
The Nameless Puppeteer

Love exist in many form almost in all relationship. There are love as sweet as honey, as bitter as kale, as sour as pickled lemon, as salty as salt. There are love as deadly as a black hole, with no future. There are love as passionate as fire unable to be extinguish. People always have different meaning and understanding of love. Some people say, “love is when you build up each other.” Some people say, “love is when I press myself into your back at night and feel our future.” Some people say, “love is comfort in uncomfortable places.” Some people say, “love feels like coming home.” Some people say, “love is when someone starts to take up space in your mind.” Yet, none of them could really describe what love is. Love exist and yet it meaning remain unsolved. While it is simple in word, however it is complex in action. Love make a person happy, sad, and mad at the same time. The obsession, the burning and mixed emotion that one felt when they are in love will always remain a mystery. How do you fall in love? How do you fall out of love? Aretha, the fruit of love between her mother and her father, blessed by the Angel of Death, grew up among the dark reality of the world. The love she has to go through filled with thorn, walking the long path away from happiness. Yet she earn for a love as warm as sun. The same love she used to feel with the family she love. “Ella, I know how badly I had hurt you, but I love you so much to let you go. I rather die than to be apart from you.” “Then you should just die.” “Aretha, anything you want, I will give it to you. I shall grant your wish however you pleased. If it the world that you want, I will bring the world to your feet.” “I don’t need it.” “Aretha, do you really have to leave? Can’t you stay, here, with me?” “There are people I need to protect.” ................................................................................................ Announcement! I got an upgrade! To all my lovely readers, there will be some major changes in my writing style. The already updated chapter will be re-update for the consistency of the writing style. Don't worry, only the writing style will changes. The plot and the characters remain the same. The date for the re-update will be 5th July 2024!!! And, the upcoming chapter will continue to be upload starting the next day. Stay tuned!

CaptainUdon00 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 12

Rosaceae City, Year 1217.


A man wearing a black hooded cardigan covering his head sitting quietly and alone in the corner of the tavern. Another man with brown hair wearing white shirt and dark brown vest walked toward the opposite side of the table and sit facing the man wearing hooded cardigan. 

The man with brown hair whispered, "Sir, there's a new information."

The man wearing hooded cardigan had his head low since earlier, but when he heard what the other man's, he lifted his head and look at the face in front of him.

He glanced to his side, where the people in the tavern busy talking, drinking and eating. The man wearing hooded cardigan rubbed his ring on the thumb finger with his index finger. He ordered the other man, "Talk."

"Right now, the one who is in charge of the order of the knights are Duke Frederick Andino. This man had always pull the wool over everyone's eyes. He is known as the most righteous knight in the kingdom, advising the king on what is right and what is wrong, and had never been involved in the dispute between nobles. Not only that, his image in the heart of the citizen is akin to an image of a hero. Plus, he had never been involved in any scandal relating to women, drugs, or gambling. But, our intel gain a new information. He had actually used prostitute. And it also seem he keep summoning the same woman almost every week."

The man wearing hooded cardigan frowned, "Is that all?"

The man with brown hair shook his head, "No. The most crucial point is that, since the meeting with this woman, his movement change. He seem to be raising new troop of knights."

The man wearing hooded cardigan lifted one of his eyebrow, "Any information on the woman?"

The man with brown hair nodded, "Ella, 17 years old, being sold to Lady Maria when she was 12 years old. Had begin working at Calla Lilies Brothel for almost 5 years. She has her own building where she lived with the other five children that was being sold together with her. Two boys, 11 years old. One girl, 11 years old. Two girls 10 years old. The building was gifted by Duke Andino under his servant's name." He stopped and take a glance on the expression of the man in front of him, hesitatingly, "Chris has the full information regarding this woman. Right now, he is staying in the inn near the brothel. Sir, do you want me to retrieve the information from him?"

After a moment of silence, the man wearing hooded cardigan shook his head, "No need. We'll meet up there."

The man with brown head nodded his head. He think in his head, it seem the time is getting nearer.

The man wearing hooded cardigan rub the ring on his thumb again. He stand up and walked out of the tavern followed by the man with brown hair. 




A young lady wearing a loose white gown draped with long flowing pink robe with loose sleeves. Her scarlet wavy hair is being let loose and occasionally fluttered as it blowned by the wind. She grab a macaroon on the plate in front of her and bite it gracefully and slowly to savor the flavor.

"New recipe?" 

A girl wearing blue dress standing beside her hummed, "Yep! Because I need to increase the dose, so the flavor need to be consistent to hide the bitterness."

The young lady sneered, "Not bad. This time there is a lot of improvement. Well done."

Next to the girl wearing the blue dress, another girl slightly shorter than the former, chirped in, "Mine too! Try to taste mine too!"

The young lady chuckled. She picked the cup of tea and sip it slowly, savoring the sweetness of the drink. The young lady put down the cup and nodded, "Good. You have also improve a lot. Just that, the taste still feel slightly different. People might notice it."

The short girl nodded vigorously, "I'll take note of that. Don't worry, I'll make a new adjustment. You will be shock by then."

The girl in the blue dress glance hesitatingly at the young lady, "Sister Rere, this time, does your body feel anything?"

Aretha looked at the flower garden in front of her. She smiled, "There is a slight discomfort. But not to the point of unable to withstand it. It take more than that to get a reaction from me."

The harmonious chat between the three does not bring any harm to the people. But the subject of their talk does. Poison. The two girls standing behind Aretha are two of the children that had been following her since their day meeting Lady Maria. The two girl's 'Skill' is in alchemy which directed toward potion making. 

Aretha had been guiding the girls to learn about various type of potion and provide them the space and equipment to experiment with potion. Including herself. When it come to poison, Aretha offered herself as the lab rat. 

Since the day her grandparent tells her about her mother's death, her grandmother had been making poison and healing potion for her. Although it was indeed cruel and tormenting for the small Aretha, she had been familiarizing herself with poison so that what happen to her mother would never happen to her. Plus, it would not give any changes in her body. 

Usually people that had been taking poison from a young age would have side effects such as their body become the poison and had to avoid physical touch with other people. Even their body liquid will become poison. However, such side effects do not occured in Aretha's body. This fact should thanked her grandmother's potion. 

The only side effects she had to face are the fact that not only poison would bring no effects but also healing potion. 

A tall young boy walked toward the three girls. He bowed down in front of Aretha and politely said, "Sister Rere. Rick had come with the order from Lady Maria."

Aretha's gaze turn dark, "What is it?"

The tall young boy replied, "Lady Maria said to meet her in her office in 2 hours."




The light from the window reflected on the man's silhouette, highlighting his shining dark purple hairs and his golden yellow eyes. The black suit draped over his body perfectly match his broad shoulder and mass muscle. His waistline complement his broad shoulder, not too small, and not too big. The man sitting on the chair with his long leg crossed and his hand placed on his thigh. 

Lady Maria could only quenched her thirst with the cup of tea in front of her. The man in front of her is not only the perfect male she had always dreamed but also the ruthless person she had ever heard. The person in front of her is not someone she could negotiate with, and not someone she could go against.

When the man came and introduce his identity, Lady Maria first suspect that he came for another reason. Never would she thought, the reason the man came is for the girl that had been her golden goose for almost 5 years. 

Lady Maria tensed up from the man and his people's aura but her expression remain calm. However, despite her efforts to stay calm, her heart thumping like crazy. Who could keep calm when facing the most ruthless and cruel killer in the Eins Empire. 

Grand Duke Vladimir Igor Sergeyev, also known as the War God and at the same time as the Reaper. All the war and battle he involved in, will end up with his glorious victory. Admired by men, loved by the women, respected and fear by his ally and enemy. He kills without mercy. A man with no sympathy and no empathy.

Lady Maria gathered her courage and take a glance toward the man before offering some refreshment, "My lord, it will take some time for our Ella to arrive. How about some refreshment while waiting?"

Vladimir coldly shut her down, "No need."




*Little Theater*



Author : "All the young girls and boys out there be careful oh, when communicating with a stranger no matter how good looking they are. From old day till today, there are still old people that like young people… Ai…. So dangerous, lorr~~~ ╮(╯_╰)╭"

Aretha : "How old is that old man Andino?"

Author, sweating, : "( ̄┰ ̄*) Urm…38 years old, 21 years older than you."

Aretha : 눈_눈

Author : ( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→

Aretha : "To everyone out there, please be careful when interacting with people, no matter what age, and whatever relationship you have. Even the most trusted person in your life, it won't hurt to be a little cautious. Remember, the first person you have to trust is yourself. And if you yourself are a disaster, then seek for help from the person who won't get any benefit from you, physically and mentally. Fill yourself with knowledge to avoid being used and cheated."


An amateur writer is on the way....

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