son of Poseidon just waited to see if Chiron will reveal to the younger generation the truth.

Said centaur was having a struggle within him. While Not forbidden to speak about his ascension to godhood and the throne of Olympus, It has been unofficially decided by him and the veteran's demigods of the war to not speak of it out of respect and honor. This is the first time that someone has decided to ask about the supposed Hero of the war.

Chiron couldn't help but find it ironic the fact that it was Elena, the half-sister of Perseus to have asked about his whereabouts. Taking notice of the younger demigods or those that have come to the camp not long after the great war, it is obvious that they also wish to know about the whereabouts of Perseus.

Looking back at Elena, he slowly lean back in his seat as he wonder the best way to answer such a question, it also didn't make it easier the fact that he felt that he and all those present were being watched and their conversation overheard, he wouldn't be surprised if it is the entire council that is listening in.

" Well, I guess it is time for me to reveal what happened after the war ended." At this Elena and all the demigods gave all their focus to the centaur, more so Elena as she wishes to know what happened to her half-brother.

" Tell me, children, you all know who is the king of Olympus correct?" Chiron rhetorically asked, more to Elena as she was the target of his stare. Elena couldn't but nod in his direction. She knew about Perseus, The god of the sky, thunder, lightning, winds, and storms. he and Hades are her uncles from what she understands due to how she was a daughter of the sea. How he alone freed his older siblings from their father's stomach prison and later how he led the great war against the titans.

" That is good but what you need to know is that he wasn't always a god, there was a time where he was a mortal, more specifically a demigod." the revelation shocked those that didn't know about it, questions were at the forefront of the demigod's minds. Seeing their reaction, Chiron continued.

" Forget everything that you know about Lord Perseus, before him the king of Olympus was Zeus, the original god of the sky, thunder, and lightning, everything that you know is partially true, with the only difference that it was Zeus the one who freed his siblings and later start the great war, even though the gods won, Zeus himself received a powerful wound from Kronos, enough that overtime Zeus started to fade, slowly but surely.

At the end of the last war against the titans, Zeus was weakened, his wound at the hand of Kronos has caught up with him and he was fading. Kowing this he had to appoint someone to succeed him as king of Olympus. But there lay the problem, none of his children that form part of the Olympian council gods were powerful enough to do that or were ready for such responsibility and both his brothers, lord Hades and lord Poseidon were also out of the question as both are rulers of their respective kingdom in their domains.

Desperate times require desperate actions, and so Zeus called for his nephew, the hero of the last war against the titans, the son of his brother Poseidon, Percy Jackson." At this, some of the demigods had an idea of what comes afterward, one of them was Elena. Listening to the tale, she figured out that Zeus must have decided to make her brother the new King. Her suspicion was confirmed as Chiron continued to tell them as Percy was taken to the throne room in Olympus and soon after the council agreed with Zeus's decision, he became the new God of the sky, thunder, winds, and lightning with the added domain of storms given from the fates.

Since then, Chiron tells them about the changes made by Perseus, and how for once the Olympian gods and minor gods are united, and how many improvements have been made.

" And thus, Percy Jackson the demigod was no more, in his place, Perseus, king of Olympus and one of the big three was born. I hope that now you are satisfied in knowing this. I believe that it is late, and tomorrow you all have training. Come now, everybody to their cabins." Ordered Chiron as he finishes revealing the ascension of Perseus, as he watches the demigods retreat to their cabins, he thinks to himself as he sees Elena.

' Elena Salvatore, daughter of the sea, just like your brother, you have a difficult future ahead of you, all the gods, including your brother, are watching you. Let us hope that you are going to be determined enough to survive the incoming tides.' At this thought, Chiron turns around as he slowly gallops back to his big house.

On the other hand, on Olympus, an important meeting isn't going as planned.

Olympus- throne room.

3rd pov

Chaos was running freely in the council room as the council looks as Poseidon and Ares are arguing against each other, Ares arguing that Elena should be killed due to how much godly energy she obliviously has and that she's a danger they couldn't let wander freely.

Surprisingly Athena partially agreed with the bloodthirsty war god, saying that Elena was dangerous as her demigod's powers will grow powerful, even for a demigod of the big three. The only demigod who had so much godly energy in their body has been Perseus himself back when he was still a mortal when he first reached the camp.

Poseidon on the other hand was ready to run Ares through his trident, He was furious that the hound was even brave to suggest killing his daughter in his presence. He was even more furious at the fact that Athena even agreed with the bloody hound, no matter if it was partially or not.

" You fucking dare! keep pushing it Ares and I will run you through with my trident, not only that but I will make sure to make you suffer at the depths of the seas." The god of the seas threatened as he firmly grips his weapon.

" Blah! shut it you fish shit!, you are too blinded to see that if left unchecked that brat of yours is gonna be one of the reasons why we will end up dead!" Ares shouted as he angrily stands up from his throne while summoning his symbol of power, doom.

The rest of the gods just watched the argument, but as the two gods got ready to fight each other they start to worry, as they prepare themselves as the fight is about to break out, thunder suddenly flashes through the sky, and the smell of ozone is palatable as Perseus eyes blazes in pure lightning as he gains the attention of everyone as he slowly stands up from his throne while sparks of lightning run through his hands and forearms.

" Enough..." only one word, whispered with the power of a dozen thunders behind it as he glares toward both his father and the war god. Poseidon slightly relaxes as he doesn't wish to provoke his son's fury.

Ares, on the other hand, keeps glaring at Poseidon but even he understood the severity and the danger that would befall him if he angers Perseus, so with great reluctance he sits down back on his throne but doom still firmly gripped in his right hand.

Seeing that both gods back down, Perseus also sits down on his throne once again, only silence remains in the throne room as they waited for Perseus to say something about the matter that caused the argument in the first place. Perseus, after finishing calming himself after slowly breathing in and out and with his left hand firmly grasped by Hera in a show of support, decides to let the others know what will happen, whether they like it or not.

" Finally my younger sister has arrived in camp half-blood. The fact that she possess the same amount of godly energy in her body when I was her age, while surprising and requires some investigation, could also work to our advantage." Perseus quickly looks both at Ares and Athena with a warning look.

" Nothing will happen to Elena, it is obvious that she's part of the prophecy, and it will be wise for her to live and train in her powers so that she has a better understanding and control of them. What she needs are love and friendship, she will find those things in the camp where she can socialize with other demigods, the last thing she needs is hate and senseless suspicion."

At this, Ares was willing to argue against Perseus but one look and he felt like he was facing the worst storm that he has seen in his immortal life, feeling so weak and tiny in comparison to this monster of a storm, a storm so powerful and overwhelming like the ocean, the thunders had the strength to pulverize and leave nothing but ashes out of entire countries and crack the earth, Ares hates this feeling, the feeling of weakness, the feeling of facing someone who was much more powerful than he.

All it took was one blink and Ares was back in the throne room, with Perseus staring at him, as if daring him to contradict his words, Ares reluctantly advert his eyes and gives up.

As Ares surrendered, Perseus nodded. Just as he turns away from the war god, he notices Artemis wishing to speak and with a nod of his head in her direction, the moon goddess spoke for the first time since the start of this meeting.

" I wish to have Elena as one of my hunters, with me and the rest of my hunters she will grow into a powerful and skilled warrior, not to mention that it will be safer with us."

" Absolutely no!, I refuse to have my daughter into your group of hypocritical women, she will be much safer at camp half-blood, I'm not willing to have my child brainwashed by you." At this Poseidon stand's up from his throne and angrily opposes Artemis's request.

Hearing Poseidon's words, Artemis couldn't help the twitch in one of her eyebrows as she starts to glare at the elder sea god.

" You dare to disrespect my hunters' uncle?! I dare you to repeat that to my fac-" Artemis was interrupted by Persues who angered, slams his right fist on the armrest of his throne, the result ended in a loud explosive sound as he beforehand formed a small and armless thunder in his fist to replicate the explosive roar of thunder before striking it down on the mentioned armrest.

" QUITE!...father seat back on your throne. And you Artemis, I will deny your request, I agree with my father on the matter that she will be safer at camp half-blood. She needs to be surrounded by reliable friends, both females, and males. Whatever you like it or not, most often than not your hunters can be unjustly violent prejudiced against males, even if they are innocent.

Besides, I will need your hunters to scout and eliminate as many monsters who have fled the underworld as possible and see what you can find about the activities of the monsters below the underworld." Artemis at hearing Perseus's words couldn't help but be disappointed and slightly irritated but she let it go. If this was his decision so be it then.

Seeing that the goddess silently accepted his words, Perseus looks at the others and after telling them to let his sister alone, they will meet again in five days when they will be calmer to discuss the plans of war.

As the gods left the throne room one by one until only Perseus and Hera are left, Perseus heavily breaths out as he leans back on his throne, Hera seeing her lover stress decides to slowly and lovely run her fingers through his black hair, not long after Perseus softly sighs as he's enjoying the soft caress of Hera.

" Those thick-headed fools, and I'm supposed to deal with it for the next eternity?" Perseus sarcastically grumbles to himself. Hera slightly smiles at hearing Perseus's sarcastic words.

" Well, they can be irksome, but so can we, my love. " At Hera's words, Percy couldn't but grunt in agreement. As the couple stood there in their thrones simply enjoying each other's company and touch, Perseus's mind wandered to his younger sister, he didn't fully expect her to ask for him but it was a welcomed surprise.

"What is in your mind, my dear?" At Hera's question, Perseus turns to look at her, and he couldn't help but give her a loving smile.

" Just me and you, alone and just enjoying each other's company." Hera scoffed but couldn't hide the smile on her lips, she kissed Perseus on the cheek.

" Aren't you such a romantic?" At this Perseus couldn't help but smirk and as he was about to reply he was interrupted by someone praying to him, it took him a second to realize that it came from his sister.

' Brother, I don't know if you can hear me, and while I'm not sure how to properly address you, I hope that we will soon see each other as I wish to meet you, I hope that you're watching over me from the heavens. '

Hera noticing Perseus's surprised look and soon after the soft smile on his face became curious. " Is something wrong?"

" Nothing bad in itself, A prayer sent to me by Elena." At this Hera understood and she softly smile towards him.

The rulers of Olympus soon left the throne room and back to their home.


A male figure covered by a dark cloak was slowly walking toward a cave, the figure was tall, slim but muscled, the only visible part of him was his pale skin color. As the man goes deeper and deeper in the cave, the stranger has to admit that the magical seals and traps were indeed nothing to sneeze at as they were powerful and cunning, but nothing impossible for him.

Soon the figure reached a door, or more like a giant gate, sealed by many enchanted chains, seals that would curse whoever dares to open the gate, alarm seals, and many more.

" Well, well, not bad at all. I'm impressed, this will take time even for me... but it will be worth it, just wait for me my friend, don't you go anywhere." The man's voice was filled with a piece of respect for the creator of the seals and humor and mockery at the end of his statement.

On the other side of the sealed gate meanwhile, a cell could be seen, it was more like the end of the cave but it was filled at the brim with a dozen of seals such as suppression seals, anti-magic, and many more.

Chained to the wall of the cave though was a giant of a man. the man was 65 feet tall, the man was muscular, and has a golden beard, fiercely glowing skin, golden eyes like miniature suns with a blinding light. He was wearing the remains of a beaten and broken golden armor. This deity was Hyperion himself, the titan of the east and the third strongest titan after Atlas and Kronos himself.

Both his arms were chained to the wall by enchanted shackles, his biceps were also pinned to the wall by two 10 feet long Stygian iron spikes, one on each bicep, and both were enchanted to make the victim suffer, he has two more stabbing him through his legs and ankles, effectively pinning him to the floor and leaving him on his knees, making mentioned titan suffer as his weight was supported by his upper half and putting more stress in his already injured arms.

Suffering alone in his miserable cell, Hyperion was wishing nothing but revenge for those damned gods and the mortal that put him in this hell of a hole. He still couldn't believe his and Kronos's defeat.

As the titan was brooding in his cell he suddenly felt a very faint presence, so faint that he would have missed if not for his thousands of years of life, he realizes that the presence was on the other side of his cell's doors. He felt like an hour has passed since he discovered the presence and soon after the doors were blasted open as they slammed against the walls.

Hyperion beheld as a man walks into his cell, the man was not a titan nor a monster, Hyperion could feel that the man was a god, but his divine energy felt weird, it is nothing like any of the greeks gods.

" And who are you godling? Do you know who I'm?" Hyperion growled as he's furious at being in a vulnerable position. From the little that Hyperion could see, he notice the telltale sign of a smirk on the man's face.

Just as Hyperion was about to curse the stranger, the stranger walked forward as he slowly approaches the titan.

" How low have you fallen from grace, Lord Hyperion, Titan of the east." the stranger's voice was filled with mockery. " But I'm here because I can free you and some of the other titans." The stranger words stopped Hyperion from expressing his fury at the man's mockery.

" And why would you do that? what do you gain out of this and most importantly, what stops me from killing you after you release me." Hyperion growled with anger as he watches the stranger with suspicion and confusion, he didn't know this god and didn't like how weird his divinity feels. The only answer the titan got was laughter, as Hyperion waits for the stranger to speak, he notices one thing underneath the man's hood, a pair of green eyes, a poisonous green full of mirth, mockery, and mischief.

"I highly doubt you will be able to kill me, especially in your weakened estate, besides I'm not an enemy. As for what I gain out of this? it's pretty simple, chaos, my friend. simply just chaos, it doesn't hurt that it will also help me in the long run. When I free you, go to the broken fang mountain to the west, you will find some of the others titans, you will also learn what will happen." with his declaration done, the stranger walks up to Hyperion before summoning a dark dagger, green light flows through the dagger before the strange swiftly cut through the chains and spikes.

But the moment he did that, Hyperion tried to grab the stranger within his hand but the stranger was nowhere to be found.

" What the hell...no matter, I will find him one day but for now, as much as I hate it i don't have any other choice but to follow his directions," Hyperion growled with anger as he slowly diminishes his height until he stood at a height of 15 ft tall. Hyperion Limped his way out of his cell and to the destination of the broken fang mountain.

What Hyperion failed to realize is the green snake that was watching him from one of the corners of the enormous cell.

' Soon, chaos will be spread, and with this, I will soon have my opportunity' Thought the stranger as he transforms back to his normal self.

With his goal completed, the stranger disappears as he went back from where he came from.


Someone in the reviews wrote that I should make a crossover with marvel/avengers, I have already thought of that, and I have actually already started it in this chapter, congratulations to those that have realized what and who I'm speaking about. But I can't really call it a crossover which is why I haven't tagged the story as one. In this story, only a few characters of a particular faction from the marvel/avengers universe are going to appear. My plan is to actually maybe write a sequel when I'm done with this story where Percy will get involved with the Avengers, mostly due to his involvement with a particular "villainess".

little Hint, the villainess has some common things with Hades. :)

I hope this chapter has been found enjoyable for those that have been waiting for me to update it. I'm open to hearing your opinions in the review section and constructive criticism as it will improve my writing for this story.

Well, here’s the chapter i have promised yesterday, and again I don’t know when the story will be updated again, hopefully soon. I will post next chapter in here when the author decides to update it.

Nocturnal_50creators' thoughts