
I'll Join The Hunters!

Armor: i'm sorry...what?

Arashi: i wanna join the team, is dad's place.

Armor: you can't do that, you're not a nightblood.

Cheng Xing: oh yes, he is. Yu arashi, son of severus otosuki.

Arashi: you mean, yu xiao gang?

Cheng Xing: yu xiao gang was his disguise name, severus otosuki is his real name.

Arashi: oh, okay. But, wait...how you sure i'm a nightblood?

Cheng Xing: because, your father is one. So, his blood transferred to you. It's pretty obvious.

Arashi: also, who are you?

Cheng Xing: my name is meng cheng xing, you may call me...cheng.

Arashi: cool, i'll call you old man cheng. Since, you look really old...

Cheng Xing: ouch...but, it's fine. That's what your father used to call me anyways.

Arashi: wait, really?

Armor: uh-huh, sev would call cheng from a mile away. Old man cheng!! Old man cheng!

Cheng Xing: hush, marcus! You're embarrassing me...

Armor: (evil laughter)

Arashi: well, guess i'm just like my dad. (Laughs)

Cheng Xing: yep, definitely like him.

Glitch: hey guys, how are ya do- Ahhh!!

Arashi: ah! What's wrong with you, dude?

Glitch: woah, who is this?

Cheng Xing: oh my goodness, glitch meet arashi. He is severus's son.

Glitch: ooh, you're that baby! I thought i recognized you...

Arashi: have i met you before?

Cheng Xing: yes, you two have met before. You were 8 months old, the last time you two met.

Glitch: yeah, that's true!

Arashi: okay...?

Armor: cheng, are we seriously gonna take him in?

Cheng Xing: why not, marcus? He is severus's son, after all.

Armor: oh well, guess i'll have to give you the training.

Arashi: training, what of kind training?

Armor: the ways of the dark land, you should learn the training. Believe me, you won't regret it.

Arashi: shouldn't you tell me what i'm supposed to do right now, other than the training?

Armor: also, before i forget...you have to choose where to stay.

Arashi: meaning?

Armor: you have to choose between, your mom's house or your own room in the mansion.

Arashi: wait...i can stay here? In the mansion?

Armor: yes, you can.

Arashi: then, this choice is easy. Here, of course!

Armor: really, are you sure your mother will agree?

Arashi: ummm...

Shinseki: of course, she will. Mother erlong knows her own husband's original life, why wouldn't she let you stay here?

Arashi: brother shin!

Shinseki: hey kiddo, i've missed you!

Arashi: are you in the hunters too?

Shinseki: hell yeah!!

Arashi: woah, that is awesome!

Shinseki: anyways, what exactly are you doing here?