
The Nectar of Prodigy

The cosmos is a vast expansion of nothingness along with some petty organisms that roam freely on their homes known as planets. However, the true rulers of the Cosmos are beings higher than mortals. Those beings are life-forms capable of destruction and creation at its finest. When the Deity of Destruction destroys a planet allied with the Akashic Records, he unknowingly spares a child that may bring tough consequences. Along with the memories of his life and a little present from his savior, can the boy regress through time itself to prevent the destruction of his home from such an absolute being? Inspiration - The Author's POV

AceAmbrosia · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Maxwell Yearning

The night passed in an instant, bringing upon the rays of dawn. As the sunlight finally reached the window of Ace's room, it penetrated the glass as if it were non-existent. Shining down on Ace's body, the sun seemed to peek out from behind the white clouds.

As Ace's body quivered due to the soft, cold breeze, his eyelids slowly opened, showing two crimson pupils. The pupils darted across the whites of his eyes as he pushed himself up from the comfort of his bed.

He sat on the bed absent-mindedly for a while, staring at the ground covered in pearly white marble. There was a rug covering the ground, preventing the cold from touching the person's feet.

Finally, Ace convinced himself to get off the bed, staggering on his feet before somehow entering the bathroom. He bathed and brushed his teeth, and then proceeded to brush his hair. And then finally, he put his clothes on.

His clothes consisted of black pants, a white shirt, and a thin, black robe that rested atop the latter. The robe covered his back, consisting of an opening in the front. At any point in time, he could extend his arm and it would pass right through the robe.

Ace grabbed his phone and scabbard while packing food for the journey. Then, he headed towards the rooms of his parents to wake them up. Thankfully, it wasn't so difficult due to them being light sleepers.

He then headed to Leo's room to wake the lanky-armed individual up. However, this was going to be a challenge, prompting Ace to grab a baseball bat from the storage room. He slowly approached the door to his room, tip-toeing towards it.

As he pushed on the door gently, it creaked. However, offering no resistance whatsoever, the door opened. But, what Ace was expecting did not occur. Actually, it was quite the contrary.

Leo stood before him, dressed in gray pants and a gray robe. He currently had weights in his hand that he lifted repeatedly, counting…

"346, 347, 348…" He said, lifting the weights repeatedly. Ace glanced over to check the weight of the weights, and was dumbfounded when he noticed they were two hundred kilograms. Moreover, Leo was lifting them with one hand each.

"Oh hey, Ace." He greeted, momentarily dropping the weights so that he could offer a light wave towards the direction of his friend, who had his mouth wide open. Leo then returned to the task he was doing, completely ignoring Ace's presence after the initial greeting.

The lanky-armed individual's muscles bulked every time the weight approached his face, but loosened when he pulled it back down. It looked like his body was morphing due to the drastic change in his physique every time he lifted a weight.

Despite the strange occurrence, what Ace found more weird was the fact that Leo had woken up so early. For the past week, Leo would always wake up around noon, but that had changed significantly. He woke up at dawn today.

After regaining his composure, Ace walked towards the figure of the lanky-armed individual, passing by him and grabbing an apple from a desk located in the latter's room. He chewed on it while exiting the room, much to Leo's dismay.

"All… right?" Leo said, confused by his unexplainable action. He scrunched his eyebrows as he stared at Ace, who exited the room leisurely.

After exiting Leo's room, Ace headed to the living room, where he saw Alice already awake. He wondered if he was seeing things, but after confirming it really was Alice, they decided to head to Mount Othrys.




Taking a cab, they quickly arrived at their destination, the foot of Mount Othrys. It was flat ground beneath them, but above them, they could see the monstrosity of a mountain visible throughout the city.

Leo, Amanda, and Adam saw the mountain but had never visited it themselves. It was quite a shock to them since the mountain seemed to be out of their expectations regarding size. It truly was enormous.

The clouds could be seen hiding the peak of the mountain, adding to the mystic nature. There were several forests and rivers scattered throughout the mountain, but there was also snow at the top.

"This is where we're gonna train? Is it different from back at the training centers or private training rooms?" Leo asked, clearly confused by the change in location. He had expected there to be something special about the mountain, but as far as the eye could see, it was pretty normal.

Well, Leo still possessed a shred of hope due to Ace always performing things that might be considered "impossible" by others.

"Spectres exist on this mountain. The mana density and concentration are higher, too." Alice listed the benefits of training at this specific location, having been here before. The last time she visited was over a year and a half ago, but the memories were still vivid in her mind.

Back then, she couldn't sense mana, but it was very clear to her now. The density near the mountain exceeded that of any other location she could think of.

"Spectres… spirits? Ghosts? I'm outta here." Leo said, his eyes widening instantly. He then jokingly tried running away, only to be pulled by the collar by Ace, who sighed afterwards.

"Shall we start climbing, then?" Ace asked rhetorically, utilizing [Blitz Step] to instantly reach the halfway point in less than a second. As the aftermath revealed itself, namely, ripples in the atmosphere, the eyes of the spectators widened.

Only Leo maintained composure, kicking a pebble while initiating his hike.

While leaving, he muttered, "What a jerk."

Leaving Alice, Amanda, and Adam behind, he utilized [Horned Bull Footwork] to catch up soon afterwards. Ace's family stood there in a state of bewilderment, wondering if they were going to gain such speed after reaching Ace and Leo's level of power.

Then finally, they sighed while beginning their hike.






Panting noises could be heard as Adam, Amanda, and Alice continued their journey throughout a specific forest. Their stamina had almost completely dried up. The only saving grace was the fact that their destination was only a couple of hundred meters away.


Alice sped past her parents, arriving at the destination in less than five seconds. Amanda and Adam groaned, eventually increasing their speed too.



Amanda and Adam groaned once again as Leo, Ace, and Alice waved at them, all carrying bright smiles. The former group only rolled their eyes before collapsing at a certain point where they had practically arrived at the halfway point of the mountain.

Their stamina had almost completely vanished, and their muscles were extremely sore, too. Their breathing was heavy and they had several cramps scattered throughout their body, hindering their effort at standing up.

"How did you… do this… whilst being a regular human!?" Adam asked his expression that of utter bewilderment at the fact that Alice completed the task without the help of mana a year and a half ago.

"Children have more energy." Ace commented while ruffling Alice's hair, to which she countered, "You were a child, too. In fact, you still are."

Ace only let out an awkward chuckle, not elaborating on why he said those words. He predicted his family wouldn't believe him either way, since they didn't believe his made-up story about Sun Wukong and Bull Demon King.

"Guys… is that supposed to be happening?" Leo asked, pointing towards an empty field in the distance. No, Ace could see that it wasn't an empty field.

"It's an empty field, Leo," Alice remarked, turning around once she confirmed it was safe. However, she was unbeknownst of just how wrong she was, and her brother was about to prove it.

"Spectres… thousands of them." Ace muttered, alarming his family as well as Leo, who turned to look in the specific direction with their eyes peeled, wishing that Ace had seen wrong. However, they suspected it was for naught, and their suspicions were proved correct when they spotted transparent figures charging towards them.

"But why are they charging at us!?" Alice complained as she prepared to flee.

"We're humans. They're a clump of negative energy mixed with souls. You understand?" Ace said sarcastically before reducing the aura exuded by his blade and unsheathing it afterwards. Despite having reduced the aura, all heads still violently turned towards the blade that shined under the rays of the sun.

"Why do spirits who woke up on the wrong side of bed want to decapitate us!?" Alice countered, her head turning towards the direction of her brother, who sighed at the sheer stupidity she displayed.

"Negative emotions and positive emotions can't reconcile. Their weak spirits, which means their consciousness and free will have both mostly been extinguished. If you connect negative emotions with a soul that has no reasoning, it would most likely attack people who release even a bit of dopamine." Ace explained, finally turning to look at the lanky-armed individual, who yearned to fight.

"Anyway, Leo… why do you think there's so many of them today?" He asked, slowly walking towards the gang of spectres headed their way.

While following, Leo voiced his concerns and a possible explanation for the recent development. "Some people were killed during Noah and Genro's fight, and many rankers were killed during the tiny conflict between factions. Their souls might have ended up here…"

"Rankers… defeating their souls shouldn't be too hard, especially if their potential was below average. Were there any high-rankers who died?" Ace asked, trying to calculate whether they would be able to take so many spectres on.

"No, none of the high-rankers has died," Leo confirmed, causing a faint smile to emerge on Ace's face. Interpreting the smile as a devilish one, shivers went down Leo's spine. "Why do you ask?"

"It isn't going to be too difficult to wipe these guys out, then." Ace muttered under his breath, but was heard by the lanky-armed individual. The former then tightened his grip around his blade, taking soft steps forward.

As Ace began approaching the horde of spectres, Leo followed closely behind while the others tried to flee to a position where they could spectate.

"Leo, you wanna have a competition?" Ace asked, revealing a smirk before turning his head towards the blonde-haired individual. The latter nodded as a determined expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Let's see how many spectres we can kill."


Both of them disappeared into the wind, suddenly appearing before the spectres and initiating their massacre.

As Ace coated his blade with flames and darkness while augmenting his body with mana, aether, and aura, his figure suddenly became transcendent-looking. He glowed akin to a deity who had descended and was looking at the peasants with contempt.

His gaze was cold and his body was unfaltering, not moving even an inch despite the strong winds created due to Leo's moves.

"You guys will be sufficient nourishment to my soul." He muttered gently, a faint smile appearing on his face. The spectres that charged at him flinched due to the unconventional response to someone approaching you with hostile intent, but soon restarted their march.





As Ace moved throughout the crowds at inhumane speed using [Blitz Step], he swung his blade rapidly, slashing the non-existent body of his foes, who could only watch in despair. As their bodies were sliced and minced, they felt no pain, only feeling a surge of negative emotions as their existence vanished.

Ace swung his blade vertically, slicing a certain spectre in half. He then stepped towards the right, masterfully avoiding a strike to the heart from the back. Following that movement, he stabbed forward, piercing the spectre's body.

Summoning a surge of flames, he coated the spectre's body, instantly incinerating everything that remained after death.

He then lunged forward, piercing the spectre behind the one he had already defeated.

It was an endless cycle of piercing, stabbing, and cutting. However, by no means did Ace ever feel burdened or bored by the opportunity to fight. In fact, he loved to fight, as it helped loosen his muscles while also giving him the joy of using his abilities.

Also, fighting spectres would help him become stronger in the future due to them enhancing his soul. It could be regarded as a form of cannibalism, but the people were already dead. Moreover, their consciousness or reasoning did not exist.


"You're getting a little sloppy there, Ace," Leo commented, punching a spectre so hard that it immediately disintegrated. His second evolution of [Transformation] had made him look more demonic, to the point where Ace wondered if he retained his humanity in this form.

"Am I?" Ace asked, a smug grin appearing on his face right before he activated Intermediate Level Mastery, wiping away at least a hundred demons with a single move. Shocked, Leo missed a punch, causing the spectre to pass through him.

The spectre soon disintegrated, but Leo felt excruciating pain at that moment. However, it was fine since the spectre would only harden his soul.

"You were saying?" Ace said mockingly before returning to committing his massacre. He swung right, left, up, and down, causing all spectres to disappear into the abyss. It was a type of exorcism–only with a blade.

As Ace and Leo continued scratching away at the horde of spectres, a certain someone watched from a distance, making sure not to reveal his presence. A man who concealed his physical body so well that even most high-rankers wouldn't notice him in a crowd. A man who guarded his master, Lily Yearning, with utmost care.

It was Maxwell Yearning, the loving uncle of Lily Yearning, and a brother to Harold Yearning.

As he leisurely sat atop the mountain, his prized skill, [Eagle's Eye], did all the work. It pierced through the clouds to a clear view of the two students, Ace Ambrosia and Leo Kadz.

"The child who suppressed m'lady… he sure has grown," Maxwell commented, sighing. Ever since Ace got into contact with principal Felix, Maxwell hadn't had the luxury of spying on him without risking getting caught. He suspected something was wrong about Felix but didn't possess any evidence to prove so.

He was also surprised due to Ace's immense growth which would surprise even the faction heads. Maxwell had already predicted that Genro Govel was interested in the boy, and even Noah developed a liking for him after the incident at the Inter-Academy Tournament, where he escaped from Natalie Adams.

Moreover, Maxwell suspected that Leo's sudden growth was due to the influence of Ace. There wasn't any evidence, since it was only a hunch.

Maxwell suddenly narrowed his eyes, noticing a difference in Ace's actions. The latter had suddenly used a substance unknown to him, a fluid-like purple substance that emanated from his body.

"He has been using it this entire time… how did I not notice it?" Maxwell spoke gently, but his tone contained a hint of murderous intent. However, it soon turned into curiosity once he regained his composure.

The substance Ace had used was called aether, and since he hadn't used it in front of Maxwell ever since returning, nor had he used it during the Inter-Academy Tournament, it was fairly new to the veteran spy. He wondered if it was the reason why Genro had developed an interest in the boy, but soon shook his head.

"There is no way he possesses a mana-like substance unbeknownst to Genro."

Genro was an enthusiast in the field of all mana or magic-like substances. He had seen and researched everything, so there was no way Genro hadn't noticed such an obvious thing. That was what Maxwell believed, but it couldn't be any farther from the truth.

Moreover, if Genro had noticed it and didn't know about the substance, he would've confronted the boy and wouldn't have left him alone. By what Maxwell knew of Genro's personality, the latter would've waged war with the Conscientious Faction solely because of that boy if it ever came to it.

However, he didn't. That is why Maxwell believed Genro knew of the substance. But it didn't wash away his suspicions, since the former hadn't noticed Ace using the substance the entire time he was watching him. He only noticed once Ace disclosed it.

"A family secret? No, his family is pretty ordinary. Well, whatever."




"You've finally finished, huh?" Ace remarked, currently sitting atop a boulder. He sat cross-legged, meditating peacefully until the arrival of the lanky-armed individual. Since the mana density was so high, absorbing it would naturally prove to be rather useful.

"That was more difficult than I expected," Leo commented, desperately trying to steady his breathing. He expected it to be a little tiring, but the current situation was a bit more than "little". It wasn't the strength, but the numbers. The sheer amount of spectres that suddenly appeared was insurmountable.

"I killed 54,789. What about you?" Ace asked, causing a response to come belatedly.

"I killed 16,421," Leo said, sighing in defeat. He had expected Ace to be quicker in disposing of those nasty creatures, but he had severely outdone himself compared to Leo's initial expectations.

"I guess I've won," Ace remarked, a smug grin blossoming on his face. He then hopped off from atop the boulder and headed towards the campfire he prepared. Glancing at the tents set up by his family, he stared at the sky. "It's almost night time already."

"I know. Time really passes quickly when you're fighting."

"Yeah. Also, do you mind coming out now… Maxwell?"