
Powers, Abilities, Skills and More..


Immortality: Immortals possess an infinite life span and are thus, immune to aging, all known diseases and illnesses, and death by any conventional means. Unlike all other known semi-immortal beings like Vampires and Original Vampires, immortals are truly and unconditionally immortal and can't be killed by any means.

Advanced Healing Factor: Immortals are able to regenerate from any damage sustained on their bodies as a result of their unconditional immortality. Their bones snap back into place after being broken, and they have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, snapped necks, and torso impalement.

Advanced Immunity: Immortals possess a caliber of immortality that grants them immunity to all weaknesses. They're immune to wooden weapons, sunlight, vervain, werewolf bites, decapitation, heart extraction, or fire and are able to walk freely into a home without being invited by the owner first. Their bodies are completely indestructible.

Psychic Powers: Immortals possess various advanced psychic abilities which they can develop to affect any species such as humans, witches, Original vampires, vampires, werewolves, and hybrids, even at vast distances. In fact, immortals are the only known species who have abilities powerful enough to incapacitate or compel Original vampires. After intensive practice and consumption of exceptional amounts of blood, immortals can even affect multiple targets with their psychic abilities. Silas was once able to mind-control an entire crowd full of people and make them forget afterward. This ability seems to grow stronger with age, practice, and significant consumption of blood. Only Supernatural Hunters of The Brotherhood of the Five and those beings possessed by Travelers using Passenger spells are immune to these abilities.

Telepathy: Immortals have the ability to enter into the minds of another to read their thoughts and access their memories just by being in the same vicinity as them.

Illusions: Immortals have the power to create powerful illusions. They are able to use these illusions on anyone they desire, no matter how powerful. The ability to cause illusions also allows a form of shapeshifting, since they can cause beings to believe that they are seeing the Immortal in the form of another. They can be used on multiple people in multiple locations simultaneously. They can keep themselves at a physically safe distance while casting illusions. The illusions have been proven sufficient against many vampires capable of brute force.

Voice Mimicry: When they use their illusions to appear as someone else, immortals are able to change their voice to whatever they want, using their voice in addition to their appearance to trick their victims into believing that they are truly who they are pretending to be.

Sonic Scream: The ability to emit highly enhanced screams of a high amplitude. Zyanya can emit/produce/generate an extremely powerful scream/shriek of high amplitude for a variety of purposes from her vocal cords and mouth, typically for offensive purposes, like causing destruction. The attack usually manifests as a destructive stream or a destructive wave of sonic energy and can only destroy anything in front of her unless they turn around, moving the scream in the process.

Psychic Pain Infliction: Similar to witches with their pain infliction spells, immortals are able to inflict illusory psychic pain on their victims.

Dream Manipulation: Immortals can control dreams and the subconscious mind. Immortals can produce and modify dreams and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming.

Advanced Mind Compulsion: Immortals can control thoughts, plague dreams, and erase memories of humans and supernatural creatures alike. They do not need eye contact and can affect extremely powerful supernatural beings such as Qetsiyah and Klaus. Unlike vampires, vervain does not prevent an immortal from invading a victim's mind. They are even able to control entire crowds from a distance with relative ease after feeding on a large enough quantity of blood. Immortals are the only known beings who can compel an Original Vampires.

Enhanced Strength: Immortals have greater than average strength that makes them stronger than most humans, enhancing their strength to more or less similar levels as that of Supernatural Hunters of the Brotherhood of the Five. Silas was able to effortlessly break Jeremy Gilbert's neck with one hand, even after having just awoken from desiccation moments before. so their strength can vary on how much blood is in their system. However, their strength is inferior to that of regular vampires.

Enhanced Speed: Immortals possess enhanced speed which allows them to move faster than humans. However, like with their strength, immortals possess inferior speed to that of vampires.

Enhanced Reflexes: Immortals possess enhanced reflexes which allow them to unconsciously react faster than humans to stimulus.

Super Durability: Immortals are indestructible, they are highly resistant to pain and can take a great amount of damage without succumbing to physical injury.

Enhanced Senses: Immortals have a keen sense of hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch, and perception that exceed those of humans although, the degree of which is still unknown.

Thunder Clap: Zyanya can produce massive shockwaves by clapping her hands together.

Electricity Manipulation: Even though they were born over a thousand years apart, both Zyanya and Thor were born with the ability to generate, control, and project electrical energy though Zyanya's is a slightly weaker variant, some times when she is angered it will spark at her fingertips but she mostly leaves the electrical energy to Thor.

Lightning Manipulation: Like her younger half brother, Zyanya can generate and control lighting, although this ability is slightly weaker to Thors. Due to Zyanya's magical side, the lightning she produces is purple.

Armor Generation: By engulfing herself in her energy and or magic, Zyanya's clothes are instantly transformed into her battle armor (See below)

Vibration Manipulation: All existing matter and energy within the known universe vibrate at a specific resonant frequency on the quantum level. Zyanya can sense the various frequency vibrations in her environment and manipulate them. Her powers are connected to her heart rate, and as a negative result, she can lose control of her powers whenever her heartbeat increases during stressful situations. Zyanya's body is able to withstand enhancing and releasing intense vibrational waves, however attempting to forcefully internalize or hold back her powers will put an excessive strain on her body and may lead to internal injuries like ruptured veins, hairline bone fractures, or other severe consequences. When focused, her abilities extend to the point that she can create both force barriers and powerful concussive waves of sheer force. After learning to control her powers from her father, Zyanya achieved greater control over her powers and no longer loses control of them.

Concussive Blasts: Perhaps Zyanya's favorite technique, she is able to generate and focus powerful concussive waves of vibrating air in the form of directed concussive blasts at her enemies. The effects of her blasts can vary from being weak enough to only knock opponents into walls and shatter windows, to strong enough to break a vampires spine, crush an original vampires skull, heavily damage an immortals body, destroy massive areas of concrete roads, send cars flying, knock back a grenade fired from a grenade launcher, destroy a portion of a hospital floor, push a Quinjet into the sea, Zyanya also uses her blasts in battle to block blows from opponents such as Vampires, Werewolves and other supernatural beings. During her time on earth, Zyanya also learned to use her concussive blasts to propel herself in the air and cushion her falls, She is also able to concentrate her concussive waves. in her hands before releasing them in a massive shock wave, destroying anything in her path in the process. Zyanya is also able to use her shockwaves to apply enough pressure on viscous matter such as Gravitonium, that it would compress to a degree that would otherwise be unachievable. Zyanya could also use her powers to resuscitate humans by sending weak concussive pulses to their hearts. Zyanya was also shown to be able to create cushioning platforms of concussive force, such as when she stopped a man from jumping off a building. She is also able to release concussive shockwaves through her punches.

Vibrational Absorption: Zyanya is also capable of absorbing vibrations, as she has once absorbed an earthquake, she is able to absorb a larger quantity of vibrations, but can only hold them for so long and must release them or she risks causing irreparable damage to herself.

Disintegration: Zyanya can cause molecules to vibrate violently enough that the bonds between them are destroyed, causing whatever she is using her powers on to disintegrate into the atmosphere, such as when she disintegrated an entire coven of witches in a matter of seconds.

Force-Field Generation: Zyanya is able to shape vibrating air into physical fields, as demonstrated when she blocked several gunshots from Liz Forbes.

Asgardian Sorcery: Zyanya's magical powers are among the most powerful of all Asgardians. Zyanyas' strength and proficiency with magic is second only to Karnilla. Zyanyas' powers derive from two main sources: her innate capacity to manipulate ambient Asgardian magical energy (of power objects and entities found therein or merely Asgard's natural magic) honed through practice, and her acquired knowledge of spells and enchantments of Asgardian origin.

Asgardian Spell Casting: Zyanya is an exceptionally powerful sorceress capable of casting complex spells. She once cursed Asgard causing it to rain blood across the entire realm. Even Odin himself seemed incapable of reversing it. She has also shown how capable she is with casting spells that slow down an opponent's reactions and also cast a spell that prevented a small army from fighting.

Energy Projection: Zyanya can use her sorcery to generate powerful blasts of concussive force, heat, or light.

Teleportation: Zyanya can teleport within a single dimension, or across the various dimensional places of the Nine Worlds of Asgard.

Levitation/Flight: Zyanya is able to levitate and fly, this could be used with her telekinesis, concussive blasts or just flight in general.

Disguise/Illusions: Either through illusion or physical transformation, Zyanya can alter her appearance, taking the shape of other humanoid beings, or even change the appearance of her clothing.

Transmutation: Zyanya can turn people into trees or statues with just a wave of her hand. This power is very effective and can even be done from dimensions away from the person. (Zyanya could be on earth and curse and turn someone on Asgard or the other Nine Realms.

Paralysis: Zyanya can paralyze multiple enemies with a wave of her hand.

Energy Shields: Zyanya can summon incredibly powerful force fields. She has withstood blows from the likes of Thor, the Original Mikael, the force of a small nuclear bomb going off, and even multiple witch/magic attacks.

Life Force Absorption: Zyanya can absorb the life force of other beings to temporarily enhance her own powers. For conscious beings, she requires consent to perform the act, however to those of lesser intelligence she can do so at will. It is unknown as to whether there are set boundaries, as she has once required consent, but yet could affect others at will.

Time Disruption: Zyanya can manipulate time with a subtle spell. She can reverse time, to prevent events from ever happening. She can even protect others from the power of this spell at will.

Telepathy: Zyanya can read minds, project her thoughts onto others, exchange her mind with another, perform mind control, sense when a telepath is trying to read her or her allies thoughts, and shield her and others' minds from telepathic intrusions and attacks, which are so powerful that even Charles Xavier could not penetrate her defenses. Being that she is immortal this power has become stronger and more powerful over time.

Astral Projection: Zyanya can project her astral form from her body. It is not affected by the laws of physics and can combat other astral beings. She can also simply project her voice.

Telekinesis: Zyanya has telekinetic powers, the limits of which are unknown.

Mystical Senses: Zyanya can sense the presence of magical energies nearby, impending danger, and others' inner emotions.

Mystical Energy Blasts: Zyanya can project powerful beams of concussive force.

Illusion Casting: Zyanya's illusion casting can fool cities and powerful entities such as Odin and Silas.

Psionics: Zyanya has demonstrated powerful psionic capabilities, the full limits of which aren't known. She has demonstrated the ability to project her thoughts telepathically across great distances, even across dimensional barriers, as well as potent hypnotic capabilities. She is able to communicate with beings telepathically.

Shape-shifting: Like several other gods and goddesses, Zyanya possesses highly developed shape-shifting capabilities. She is able to adapt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. The thought has been raised that her current form is merely a shape Zyanya has decided to remain in. Throughout the years she has become animals such as a snake, eagles, a mouse, and others, gaining the basic natural abilities inherent in each form. While she can take on the likeness of another god, giant or human, she will not necessarily gain the special physical or mental powers of the being she imitates. Zyanya can also transform external objects into other forms and substances by magic; for instance, she has turned clouds into dragons and even changed cars into ice cream.

Physical Enhancement: Zyanya's magic can be used to further enhance or augment her physical diagrams, like her speed, strength, and stamina.

Other Mystical Abilities: Zyanya can also bring inanimate objects to life and mystically imbue objects or beings, she can also bestow superhuman attributes to living beings or inanimate objects. For example, She has augmented the might of many witches during spells. These magical effects remain only for as long as she maintains the spell that created them. Zyanya has also once cursed a witch that went against her with an indestructible "witch" face, which proved to be powerful enough to withstand being spelled by very powerful witches and many hits to the face without receiving a single scratch, the face even stayed in death.

Empathy: On many occasions, Zyanya has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to feel, control, manipulate and alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others.

Telekinetic Weapons: Zyanya can create psionic weapons and constructs out of psychic energy that damage a target either physically, mentally, or both in some point. The versatility of this ability was greatly enhanced after training with Loki.

Telekinetic Aura: Zyanya can surround her body with psychic energy to protect herself from harm.

Telekinetic Sensitivity: This lets Zyanya feel the texture of objects she has a telekinetic hold on, feel when other objects come into contact with them, and probe them at a molecular level to identify if they contain alien materials or feel when two things which she has a telekinetic "hold" upon are similarly composed.

Telepathic Defense: Zyanya can manifest her telepathy in several defensive ways. Including defending her mind from other telepaths.

Telepathic Cloaking: Zyanya can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other telepaths. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect but will do in a pinch.

Telepathic Manipulation: Zyanya can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects.

Psychic Shield: Zyanya can erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and the minds of others. She gets this power from both her father.

Psychic Blast: Zyanya can project psychic force bolts that have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain, knocking them unconscious, or turning the victim "brain-dead".

Psychic Siphoning: Zyanya is able to drain others' psychic energy to enhance her psionic powers. The boost she can provide to herself depends on the psychic energy within her enemies, explaining the fact why she is rarely seen using this power.

Memory Alteration: Zyanya can erase, implant, restore or alter the memory of others.

Mind Control: Zyanya can control the thoughts and actions of others.

Mind Possession: Zyanya can possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as her own.

Mental Sedating: Zyanya can telepathically "sedate" her victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as she continues to "sedate" them.

Mental Detection: Zyanya can sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small but as yet undefined radius of herself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.

Mind Link: Zyanya can bond others' minds allowing them to communicate telepathically between them.

Telepathic Scanning: Zyanya can scan large areas and detect threats in her vicinity. She can also detect the psyches of the inhabitants of a city to learn of their status, condition, or intentions.

Mental Paralysis: Zyanya can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.

Amnesia: Zyanya can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.

Telepathic Possession: Zyanya is able to possess the mind of others as use it as her own. She can also transfer her mind and powers into another person's body and use it as her own.

Psionic Inundation Waves: Zyanya can project waves of telepathic force that usually have the form of a beam which have no physical effects but which could affect a victim's mind to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness or even death.

Telepathic Force: Zyanya can use telepathic energy to create telepathic force blasts that can instantly incapacitate or kill supernatural beings.

Psychic Bomb Generation: Zyanya can create and launch bombs out of psionic energy, having great effects on the opponent's mind, or generate massive explosions made of pure psionic force.

Psychic Lightning Manipulation: As a telepath, Zyanya can manipulate psionic electrical energy. She can also generate powerful psionic blasts that disrupt electrical energies, including the natural bio-electric field of the human brain or the electrical systems of machinery.

Psychic Energy Manipulation: Zyanya is so strong, she can freely manipulate, generate, or absorb mental energies which allow her to release powerful psi-waves, generate psychic shields, use psionic abilities in attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, Psionic Projection, Psychic Manipulation, and release bolts of pure psychic energy that can stun, injure or kill.

Telekinetic Matter Alteration: Zyanya can telekinetically rearrange/rebuild matter on a sub-atomic level. She can also capable of psionically alter her clothing at will, and alter/change matter on a sub-atomic level

Telekinetic Healing: Zyanya has the ability to use her telekinetic energy to heal herself and others at an extremely rapid rate. She can enhance her telekinetic healing to the point of which she can instantly heal from almost any injury.

Telekinetic Katana: Zyanya can manifest Telekinetic katana blade composed of raw psi-energy, which at its lowest intensity, functions to disrupt neural pathways and sever the bonds between molecules, and at its highest level, her katanas can slice an armored opponent and cut through the armor, but leave the attacker physically unharmed. She can also use her swords to shatter telepathic power-inhibitors imposed on others. Zyanya's telekinetic manifestations produce visible radiance in the physical world. Thus, she can use her psychic katana as a makeshift light source in areas of darkness.

Telekinetic Crossbow: Zyanya has been seen creating psi-bows and arrows. She has created psi-crossbows with a rope attached that allows not just her to swing on it, but other people as well.

Telekinetic Bow and Arrow: Zyanya has the ability to create a bow and arrow made of telekinetic energy that can pierce through armor or damage the target mentally or physically on contact.

Telekinetic Spiked Flail: She can manifest a psionic spiked flail which weighs ninety pounds.

Telekinetic Whip: Zyanya can generate a whip made from psionic energy, as shown during her fight with Mikael.

Telekinetic Spikes: Zyanya can create destructive psionic spikes that destroy the physical objects that the spikes come into contact with.

Telekinetic Claws: As an extension of her psionic constructs she is able to create claws like Wolverines but made of pure psionic energy which can affect the target physically, and also to slice through armor.

Telekinetically Enhanced Conditions: Zyanya can use her telekinesis to enhance her speed, strength, agility, awareness, durability, healing, and fighting skills to incredible levels.

Psycho-Blasts: Zyanya can shoot a focused beam of telepathic energy at an opponent, knocking them physically while attacking them mentally. This blast was powerful enough to pierce the psi-proof helmet of Juggernaut, a feat Professor X couldn't accomplish upon his first encounter.

Psionic Weaponry: Zyanya is able to manifest a variety of weapons from pure psionic entertainment, which can physically affect the environment. She can make her weapons appear as anything including that of Katana, Chain Sickle, Katari, Swords, Daggers, Whip, and more.

Psy Blades: Described as "the focused totality of her psychic powers," by intensely channeling and focusing her psionic powers to her hands to create "psychic blades", razor-sharp edges of pure mental energy which were said to be the ultimate physical manifestation of her powers which she plunged into the minds of her targets directly, which she often used to disrupt the neurons of her foes by driving the glowing "blade" of mental energy into their skulls. It is able to kill.

Magic: Zyanya can perform any and all types of Magic, no matter how powerful it is or how dark, Zyanya's magic is even more powerful of that of her mother's and father's.

Witchcraft: Zyanya can perform any and all types of witchcraft, Zyanya's witchcraft is far more superior than that of her mothers.

Telepathy: She can read the minds of others, as well as alter their perceptions and their memories as well as control them.

Arcane Knowledge: She has almost infinite knowledge and understanding of spells, potions, and other topics related to magic

Healing Spells: She can magically heal injuries and diseases.

Glamour: Like shape-shifting and illusions Zyanya can also disguise herself as someone else.

Summoning: She can summon objects or beings through magic. Often materializing it in one hand via energy swirls.

Tethering: The ability to tether a person or magic to an object or another person.

Pyrokinesis: She can create and manipulate fire, often in a form of a fireball.

WitchCraft: A practice of magic used by witches. Many different types of activities include astrology, divination, spell-casting, and spirit communication. Depending on the individual, some witches practice power by a certain belief system such as Shamanism, Voodoo, Santería, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices around the world.

Spell Casting: The power to change and control events through the use of incantations.

Channeling: The power to invoke extra forms of energy by focusing on external forces.

Potion Brewing: The power to brew and concoct potions, remedies, and elixirs that have supernatural properties.

Telekinesis: The power to move objects and persons through mental influence.

Pain Infliction: The power to create excruciating migraines or aneurysms through supernatural means.

Elemental Control: The power to control and manipulate elementary elements such as air, earth, fire, and water. She can also control the 4 Pilar of Existence, Holy, Dark, Cosmo, and Chrono. As well as more.

Divination: The power to see the divine future, the past, and the present based events on extrasensory perception.

Clairvoyance: The Power to see divine future, past, and present events through instinctive knowledge

Premonitions: The power to see divine future, past, and present events through observation and study of dreams.

Intuition: The power to see or feel divine future, past and present events through the use of instinctive knowledge

Psychometry: The power to feel and see divine future, past and present events through contact with or are proximity to a certain object or person

Projection: The power to separate from one's body and project the mind to another location or to instantaneously travel from one point to another.

Transmogrification: The unique power to alter the physical structure of objects living or dead, changing their form.

Spell Crafting: The power to create her very own spells.

Possession: The power to jump one's spirit into the body of another, taking control of said host's body.

Sleep Manipulation: The ability to control a person's sleep, by putting them to sleep, making them sleep for a certain amount of time, or making them never sleep again.

Resurrection: The power to bring someone or one's self back from the dead.

Creation of an Amulet: An object that is used to protect its wearer from harm.

Symbols: Seals drawn or written used as a physical representation of spells

Creation of a Talisman: Objects that can be used to magnify a witch's power and/or represent them supernaturally.

Magical Immobilization: With one thought she can immobilize something or someone.

Healing Spells: She can magically heal injuries and diseases.

Glamour: Like shape-shifting, Rosalinda can also disguise herself as someone else.

Protection Spells: She can magically protect a location, an item, or a person in various ways.

Phytokinesis: She can manipulate plants and vines and the earth.

Technokinesis/Technopathy: Her magic allows her to manipulate technology.

PotionCraft: The ability to create liquid substances for various purposes by combining a set of ingredients.

Foresight: She can see parts of the future in pieces.

Pain Resilience: Zyanya is able to endure and survive immense amounts of both physical and mental pain notably even pain inflicted by a giant lightning bolt sent by Thor much to every god's amazement and respect.

Teleporting: She can move instantly from one place to another.

Summoning: She can summon objects or beings through magic. She is seen using this ability a lot.


Photographic Reflexes: The more Zyanya fights someone the more she knows, she can analyze the persons fighting style, their next move, and even their strengths and weaknesses.

Enhanced Intuition: Zyanya's intuition is far more superior to that of a human or any supernatural being.

Dreams: Like most Asgardian Sorcerers and Sorceress', Zyanya has dreams that show her events occurring in the past, present, and future. However, due to both her parents' unpredictable nature and raw power, Zyanya's dreams are a lot more potent than those of other Asgardians.

Master Perceptionist: Zyanya is able to see and hear or become aware of something through her senses.

ADHD: Zyanya's supernatural alertness and keen senses keep her ready for anything to keep her alive in battle. It also lets her analyze her opponent's fighting style as well as pick up minor details about an opponent, such as where their muscles tense so she can tell which direction they will attack from.

Intimidation: Zyanya has been known to intimidate many people including men much bigger and stronger than her just by looking at them.

Indomitable Will: Zyanya will is enormously strong and while still inferior to that of her grandfather, she is not much weaker than her also extraordinarily strong-willed father, with even all the gods acknowledging the strength of her sheer willpower, stating that despite all the trauma she has been through, she has not only managed to rise above it despite the experience never fully leaving her but has been able to instead use the trauma to fuel her determination.

Multilingual: Zyanya is fluent in English, French, Spanish, Latin, and various other languages.


Expert Combatant: With years of experience, Zyanya developed a fighting style in which she would infuse her psionic energy into her hands to greatly enhance her hand-to-hand combat skills and allow her to parry attacks from bladed weapons without suffering any harm due to her psionic energy protecting her hands from damage. Her combat instincts were also honed to the point she could react to and halt an explosion.

Expert Strategist: Zyanya is an excellent strategist due to all of the combat training and battle experience.

Expert Sorceress: Through all the training from many sorcerers and sorceresses' including some of the best Asgard has to offer, Zyanya is an expert when it comes to spells, charms, and anything magic related.

Expert Manipulator: Due to her powers of telepathy, Zyanya can manipulate anyone, however, she is an expert at manipulating even without her telepathic powers.

Genius Level Intelligence: Zyanya is a genius, after years of learning and practicing the new languages coming into the world, all Zyanya's hard work paid off because she is able to read and write without a problem. Her smarts rival that of William James Sidis, a man who was even smarter than Albert Einstein.

Expert Tactician: Zyanya uses carefully thought out plans to achieve a specific end goal. Zyanya is also a proficient tracker and highly resourceful.

Expert Survivalist: Zyanya has many survival skills and is ready in case of anything, including the end of the world.

Expert Swordsmanship: Zyanya is a naturally talented swordsman. Although she prefers using her powers, her swordsmanship skills continue to grow as time passes. She is capable of holding her own against and even defeating larger, more experienced, and more powerful opponents, including several gods, werewolves, vampires, original vampires, hybrids, and witches.

Master Hunting Skills: Zyanya was trained by her whole family from early childhood to her early teen years. she possesses excellent hunting abilities. she is also established as an extremely dangerous individual, and she is more than capable of taking a stand against even the most formidable of opponents, such as titans, gods, vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids, original vampires, demigods, and more.

Leadership Qualities: Zyanya has shown on several occasions to be a natural leader, when operating in groups, she commonly takes command, unless the group includes someone who she sees as a leader, such as her father.

Expert Fighter: Both of her parents saw to it that Zyanya is trained to fight if ever she couldn't use her powers, after being trained by many gods Zyanya is highly skilled and has mastered the fighting styles of Muay Tai, Jujitsu, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga.

Acrobatant: Zyanya is highly skilled in incorporating gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents.


Candles: A block aid solid wax with an embedded wick that is commonly lit to amplify a witch's spell.

Grimoires: A family journal is documented with magical recipes, rituals, and spells. Grimoires can also be used as Talisman to represent a witch.

Herbs: Various flora is used as ingredients to be incorporated into spells as binding agents.

Stones: Various minerals and ores used to boost or bind a witch's spell

Symbols: Seals drawn or written used as a physical representation of spells

Talisman: Objects that can be used to magnify a witch's power and/or represent them supernaturally.