
The new family is so nice

My stepmom is a charismatic actress. My older sister is a golf goddess. Her younger sister is a popular idol. A new family that is too much for me. But are you so good only to me?

Arnnok · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Episode 8.sister came in

On that day, the smile looked bad.

He didn't talk much and his expression was bad.

And for some reason, he was staring at me quietly.

Then, when I make eye contact, I blatantly avert my gaze.


Did something bad happen outside?

He didn't even smile when he ate dinner.

The dining atmosphere was not so good either.

Both mom and smile are busy people.

It's not often that we get a chance to eat together like this.

Even if something upsets you, it would be nice if you could bear with it.

Miso was chewing rice with a dissatisfied expression from beginning to end.

"Did you two fight?"

My mother, who found the attitude of such a smile strange, asked.


I shook my head.

Because I've never had a fight with a smile.

But the smile didn't seem to think so.


Miso left the spoon and went back to her room.

Originally, I only eat as much as sparrow tears, but today I barely touched it.

It's like you really fought me.

My mother, who was watching from the side, seemed to think so too.

"Oh my goodness. Did you really fight?"

"Fought… It's not."

It wasn't that there was nothing to point out.

It was because I had recently been keeping my distance from Miso because of my sister's order.

In particular, before going to this competition, my sister went out with a trustworthy request.

I'll make sure I keep my promise while my sister is gone.

Thanks to that, I no longer had to talk to Miso first.

Even when Miso started talking to him, he answered almost in a short answer.

When I tried to touch you, I made an excuse and ran away.

As a smile, you must have thought that I had become cold for no reason.

Maybe that's why he's angry and ignoring me on the contrary.

"Whoops. I don't know what's going on, but please give me some concessions. I rarely have time to relax, so when I get home I pamper myself more."

My mother's words stuck in my heart.

A smile is an idol.

Idols always have to smile, even if there are things they don't like.

You should always pay attention to every little action.

Because people are always watching.

The only time I can rest is when I get home.

But even after I came home, I neglected him, so the stress might have built up.

Even if my sister made me do it, I was the same bad.

"huh… … Let me talk."

Mom looked at me like that and smiled kindly.

* * *

After eating, I sat on the sofa and watched TV.

It was to see the highlights of the contest where my sister appeared.

These days, you can easily watch it on a PC or smartphone, but the feeling is different from watching it on a TV with a large screen.

Even when I watched dramas starring my mother or programs with smiles, I was always the type to watch them on TV.

… A smile has been hovering around me since earlier.

Miso continued to feel bad after eating.

I didn't lock myself in my room, but I walked around the living room with a troubled face.

In addition, he was glaring at me from time to time, so I couldn't help but pay attention.

"Oh, is it a smile?"

I was hesitant, but I tried to speak first.

"… … what?"

Then, the smile glared at me with scary eyes that did not match the name.

"… No, nothing."


For some reason I ran out of things to say, so I evaded the story.

Smile goes into the room with a thump as if she is more angry... … After that, I went back to the living room.

Then I sat down on the corner of the sofa where I was sitting.

"… … ."

"… … ."

… … Silence hurts.

Only the sound from the TV echoed through the living room.

Is it right for me to speak first?

I thought so, but the words didn't come out easily.

Maybe it's because I haven't had a smile and conversation for a few days.

I had an appointment with my sister, but even if it wasn't, I felt awkward talking about it.

While I couldn't do this or that, a smile rose from the seat.

Are you tired of going back to your room?

I secretly let out a sigh of relief, saying that I could barely rest.

But instead of going back to the room, the smile came towards me.

And this time he landed on my lap, not on the couch.

"mi… ?!"

A soft touch on the thighs.

A soft weight resting on my chest.

Shiny hair and the scent of shampoo that obscured my vision.

Still, the smile didn't say a word.

His eyes were fixed on the front, and he didn't even look in my direction.

What is the alternative smile?

Embarrassed, I stood still for a moment.

If the mother sees this situation, she may misunderstand.

Thinking so, I decided to get out of this place somehow.

"Ah, is it already this time? I should take a bath before it's too late."

I don't think I'll ever become an actor like my mother.

After a very obvious self-talk, I put my hand under my armpit and lifted my smile slightly.

Smile twisted her body as if it tickled.

In the meantime, he stubbornly did not raise his voice.

I smiled lightly from my knees and ran into the bathroom as if I were running away.

It seemed as if the eyes of a smile were stuck in the back of my head.

* * *

"Whew… … ."

I evacuated to the bathroom and filled the large bathtub with water.

I usually end up in the shower, but today I wanted to get into hot water and take a rest.

If you leave early, you'll run into Smile again.

It's not that I don't like smiling.

But I hated being in such an uncomfortable relationship.

Like my sister said, maybe we were too close.

Even if they take it for granted, it must have been strange to those around them.

So, my sister would have said the same thing.

It would be nice if we could just naturally distance ourselves like this, and have a face-to-face relationship like normal siblings.

But the smile is foolish.

And the problem was that I was the only one in the family who would accept that foolishness.

Would it have been different if stepdad had stayed at home without divorce?

I can never say that he was a good person to me, but my sister and Miso might have needed a father.

"ha… … ."

After taking a shower, soak in the bathtub.

It was as if the accumulated fatigue in her body was melting in the hot water.

Is it because there are a lot of things to be nervous about these days?

I felt like I was getting tired easily.

Maybe it's okay now that I'm young, but maybe I'd better work out a little harder like my older sister.

So when I was lying in the bathtub and resting comfortably.

I could see the shadow of a person in the dressing room connected to the bathroom.

It's strange. You must have locked the door and entered.

Hasn't this happened before?

"There are people."

Maybe you didn't sleep properly.

So he must have entered by mistake thinking that no one was there.

I thought so and spoke out, but the shadow did not come out.

There was also a rustle, a sound that seemed to be undressing.


By the time I thought it was strange, it was already too late.

The shadow burst open the bathroom door and came in.


I screamed in surprise.

But he didn't care and strode into the bathroom.

It was a smile.

Even though I let you know I was there.

Miso came into the bathroom with all her clothes off.

"Mimi… … ."

Even when he saw me in shock, he didn't care to smile.

I went into the shower as if I didn't see my existence.

Shaaa... … .

And Miso started washing herself in the dripping water.

Smile is no longer a child. I am already 20 years old.

It's not like you don't know the common sense that you shouldn't show your bare body in front of other people.

Even though I am an older brother, I am also a man.

There was no way I couldn't stop thinking about the grown-up girl's body.

An elongated and elastic body.

A well-groomed face and large breasts inherited from her mother.

With her own hard work combined with that, Miso developed an ideal body as an idol.

A smiling body that many people follow.

I didn't dare to dirty it with my own eyes.

I immediately turned my eyes to the wall.

Then he started memorizing a false Buddhist sutra.

Banyabaramil, Banyabaramil.

I didn't see anything I didn't see anything

If I wash all my smiles, I will go out.

They protest because I keep ignoring them.

Although the intensity of the protest was a bit severe, it was my first mistake.

Apologize honestly when you go out.

Should I leave out the story about my sister?

You have to come up with an excuse somehow.

So I closed my eyes and waited for the smile to go out.


Finally, the sound of the shower locking was heard.

The sound of dripping water stopped.

I will stop now

I secretly let out a sigh of relief.

… … Come to think of it, it seems like something like this happened before?

I hear the sound of footsteps stepping on the water.

But instead of moving away, the footsteps were getting closer.

ah, please

probably not

It's a smile, isn't it?

quit now It's my fault. So please.

I prayed earnestly, but the sky was indifferent.


I heard someone entering the bathtub.

"It's lukewarm."

And right in front of you heard the disgruntled voice of a smile.

Open your eyes and check.

Miso was bending over and turning on the hot water.

with his butt turned towards me.

The white buttocks and the vertical slit beneath it were right in front of my eyes.