
Chapter 9

“What about her?”

“She’s dead.”

Flynn had expected his father to mock his mother’s nonsense about sensing strange vibes from Cynthia. To hear about Cynthia’s death was shocking.


“Supposedly, she had a heart attack in the rose garden of her estate.”

“How did you know that?”

“Mrs. Fernsby next door told Louise about it.”

Louise was Flynn’s parents’ housekeeper while Mrs. Fernsby was the notorious gossip-monger in the neighborhood. He got the picture immediately.

“And Louise told Mom about it.”

“Yes. When your mom called home to remind her to water the plants in the garden.”

“Are you going to attend Cynthia’s wake?”

“Your mother and I have to do that tomorrow morning. We weren’t close to Cynthia, but your mother is friends with Clara and Moira.”

“Right. Any other things that I should know about?”

“Nope. That’s it.”

“Okay, Dad. See you later tonight then.”

“Absolutely. Love you, son.”

“Love you, too, Dad.”