
The Name with Power

This is my first time doing this so I do want to say sorry for my grammar, spell, etc. I wasn’t very good at the English subject in school even tho it the only language I know. But when I say that I can put my story here I jump to it. Finally I want to say thank you for taking an interest in my story and deal with me as an author. A world of vampires and hunters get their power though the names they were given by the family leaders. We followed a special vampire name Tyler. Detail about Tyler: his hair swoops down covering his right eye with red hair lining with the swoop but a centimeter from the edge. A mole under his left eye. Left vamp teeth is always showing even when bloodlust mood off. Always have some type of long sleeve or jacket, Jean pants, and high top shoes. He wear a necklace with small dragger knife held by the handle. This story was from a short comic I made back in high school when I was deeply into drawing. I love this idea for my story that I keep it for about 5 to 6 year ago.

ShhhBaka · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

First Kill Pt2

~This is a work in progress but figure to release it

"Ok last thing before I have to go is about the hunters... their name are imbued into their weapons. So destroy their weapons you kill them way way easier said then done, those weapons are strong I've only seen 5 been destroyed in my life time. Curious on when they don't summon there weapons their don't have there immortality so their are like normal humans" Tyler lay down look at the sky the full moon appears though the crash part of the roof "so you leave? I don't think I ever got your name" Tyler said "oh well I can't give that out actually so call me leader, boss, I do like big sis" leader said "I'm going to stick to leader but big sis goes sound fun haha" as Tyler spread his arms and legs on the pile of rumble.

*Thank you for reading

•PS idk when I might make more