
The New Demon King Must Conquer

Roman took on a new job. it was to repopulate. But as he was reaching his destination, his car was hit by a truck. After his death, he was reborn in a new world as a Demon King. Now an enemy of the world, how will he survive?

Tenden · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Battle?! Like My First Battle!?

Omnisinanis was earnestly chilling inside of an inn. He was on the third floor of the building, laying down on a bed that was too small for his body. Annoying as it was, it was better than sitting on the snow or the floor.

"I should capitalize on my strength first if I have to conquer this world. I can't just go around killing people to get stronger." He contemplated. "But I'm okay with killing monsters."

He tapped his bicep with his finger repeatedly to help him think better. "I should ask around to see where I can find some monsters to fight." He stood up from the bed and took the cover off, wrapping it around his shoulders and walking out the room.

Downstairs in the main hall of the inn lied a kitchen, multiple tables to dine at, a staff, and a bar to order food and drinks. It was just like the tavern he reached but smaller. There wasn't any people in the main hall because the village is usually filled with natives. Visitors only come to this secluded icy tundra on occasion.

So seeing this giant of a man in the hall was pretty delightful for the staff. A woman approached the large man as soon as she saw him with a smile on her face. She was petite and her face was super cute.

"Hi Omnis, did you sleep well?" She asked.

He looked at the table's and noticed they were too small for his body. ".....No, the beds were tiny so it was uncomfortable for me to lay my head down."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. I'll report this to my boss. Maybe he can order larger beds." She offered a solution. Her arm extended upward to him. "For now, would you like to try out the food here? We have a variety of food driving from different areas of the country." In her hand was a menu with

(Food from different cultures?! In a different world?!?) The thought of such delicacies made Omnisinanis salivate. With two fingers, he grabbed the menu, taking it out of her hand politely. He dragged one of the wooden chairs away from the table to sit down on. "That sounds lovely."

"Okay. Let me know when you're ready to order." She smiled brightly and walked away from the table. "..."

(Holy fuck, she's adorable.) He peered into the menu and saw unfamiliar symbols. (Did they write this in Hebrew cursive?? What the fuck is this??) Omnisinanis had amazing vision. If he was tasked to spot an ant 10 meters away from him, he would speak on its position and destination it's heading to. But he wasn't literate in this language.

"Damn." He let this mishap escape his lips. The woman from early approached him yet again, engulfed in an aura of light.

"Is everything good over here?" She sincerely asked.

Omnisinanis trapped in his thoughts, blanked out for a second. (Fuck, did she hear me say that? I can't just let her know I can't read. Wait, why can't I? I can conquer the world and still be benevolent can't I?) He looked at her. "It would do me quite the favor if it was."

"What seems to be the problem?" Her head tilts slightly.

He positioned the listed food toward her. "I am not familiar with this country's alphabetical formations. Would you mind reading the menu to me?"

"Sure, I'll happi-" In the midst of her sentence, the inn's entrance doors burst open. They fly off the hinges and toward the two that were in the middle of the inn. She turns her head to doors as they were close to hitting her but a figure towers over her. They break up on impact with the figure's back side. "Are you alright." Omnisinanis seems to be that figure.

"Ye-yeah?" The hostess replied.

"DEMON KING OMNISINANIS GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!" A loud raspy yet feminine voice screamed out.

Omnisinanis turned his head to see a large muscular woman standing in the doorway of the Inn. (Is she dumb?? Why didn't she say that before breaking the door down?)

(Demon King) Hostess Emilia thought. (He does look like the demon king from the tales but he's nicer than I thought.) She looked Omnisinanis up and down. (There's no way he could be the demon king, right?)

He put four silver coins on the table from the pouch he stole from Flare. "Ready something with lots of meat in it. I'll come back and eat it when I'm done." He walked toward the door while Emilia held the menu in disarray.

"O-Okay." Was she could answer with.

He lowered his head to walk out the door and stood over the woman that called him out.

Her name was Amazonia. She's a new adventurer that quickly rose up to B Class through sheer strength and her affinity with the God Of Strength Cratos. Behind her was the rest of her party. This included Flare, the B Class Pyromancer. Tyra, an elf with a large amount of Mana. And Gloria, an ex-knight turned adventurer.

Once he stepped out, a fist appeared in his face. (So slow.) His head tilts to the left, dodging the punch.

"Heh." Her hand turns and smacks against the side of Omnisinanis head. He stood there in silence as she changed the level of her body. Shifting her upper body to the right and rotating to launch an uppercut to his chin. It lands which sends a shockwave upward into the airs that even pushes the snow back.

"Its as we thought." Flare said to her party. "He was just born so he has zero fighting experience. This will be a breeze."

Omnisinanis straightened his head and sighed. "Look."

Amazonia was surprised. (That didn't hurt him?)

"Can we fight outside the village?" He asked politely. "Because I plan on taking this village as mine and I don't want to damage the goods."