

Two girls go on a mystery adventure which leads to...A ABANDONED HOSPITAL!. what will happen next in their adventure?.....

Warisa_Binte_Nur · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

~Journey starts~

{The two girls pack their bags and left their homes. Then they met each other at the Devil's Lair.}

Wow! I did not expect the house is going to be that old and creepy said Eillie. I know right? said Anne. Well, let's go inside shall we? said Eillie. Anne nodded her head while saying "yes". Stop being scared already! said Eillie. I am not scared at all said Anne. Oh yea yea you could say that again said Eillie. Hey... I.. said Anne while getting interrupted by Eillie. Whatever, enough talking just help me get in, would you? said Eillie. ok fine said Anne.

Sorry! I was sleepy so I did not get to write the full chapter

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