
The New Demon King Must Conquer

Roman took on a new job. it was to repopulate. But as he was reaching his destination, his car was hit by a truck. After his death, he was reborn in a new world as a Demon King. Now an enemy of the world, how will he survive?

Tenden · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Warning And The Realization

Something like an old medieval tavern was found in a city packed with people. In the tavern grouped many warriors. Some kitted and armed to the teeth. Others wined and dined like casual customers at a famous barstool. Laughs and chatter filled the area.

A man with golden artillery across his body approached what seems to be the registry area.

A woman with a bright smile, black hair, and petite build greeted the man. "Hi Julius, here for another quest?"

A paper was placed on the counter with a picture of wyverns, flying reptilians with red scales otherwise known as Lesser Dragons. But these particular wyverns had white scales. "My party wants the quest from the north."

"Ah, Snow Wyverns this time." She grabbed a purple orb. It lights up and a circle with runic symbols appears above her hand for an instant. Her eyes change to the color of the orb. "You guys are always on the move. Is that not stressful?" She asked Julius.

The blonde haired man slicked his hair back. "Well two of my companions were nomads and the others would love to see the world so it's more exciting than stressfu-" as the last word of his sentence was uttered. A system notification appeared before him.





"A demon king? What? It has risen?"

The tavern was in disarray. "Tsk, what bad timing." Julius turned, sending his cape in the wind. "Talia cancel my quest request. I have to report to the guildmaster."


CRUNCH!! Omnisinanis held a tree branch in hand. Bark was smashed and crushed between his molars. He consumed the tree branch he was holding one bite at a time. Why?

{Venter inanis: Hunger is common amongst organisms. It is needed for the body to survive. The body uses nutrients to gain more power. So the more one eat. The greater they become.}

{Manducare Aliquid: The body digest those starting with the saliva and teeth of the body.

The first description made the cold warm. Now, he gains strength by eating? Unironically, he tried berries and bark for as a meal but a notification popped up when he ate the berries.

{Poison Resistance Increased}

Apparently, the berries he consumed were lethally poisonous. The same occured when he bit the bark. Inflicted by poison, his body started to break down but Languidus Action kicked in and saved him.

"I would've died if it weren't for that Langooiduhs." Omnisinanis sat there while digesting flora from the tree. "Wait...If I'm the Demon King..... shouldn't I be super stronger? Can't I just catch the animals cause I'm just that strong."

As he said this, a bunny with four ears wandered into the area. His mouth watered once he saw the bunny. Salivating, he imagined how the bunny would taste if cooked right, added onto the seasoning it'd have.

His grimoire opened again in response to his gluttonous idea.

{Devorabit Eos: The want of savory sweets only makes your desire stronger. Wanting that flavorful nutritious value in your stomach only makes you stronger.}

He stepped forward and bent its knees. The bunny registered the murderous intent oozing from his body. But it was too late. The muscle strands in their thighs contract together. Their calf uplifts and squeezes the muscles against each other. His foot sinks into the snow but it wasn't enough to stop his assault. The rabbit's red eyes reflected the image Omnisinanis far from it. But a moment after, the beast's teeth were all that was reflected.