
The Nerds in high school

Mohguap19 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

Chapter 1 : Last day of Vacation

I'm Max bolt and it's a hot Sunday in Atlanta and it's the last day of summer vacation . Trey and I are feeling like the vacation ended too soon , and we're sure we are not the only kids who think that . Him and I had so much fun playing with our superpowers most especially shooting fire balls high into the sky and by the time the balls come down they have already died down , so it's totally safe except for the time when he almost shot an airplane down.

Trey and I had just started exploring our full capabilities like two months ago and now school already starts tomorrow, " what a waste of vacation" I said " no it wasn't" , it was just enough time for me to do a bunch of cool stuff with my powers" Trey said. " I had a really good time". Trey walks over to my bed and said " I can't believe we're starting high school tomorrow" then he sighed and laid on my bed and made a tiny ball of fire about the size of a marble ball with two fingers and then made it a little bigger about the size of baseball and threw it like 2 feet in the air and kept repeating it. Then my little brother Sam knocked on my door " can i come in ? " he said , and suddenly , the fire ball disappeared and a second later I said " yes come in !! " he opened the door then looked at my Xbox and said " you know mom is gonna take it away tomorrow right ? " Why would she do that " Trey said because she says that if i have my Xbox I won't get good grades." That sucks you know " Of course I know !! " I said . Then Sam walks out of the room and said lunch is almost ready.

Trey then walks out of the room and said I wan't to learn how to ride a motorcycle and pop wheelies and he keeps walking then says " I'm bored , you want to go kick some criminal ass tonight ? " I grinned and said " You know I do ".

Then I opened my closet and we changed into our superhero clothes and both jumped out the window. Then Trey jumped to the top of a really tall building to observe to see if there was anything suspicious going on in the dark alleys of downtown Atlanta, while I ran to the the top of another building and I found someone pointing a gun at a man who was about 22 years old saying " give me everything you got or I turn your head into a doughnut right now " then I ran down to the place where it was happening then he pulled the trigger and everything turned to super slow motion where someone blinking feels like a whole hour and I went and caught the bullet and and threw it on the floor and punched him in the face, I could even see his cheek begin to jiggle as i punched him, then everything went back to normal really quickly and the gunman was on the floor with a terrified expression and said " what a - are you ? ", you mean who are you huh ? " I'm Impulse ", then the man who almost got shot smiles and says "thank you", and I say It's alright It's what I do.

Then Trey came down, with a relaxed face and said i saw what you did just now, Then I nodded and moved a few feet away and he jumped to the top of another building and I followed him and we took off our masks and he said are you hungry or is it just me and I said "It's almost like you could read my mind" and plus my mom might already be wondering where we've been this whole time, "yeah that's true" and he got on my back and we suddenly appeared in Trey's room and we changed back to our normal clothes and I wen't back to my house and he closed his window and said "see you in school"

"see ya !!" I said.