
The Nectar of Prodigy

The cosmos is a vast expansion of nothingness along with some petty organisms that roam freely on their homes known as planets. However, the true rulers of the Cosmos are beings higher than mortals. Those beings are life-forms capable of destruction and creation at its finest. When the Deity of Destruction destroys a planet allied with the Akashic Records, he unknowingly spares a child that may bring tough consequences. Along with the memories of his life and a little present from his savior, can the boy regress through time itself to prevent the destruction of his home from such an absolute being? Inspiration - The Author's POV

AceAmbrosia · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Postponing the Trial

Trial of Worthiness is a trial hosted by the greatest blacksmith of the era, John Fritz, who goes by the alias, Hephaestus.

It was devised as a means of proving yourself worthy of being crafted a weapon by the greatest blacksmith in the world.

Whatever weapon one wants crafted, one has to prove themselves worthy using it.

Due to this, many of the Iniquitous Faction, where John lived, were unhappy.

They desired John to craft them a weapon regardless of if they can even wield it, causing John to outright refuse them.

Soon, John was taken to the head of the Iniquitous Faction, Genro Govel.

That was where he happily created a weapon for Genro using the adamantium he provided, due to him passing the Trial of Worthiness.

However, when Genro began getting greedy, and when he began forcing John to make items he didn't pass the Trial for, the latter was forced to run away.

In the middle of the night, a short, old man ran away from his fears, only to end up occupying a place in the Conscientious Faction in the middle of nowhere.

Suddenly, John woke up.

Cold sweat piled up on his scarred back as he remembered the times.

Some people liked to call them the "good ol' times," but for John, they were torture.

"Ah, it was just a dream."

Mumbling, he fell asleep once again, hoping to forget that real-life nightmare.




The next day, John stood before Ace as he explained the contents of the next part of the Trial.

'There's another part? No, he mentioned that there's a third one, too.'

Noah had never mentioned anything about the second and third parts in his previous life, so he was vexed on what to do.

In the previous test, he relied on his battle sense and the information provided by Noah Williams.

However, he had no information to rely on due to the second and third test not being a part of Noah's monologue.

Still, he somehow had to pass it, or else the perfect plan would go down the drain in an instant.

"For the second test, you need to make an F Rank artifact tolerate F+ Rank mana."

Since artifacts were always created based on the solid rank, they were ideal for mana lower than the rank it was created for.

That meant E Rank artifacts were ideal for people at the F overall rank.

Of course, individuals at the E+ Rank could also utilize E Rank artifacts.

However, the control of mana needed for the artifact to not shatter was too much for someone who was engaged in battle to provide.

That meant anyone who lost focus in providing the exact amount of mana would shatter the artifact.

"Y–You know that that's impossible, right?"

"It's very much possible if you try hard enough."

Letting out a sigh of defeat at the fact that John wouldn't budge, Ace walked across the workshop and grabbed a F Rank artifact.

"A great sword, huh?"

"One of my finest inventions."

"A F Rank artifact was your finest invention?"

"The balance, my friend."

Shaking the sword around, Ace finally noticed why John praised the great sword so much.

The balance was perfect all over the blade.

Although the great sword was a little dull and couldn't handle mana over the F Rank, the balance was enough for a non-mana user to wield it perfectly.

Well, non-mana users didn't exist.

People who don't use mana during combat are no different than regular people.

If one didn't use mana, one would have to be a regular human, because possessing a system interface was a sign that one used mana.


"I've been working on balance for ten years, and I can finally create A Rank artifacts with perfect balance. That specific great sword was the first balanced artifact I created. It took me seven months."

"Seven months!? Is that even possible?"

"It was my first try. Well, in those seven months, I broke countless artifacts, so all my time wasn't spent on that specific one."

"I see."

"Now, begin."

Ace nodded as he took a stance using the great sword.

"Is it okay if I break it?"

"Yeah, whatever."

After getting confirmation, Ace started pouring mana into the great sword, little by little.

Due to diffusion, the mana spread throughout the blade, forming an equilibrium.

Since it was a low concentration of F Ranked mana, it wasn't visible to the naked eye.

The great sword soon became harder than steel, its original element.

The sword had been augmented beyond what it started with, and was perfect for use.

However, it didn't take into account the sheer focus and concentration needed for one with a higher mana stat to actually wield the blade.



The great sword suddenly shattered into a hundred different pieces, almost piercing the eyes of the wielder.


"You need a lot of practice."


Scratching his neck, Ace tried to hide his cheeks, which were currently turning bee-red due to embarrassment.

'My mana control is really bad, isn't it…'

Walking over to grab another blade, which was a tachi this time, he tested the balance.


After remarking about the blade, he took his stance, and began pouring mana into the tachi.

The blade shattered once again, much to Ace's disbelief and frustration.

"I have many artifacts, but please don't shatter all of them."

"I won't…although, I can't make any empty promises…"

He grabbed another artifact, a machete.



"That's the third one…"







"This is not working."

It had been seven hours, and Ace had shattered 758 F Rank artifacts while attempting to control his mana perfectly.

Despite this, he hadn't given up.

Well, John had, but he hadn't.

"Just give up, Ace."


Foam emerged from Ace's mouth as he kept attempting the test.

"I won't give up."

"There's no point. It's been over seven hours."

Supporting his head using his hand, John watched the boy with dull and lifeless eyes, visibly bored.

Although his inventions were getting shattered left and right, he didn't care one bit.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Ace's mind.

Noah Williams was the head of the Conscientious Faction, along with a person at the SSS- Rank.

A person at the SSS- Rank had naturally been using an artifact at the SS Rank, due to only one SSS Rank artifact existing on Earth.

If that was the case, how did Noah use the artifact, even though it was one rank below his?

It was simple, he didn't.

Noah didn't use an artifact, but his own skills and spells to fight.

But, he and several others had discovered a way to partially block their mana flow temporarily.

The method was named Mana Block.

It was a method used to lower one's rank temporarily.

But, the method could also be used to limit the amount of mana emanated from one's body.

"Mana Block."

Ace unconsciously muttered, much to John's bewilderment.

"Ace…you know that could be fatal, right?"

"But many people use it!"

"To lower one's rank and to limit one's flow of mana are two different things"

Despite John's warnings, however, Ace proceeded with the method.

First, he partially closed his veins using [Mana Manipulation] inside his body.

Despite the intense pain, Ace didn't even bat an eye as he was already used to such a meager amount.

Secondly, he slowed the flow of his mana, causing him to feel dizzy.

Since mana acted as a secondary form of blood, not having enough of it after 'awakening' mana at the F- rank could potentially be fatal.

Thus, Ace slowed the amount of blood flow reaching his brain to a minimum, maintaining the necessary amount so that he wouldn't faint.

At this point, he was seeing stars, despite the ceiling being covered in burn marks.

Finally, he poured his mana into the 759th artifact, a long-sword.

Soon, due to diffusion, the mana spread along the blade, going from a higher concentration to a lower concentration area.

When it formed an equilibrium, excruciating pain struck Ace's mind as he fell short on mana supply.

However, a split second before his eyes closed, he mumbled one word.


That word was etched into the mind of the greatest blacksmith of the era, who's widened eyes softened after hearing it.

His mouth that was agape turned into a toothy grin as he stared at the body of the body who had just used the most reckless of options to pass the second test of the Trial of Worthiness.

Unfortunately for him, there was a third one.

This one, however, would be the most difficult of them all.

John's expression hardened as he realized that fact.




The third test, and the one that John believed to be the most difficult of them all.

It is unknown what John was thinking at the time when he created it, but the third and last test of the Trial of Worthiness is said to be nigh-impossible.

In layman's terms, one must be one with his artifact or weapon.

Other historic texts might name it the 'Sword Intent' or 'One with the Blade'.

Simply put, it was the act of being one with your artifact, and thinking of it as a part of your body.

It wasn't as simple as just thinking about it, however.

One needed to be attached to practicing swordsmanship while having the swordsmanship being attached to you.

It wasn't simple enough to explain.

Nor was it complicated enough to truly be impossible for humans, since Genro Govel had done it.

Despite this, John believed it was absolutely impossible for someone like Ace to accomplish the task, even if his willpower exceeded others of his age-group.

Thus, he believed Ace should give up before he bites off more than he can chew.

However, the result he expected was very different from the one he received from the person in question.

"Is it possible if I could continue the Trial of Worthiness at a later date?"

John's expression distorted as everything he believed in his life crumbled down.

He had created the Trial of Worthiness to be a privilege.

However, Ace had completely destroyed the meaning of 'Worthiness'.

"I–I mean… sure…?"

There wasn't a rule that the person had to complete the Trial in one sitting, so postponing the date was permitted.

As John pondered over the topic, he realized Ace's personality and thought-process was a little deeper than he thought.

It was like it had already been defined.

It was like his personality had already been solidified at such a young age.

After John had informed him of the third test, he had conveniently weaseled out so that he wouldn't have to attempt it before preparing for it.

Genro was the only person who had attempted the test before, and he hadn't postponed it since he already possessed the necessary strength to overcome the obstacles set by John.

"Okay. I'll be back soon, alright?"

As he said those words, he exited the workshop, taking a glance at the melted chair before he left.

That left John behind, staring quietly at the exit, questioning his life choices intensely.

"He just played me, didn't he?"

Ace had postponed the date, but it had completely ruined the purpose of the test.

However, since John hadn't specified that specific rule to him, he was permitted to do it… again and again.

Outside the workshop, Ace walked down the alley as he hummed the tunes of a random song stuck on the top of his head.

Having stayed at the workshop for a day, he knew that the Dungeon Assignment would begin soon.

He wanted to prepare for the Assignment while also… check if Leo was okay…

Shaking his head violently, he calmly walked down the rat-infested narrow roads, scrunching his eyebrows at the squalid smell emanated by the garbage on the sides.

Having fought enough bandits, he didn't want another group to pounce on him, but alas…

"Give us your artifact, human!"

"Yeah, give it!"

"You're done, child!"

Shaking his head, he internally thought…

'Such cliche lines. Third-rate villains are supposed to be lame, but to this extent…'

"What're you shaking your head for?"

"Give us your artifact, and we'll let you go."

Recognizing the beige clothing, he quickly scavenged through his memories to realize it was the Jose Squad.

The Jose Squad was a notorious bandit squad known to roam around Bryxton.

They had countless members, but their highest ranked member was a D Rank drop-out from Academy 07.

Unsheathing his blade, he stood before the bandits, threatening them with his calm composure, which only served to irritate his opponents.


Giving them a toothy grin, he began his assault.

A high-pitched and eerie ring resounded throughout the alley as a corpse of the bandits' own kin lay on the dirty floor.

Only, his body was cleanly cut from head to crotch.

Watching this, the bandits shivered in fear as they realized the critical situation they were in.

Having committed countless murders before, they understood the pain felt by those who who were about to or did die.

Thus, the person in front of them looked like a dark devil with wings and horns instead of an overly handsome teenage boy.

Screams resounded throughout the area, not because of the pain, but because of the fear casted upon the bandits as they desperately tried to distance themselves from their possible grim reaper.

Soon, it was empty.

All that was left in the area near Ace was the boy of the comrade that they had abandoned to save their own lives.

Well, that was a given since no one would risk their lives for a dead comrade.

Not even angels.

Casually walking over the land that the bandits once stood on, Ace sheathed his blade as he began humming once again.

Having witnessed enough bloodshed in his past life, he was no longer affected in the slightest against the agony or pain of humans.

All he cared about was himself, his family, and his friend(s).

'About friends… Can Leo be considered my friend? Acquaintances is a better way to describe our relationship, but since we've been talking a lot and all… Well, I did break his head a couple of days ago.'

He pondered over his personal life before finally arriving at the campus of the academy he stayed at, Academy 07.




Inside the Public Training Room, a lanky-armed individual moved around periodically, practicing the same movement over and over again, as if it were a dance.

Having recovered from the injuries caused by one he considered a friend, he was heartbroken.

It wasn't as if he was truly angry at the fact that Ace had hurt him.

The only thing he was angry about was the fact that Ace appeared and disappeared randomly, for whatever reason.

Unbeknownst to himself, Leo acted as a total yandere to people he had some level of trust in.

Suddenly, the door to the Public Training Room, which was forever empty, opened.

In came the person in question, Ace Ambrosia.

He wore a regular tunic which was perfect for combat involving physical-abilities.


Hearing this, Leo offered no response as he pretended not to have heard the greeting.

As he shadowboxed, he turned around and noticed that Ace was standing in the exact spot with an indifferent expression.

"What do you want?"

Since he wanted no disturbances during his training, he finally responded to the figure standing near the entrance like a statue.

"I came to… apo–apol–"

"Apologize? Good, now leave."

Hearing Leo's response, Ace grasped his chest indignantly.

His widened eyes were full of sarcasm and his lips were trembling, as if holding back laughter.

"What's so funny?"

Leo asked, sneering at the boy.


Activating [Indifference], he regained composure as he stood before the lanky-armed individual.

"I wanna talk about our strategy in the Dungeon."

"Ah, the Dungeon Assignment? I think I'm ready for a D Rank dungeon now."

"Right. So, what's our plan?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're going into the dungeon together, along with Lily, Jonah, and some randoms."

Raising an eyebrow, Leo questioned…



This time, both of Leo's eyebrows rose.

"How? The assignment has just been announced… how do you already know the teams?"

"I have my ways. Anyways, I just wanted to say one thing."


"Stick with me during the time we're in the dungeon, or you'll die."


Ace disappeared along with the wind.

In actuality, he had used [Flurry Steps] to look cool, but that was unbeknownst to Leo, who couldn't decipher his speed anymore due to a large gap between their power.

"Does he have connections with the Conscientious School Board?"

Stroking his chin, Leo wondered what other secrets Ace had hidden from the former.




Inside a dark room lit by two candles sat Lily, the #2 King of Academy 07, the King of Wisdom.

Naturally, she had heard the information Ace had revealed to Leo.

Although her spy couldn't follow Ace into Hephaestus' Abode due to John restricting the entry using his overwhelming strength, spying on Ace inside of the Academy was very simple.

"He knows the teams for our dungeon run in a few days."

A thoughtful expression emerged on her face as she realized what this meant.

"He has ties with Felix Edwards, just like me. Maybe that's why Felix refrained from letting me assassinate him."

"In the dungeon, I'll be alone. However, this also means no one will be there to help Ace. No, Leo will be there too. It's too risky to try during the dungeon run."

Continuing her monologue, she attempted at forming a strategy for a murder.

The murder of Ace Ambrosia.

Her aloof voice was colder than ice as it would pierce anyone who heard it.

"I need to end the dungeon run as soon as possible. If I can defeat the boss beast before Ace even reaches the place, I might surpass him in the ranking of the Kings."

"But, he's still a hindrance."


Lily called upon her butler and spy, Max.

A figure soon materialized out of thin air. Lily didn't even bat an eye as she gave orders to the figure indifferently.

"We're refraining from attacking him at the moment. It is too risky."

Max was pleasantly surprised at this revelation.

Lily had been known throughout her household for her violent personality.

Whenever the reasonable response would be to stay patient, Lily would do the opposite.

Only, she would do it with utter perfection, planning everything right from the start.

It is what caught the eye of her family members, who gazed at her with envy and jealousy.

Now, the same girl was refraining from doing the unreasonable, and actually sticking to the normal option.

Max was surprised by the power of such a foe who could alter Lily's personality and ethics so much.

He wanted to meet him.