
The Nectar of Prodigy

The cosmos is a vast expansion of nothingness along with some petty organisms that roam freely on their homes known as planets. However, the true rulers of the Cosmos are beings higher than mortals. Those beings are life-forms capable of destruction and creation at its finest. When the Deity of Destruction destroys a planet allied with the Akashic Records, he unknowingly spares a child that may bring tough consequences. Along with the memories of his life and a little present from his savior, can the boy regress through time itself to prevent the destruction of his home from such an absolute being? Inspiration - The Author's POV

AceAmbrosia · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

The Rulers of Earth

"There are three factions now!?"

Ace yelled, attracting the attention of several students who were passing by.

However, as soon as their gaze landed on A, they quickly turned away, pretending to have not seen him.

This was because of his reputation, which was solidifying day by day.

There were news articles about "The Return of the King of Indifference."

Moreover, Ace's parents had called multiple times, confirming that the King of Indifference was still him.

He had inwardly chuckled bitterly at his parents' trust towards Ace, which was practically non-existent sometimes.

"Yeah, the Conscientious Faction, the Iniquitous Faction, and the Neutral Faction, who is headed by Oliver Tree."

"Noah Williams, Genro Govel, and Oliver Tree. Wait, is Oliver Tree a–"

"Yes, he's a different species than human. I believe he's a centaur."

"Half horse half human?"


They eventually reached their destination, which was an empty classroom being used for the meeting of the 25 Kings from each year.

The room was dim, and there were four chairs in the middle.

Three of them them were occupied by the #1 Kings of each year.

The other 96 chairs were for the other Kings of each year.

The higher ranked Kings sat closer to the #1 Kings, and the lower ones on the spectrum sat to the sides of the room.

Ace sat down on the one non-occupied chair reserved for #1 Kings, while Leo sat beside him.

The four Kings stared at each other, measuring their strengths and weaknesses to use later.

However, this meeting wasn't for internal conflict. This meeting was hosted by Quandale, the #1 King of the fourth years to discuss the plan for the Inter-Academy Tournament, which would happen in two days.

It had already been four days since Leo, Lily, Melissa, and Ace met up.

Now, it was time for the Tournament to begin.

Despite the tense atmosphere between the #1 Kings of each year, the other Kings seemed to be nonchalantly doing their own thing.

Quandale suddenly stood up, revealing a bright smile.

"I believe everyone is here, so we shall begin the meeting. Today's topic is to discuss the foundation of our team in the Inter-Academy Tournament, which will be taking place at our Academy this year. Now, I would like to propose a suggestion for the structure of the team. I believe we should only let the top 2 Kings participate in the main events. The others can take care of the rest."

Some students were displeased, but didn't dare reveal it in the presence of someone who was a god to them.

"That's a very good suggestion, King of the Seas, Quandale. However, we don't feel the plan is very practical, which is why we would like to suggest the participation of everyone in the event, whether they are a King or not."

The one who spoke was Aloha Parlor.

She was a black-haired petite individual, who was known as the King of Raging Winds. She was also the #1 King of the second years, having started attending Academy 07 one year after Ace's disappearance.

She was also Alea Parlor's elder sister, who was the #1 King of the first years, having joined the Academy this year.

The Dormitory War had just ended, almost solidifying the top five positions for the first years.

There would be shuffles in the rankings, but they would be relatively minor compared to the first week of school.

"I agree with Aloha's statement. The more people participate, the less exhausted the elites will be during the matches. Moreover, I don't believe that the other academies will use the strategy you are advising, King of Seas."

Alea voiced her opinion, which was the same as her elder sister.

Several first years nodded as the second years also supported their opinion.

Aloha Parlor, the King of Raging Winds.

And, Lea Parlor, the King of the Radiant Sun.

The two had probably planned it out with the other Kings of their year before attending the meeting, explaining their identical strategies.

"What do you think, King of Indifference?"

Aloha asked, expecting Ace to support her opinion.

However, that was not the case, as…

"From my point of view, both of the plans seem irrational. If everyone happens to participate, the elites of a certain group wouldn't receive the chance to prove their worth in the school. For example, if everyone participates, it wouldn't be possible for everyone specializing in speed to enter the race. However, on the other hand, if only the top two Kings participate, it would exhaust both of them before the Tournament even officially began. From my point of view, it would be best for the top five Kings to participate in the major events, as that would form an equilibrium in the amount of pressure and exhaustion forced upon the people participating."'

Many Kings of the third year were shocked, but some still agreed.

Ace even noticed some of the first and second years nodding their heads in agreement while looking at Aloha and Alea.

Their expressions were dark.

Having been spoiled rotten inside of the Parlor Family household, which was a very famous family known for producing technology related to Artificial Intelligence, they weren't familiar with being the person in the wrong.

Despite this, they kept quiet, trying to maintain the little dignity they had left.

However, Quandale was not the same as the two.

"I do not agree with that proposal, King of Indifference."

"Oh? And why is that, King of the Seas?"

"I believe you're trying to lure these people into accepting your impractical strategy."

"Why do you think that, Quandale? Are you scared that you're going to lose authority on the other Kings of the fourth year?"

Fumes emerged from his ears as he quickly began losing temper.

Now, he was on his last straw.

"I do not think that!"

He yelled, standing up from his chair violently, causing the chair to slide out, hitting one of the Kings of the fourth year who sat behind him.

His face was beet red, and his clenched fists were leaking blood.

"Or, are you just a spoiled br–"

Before Ace could finish his sentence, the atmosphere of the room was flooded with Quandale's mana, shattering objects left and right.

Despite him being interrupted, Ace didn't bat an eye as he turned to ignore the mana that had spread across the room.

However, that only made Quandale even more furious.

"Quandale, if you stop right now, you won't get hurt."

Ace said in a tone that pierced Quandale's body, and was heard by the latter despite the ear-ripping noise caused by his mana.

Those words sent shivers down his spine, but he couldn't relent.

Ace had shamed him before all of the Kings, and he couldn't remain indifferent to that level of criticism.

Suddenly, the mana turned into water, encompassing the Kings within.

This was the ability of the King of Seas, [Mana Conversion].

It was one of the best S Ranked skills, and was even used by some of the top heads of the Factions.

However, Quandale couldn't even extract a fraction of its true potential.

Although Quandale couldn't hear due to the water blocking his ears, Ace had said…


As soon as he uttered those words, the water was instantly replaced by gentle and warm mana, which felt soothing to the skin.

[Self Fire-Affinity], a skill that grants the user affinity to flames and to convert mana into that element.

Usually, it was used as an Area on Effect attack to wipe out large amounts of enemies, but Ace had mastered it to an extent where he could use it as a fireplace.

No, it wasn't a fireplace.

The mana was warm to a degree where it would feel like a hot, sunny day.

As Quandale was busy processing this development, Ace quickly approached him and cut both of his hands off in less than a second.

It had been a while since he had neutralized someone by cutting their arms off.

It felt nostalgic.

Soon, a considerable amount of time passed as the other Kings refined sanity.

Lily, Leo, and Melissa had expected such a development since they had actually witnessed Ace's true strength.

Leo could even relate to what Quandale had gone through.

However, the others were bewildered by Ace's control over mana as well as his speed, which he had utilized to cut two of Quandales limb off without anyone seeing him get off of his chair.

Despite this, Ace had an indifferent expression on his face.

"So, does everyone agree with my strategy?"

Everyone unconsciously nodded, unbeknownst to what they had agreed to.

Leo raised his arms in victory, patting Ace on the shoulder for carrying out their strategy perfectly once they exited the room.

Despite the uproar caused by the sudden injuries inflicted upon Quandale, Ace had completed the job flawlessly.

"But, I wonder if you were too harsh on them."

Melissa remarked, kicking a pebble.

Lily, Ace, Melissa, and Leo were walking to their dorms together, strategizing internally for the Inter-Academy Tournament.

For the others, it might only be a petty tournament.

However, for Lily, Leo, and Melissa, it was their family's prestige.

For Ace, it was all part of a plan.

"Would Principal Felix do something then?"

Leo asked, gulping. He had never predicted the possibility of Felix Edwards getting involved, and just the thought sent shivers down his spine.

"Don't worry. Even if he does, it's fine."

Ace assured, putting his hand on Leo's shoulder, that shivering.

He then injected warm mana into it.


"Ah, oops. I meant for it to bring your body up to room temperature, since it was freezing cold when I touched it."

"What skill did you use?"

"[Self Fire-Affinity]."

Leo, Lily, and Melissa's eyes widened as they realized Ace had neutralized Quandale's [Mana Conversion] using the most destructive skill they knew of.

"How…How didn't the entire place burst into flames."

"Mana control. What, you think I've been slacking off the past year and a half?"

"Still, it would take years to gain such control over mana."

Ace smiled mysteriously as he entered his room, leaving behind the trio to fend for themselves.

Lily's insides were burning out of jealousy, and she was cursing herself for not focusing on mana control.

She had focused on the increase of her destructive capabilities, and had never once noticed anything wrong about her control.

However, that was only because of her skills, which helped her contain her destructiveness.

If she were to use lower-ranked skills with the same or similar amount of destructive capabilities, she would blow up anything in her path without an extraordinary amount of control.

'Back to training it is, I guess.'

She grumbled inwardly as she headed into her room.

Ace was also training, preparing for a certain enemy he would likely face during the main events of the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Yesterday, Leo and Melissa had volunteered to greet the students from the other academies, which would arrive tomorrow.

Tomorrow, there would be a ceremony to mark the beginning of the Inter-Academy Tournament, and the day after tomorrow, they will officially begin.

Therefore, Ace had more time to train, since Leo and Melissa were stuck greeting people.

Academy 07, Academy 01, Academy 02, Academy 76, and Academy 134 would be participating in the event, as they were the top five Academies on the rankings, proving themselves to be worthy of having Noah Williams, Genro Govel, and Oliver Tree attend the Tournament.

Since Academies 76 and 134 were from the Iniquitous Faction, and Academy 02 was from the Neutral Faction, Genro Govel and Oliver Tree were sure to attend.

Although there was a difference in interests and a slight conflict between the leaders, the Faction as a whole wasn't enemies.

Even the Neutral Faction, which had recently been created by Oliver Tree, was in good relations with the Conscientious and Iniquitous Factions, and had created its land on water.

Simply put, the Neutral Faction had made artificial land by covering sea water.

"I hope I get to fight 'her'."




The next day, after Leo and Melissa welcomed the students, they stayed in Dormitory A since it was the largest, and had the most remaining rooms.

Ace got a view of 'her' from far away and noted down 'her' capabilities.

Following the arrival of the students, some of the instructors and teachers of the other academies also arrived at the school.

Despite the overpopulation, the living conditions remained well due to the enormous campus housed by the academy.

Now, it was time for them to arrive.

Sitting in a VIP Room, waiting for the arrival of the heads of the Factions, Leo and Ace sipped on their coffee, gazing at the people who looked like ants from up above.

Due to Ace being the #1 King for the third year and Leo having the best familial background one could ever think of, they were given VIP Rooms.

"Is the Kadz Family coming too?"

Ace asked, turning his head with curiosity written all over his face.

Biting his lip, Leo nodded.

"So all the top dogs are attending, huh?"

In his previous life, Ace hadn't even noticed the famous families since he had no connections with the descendants or heirs.

However, now that Lily, Leo, and Melissa were his acquaintances, it mattered significantly since he could take advantage of it.

"Do you think Noah Williams is taking in disciples?"

Leo asked, fidgeting his fingers in nervousness.

"Noah specializes in swordsmanship. I highly doubt he would want to associate with a martial practitioner."

"That may be true, but what about the other heads of the Faction?"

"Most of them specialize in magic and swordsmanship. The only famous berserker I know of is Kim Soo-Hyun."

"Ah, that Iniquitous Ranker?"

"Not just any Iniquitous Ranker. He rose to the seventh rank in the Iniquitous Rankings at only 31 years of age."

"What about Yu Yan?"

"Ah, how could I forget about her…"

Ace berated himself for having forgotten about the fourth Ranked Iniquitous Ranker.

"Do you really think Noah Williams, Genro Govel, and Oliver Tree are going to attend this petty tournament?"

Ace made a hurt expression, trying to make Leo feel guilty of what he had just uttered.

"How could you call this 'just' a tournament? Academy 07 is arguably the most prestigious–"

"Academy in the Conscientious Faction, yes. I know that. Still, it feels weird that the most famous people on Earth are attending this tournament that we're participating in."

"Don't talk like you're not famous yourself, heir of the Kadz Family."

Immediately, Leo's heart sank as his expression turned indifferent.

He turned his head to look at the people preparing for the initiation of the tournament while fidgeting with his fingers.

Swallowing his saliva and realizing his honest mistake, Ace activated [Indifference] to prevent himself from occupying a sad expression.

He knew about Leo's relationship with his family, and didn't want to poke the bear more than it had already been poked.

An awkward silence descended atop the heavily decorated space.

"What about Daphne?"

Leo asked in a quiet whisper, but it was heard by Ace.

The latter smiled wryly at the childish nature Leo could display.


He pondered while stroking his chin in an idiotic manner.

"Daphne really is something, though. If a war breaks out between the Conscientious and the Iniquitous Faction, she would be the first to die."


"However, she would also wipe out most of the enemies her faction would be facing."

Leo smirked at the explanation.

"Powerful but reckless."

Daphne was an Iniquitous Ranker who specialized in the martial arts passed down to her by her adoptive parents.

Despite her Greek name, her parents were from the southern part of Korea before the emergence of mana.

The Xiao family, who adopted her, had desperately wanted her to practice martial arts, but she never had any interest in it.

However, after her defeat by the hands of Yu Yan, who was also a martial artist, she began practicing.

In only seven years, she had mastered her family's art and had become stronger than Yu Yan, displaying her terrifying potential despite a late start.

Suddenly, several black limos began parking near the outside of the Academy as countless figures dressed in black emerged from nothingness, holding weapons.

There were three cars of the bunch that looked the fanciest, as they were made out of Titanium.

"Are they finally here?"

"It looks like it."

Leo almost squealed in happiness, but managed to maintain his dignity by coughing awkwardly.

To Ace, the noise of the coughing was almost non-existent as the people he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

In the entirety of Earth, the people who he wanted to defeat in the end emerged from the cars made of Titanium.

Noah Williams, the #1 Conscientious Ranker and the Head of the Faction.

Genro Govel, the #1 Iniquitous Ranker and the Head of the Faction.

Oliver Tree, the #3 Neutral Ranker and the Head of the Faction.




In a dimly lit room, a figure with a menacing smile sat on an office chair, occasionally rocking it.

A man who was renowned as the strongest Conscientious Ranker before the emergence of Noah Williams.

He was one who had been forgotten throughout history, but had swore to return one day and slaughter them all.

The Head of the OTF and the leader of the operation, Anatropi.

With his gray hair tied into a ban bun and his elegant looks that could topple countries, he was a posh man.

"Felix, I want you to cooperate with that boy."

The Head of OTF said in a voice soothing to the ears.

"After he finishes his days at the academy, we cooperate with him and her out his demands. Even if they are unreasonable, fulfill them."

The man that stood before him shivered by the gentle touch added to the Head of OTF's voice, which completely contradicted his actions.

"Do you understand, Felix Edwards?"

Shivering uncontrollably due to the cold breeze created by the Head of OTF, he nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the room became warm once again.
