His father constantly told Draco Malfoy not to touch an unknown artifact with his bare hands. And Draco has learned this rule perfectly... Yes, but who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad. Definitely not Draco Malfoy!
- Draco Malfoy! - There was an imperious and strong, but not very loud, voice from somewhere behind me, making me shudder. - Would you care to explain what you are doing outside your native hotel at such a late hour? Severus Snape asked me, promising me all the punishments of heaven in one voice.
I sighed softly, turning around and mentally cursing myself in every way. Having been too exhausted for this evening and part of the night, I somehow did not think that without the badge of the headman on my mantle, I should not wander around the night castle without any disguise. I forgot about the disguise, I didn't even throw a simple distraction spell on myself. But under a full set of masking charms, even the director could not have noticed me, despite the fact that I am now on his territory. Still, I-Tom was well versed in concealing and protective charms… A difficult childhood under the whistle of German bombs affected.
- I'm going back to the living room. - I simply replied, realizing that my godfather would not punish me too much. He was in the wrong mood for that, and I haven't broken anything serious yet. Perhaps he will let me go in peace at all, in honor of exemplary behavior throughout September. The first month of my studies I tried not to shine, and I succeeded. For the whole of September, I didn't lose a single point, but I earned plenty of those.
Still, I have earned a reputation not only for students. For the next six years, it was the teachers who could become the strongest allies and the worst enemies for me, and therefore it was necessary to have an even relationship with them. I even tried not to screw up at Makkoshka's lessons, despite the constant failures in non-stick transfiguration. Well, what else can I do ... too often transfiguration was our first couple, just at a time when my problem was particularly acute.
- Let's say I believe you. - The man nodded, agreeing that a walk through the night castle is not the worst crime. - But tell me, please, why did you need a contraceptive potion at such an early age? The man asked me deliberately gently, starting to move towards the living room. I followed him, carefully considering my own answer. A lot depended on my words right now.
- To eliminate possible problems in the future. - I answered as vaguely as possible, hoping that my uncle would not be interested in exactly how his potion could save me from problems. I wanted to tell him about the recent "date" too much. Still, sex at my age is not the norm, and everything abnormal has always infuriated people. I'm telling you this as a magician who grew up among Muggles.
- I hope so. - The dean drawled sarcastically, ending the conversation. Apparently, he came up with something on his own or just took his word for it. And the last option is quite possible, Snape is a good mentalist, he will be cooler than me, he is able to distinguish lies from the truth exactly. In general, yes, the man just decided not to meddle in my affairs, making sure that I took the potion for business.
He's a good guy, and he has a good approach to education, and that's what he brought up the last Draco… I even had the idea to ask him for another potion right now. But in the end, I rejected this idea, realizing that the man is already restraining himself from unnecessary questions. In the case of my request, he could have asked why I needed all this, and I, being in the role of a petitioner, simply could not help but answer.
You can say that I was lucky. Snape really didn't bother to get to me much, dropping me into his room, which I was incredibly glad about. There was almost no strength left in my body, I wanted to sleep incredibly, and I felt a little queasy. I don't need any extra interrogations right now. After a good sex, the only thing I wanted was to sleep.
Which I was going to do with pleasure, tumbling into my room and immediately falling on the bed. Fortunately, it was not necessary to straighten that. The Hogwarts house elves did not make the students' beds, leaving this responsibility to the students themselves. Well, as a person who is too lazy in everyday matters, I simply did not fill that one, only shifting the blanket to the side.
In general, yes, I settled down in bed almost instantly, taking off my clothes and storing them with magic in my suitcase. Such familiar and natural actions were performed by me almost automatically. Just like cleaning a stick under a pillow. It was still strong enough not to worry about breaking it, and I wasn't even going to get rid of Tom's old habits. He also constantly carried a wand with him, fearing to be unarmed during the next bombing....
- What!? - It burst out of me, as soon as my head touched the pillow, and my consciousness floated. In general, at that moment I was almost asleep, but a sharp change in such a familiar connection with the diary, which has become quite stable in recent years, knocked all the drowsiness and relaxation out of me. I jumped out of bed abruptly, gathering my thoughts into a pile and taking my emotions under control. I'm going to need every drop of my mental strength right now…
What exactly happened? My diary ended up in the hands of Albus, his mother, Dumbledore. I don't know what attracted my diary to the old manipulator, but my safe and quiet life abruptly ceased to be such. Still, my connection with the diary is quite possible to detect, especially if you know what to look for. And what can this old man think, who clearly understood what exactly my little book used to be…
I broke the connection with the diary even faster than the last thought had time to form. I already walked around the edge, feeling the difference in the artifact only thanks to one remarkable rune, right under the spine of the book. If it wasn't for her, I would never have known that my diary had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and not to rest at the bottom of the suitcase of a harmless Weasley… A really dangerous surprise before going to bed…
After such stress at night looking, I somehow abruptly lost all the mood to sleep, and the adrenaline raging in my blood gave me strength and energy for productive work… Yeah, with such a surge of energy, I definitely won't fall asleep now. Too abruptly, my body, magic and mind went into forced mode. Without additional stimulation of the load, those can no longer calm down.
Fortunately, I knew just fine how to deal with insomnia. Daily classes in wandless magic made it clear that after these very classes it is better to sleep properly, and it is better to die so as never to experience such filthy fatigue again. It's like the whole brain has been sucked out of my head, honestly, I don't even have thoughts. To feel completely stupid and painfully simple... depressing. But I still did not give up training, developing a "mental and magical muscle".
Actually, it was the wandless magic that I took up, deciding to abruptly get rid of excess strength and, finally, fall into a self-forgetful sleep. I didn't want to go to class tomorrow in a state of a vegetable, but my diary had to be dealt with not here and not now. With our director in general, you need to be extremely careful, and here he can also pay special attention to you…