
The Myth Of Time

The battle between the Saraia and the Sharukans have decidedly begun once again. To claim Alpha, Sky has to prove his worth to his pack who are currently scattered all over the city. To please his master, Ian has to exterminate all those belonging to the Saraia pack. But this becomes difficult when he realizes what and who he is fighting against... Above all this, a greater problem arises. The Mortal enemies of all wolves have begun to move forward and this time they are prepared to kill all who stand in their way to claiming 'their land' This can only be stopped by a special group of people, but who are they? Don't they have their own problems too? Will the world ever be safe again?

Ace_Dml · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

One Past...

"Run... Get out of here!" A large burly man said to the sobbing woman in front of him.

"N-No. I can't leave y-you here" The woman replied as tears streamed down her cheeks and fell to the black rocky ground.

The man walked closer to the woman and cupped her face with his arm. In the process, his hands got wet but he didn't mind. He wiped the tears off her face.

"They are coming Liz. Those despicable Wolves are coming and they won't spare anyone."

This did nothing to comfort her. Instead it made her cry the more. She knew she couldn't leave him. He was her mate for heavens sake!

"I can't leave without you." She said amidst tears.

The man proceeded to hug her in a tight embrace. This kind of embrace was different from the ones they'd shared together, because this one was filled with pain which stemmed from the consciousness of the inevitable.

Today, their pack would face the final test of time.

Today, an history would either repeat itself or be rewritten.

"Liz... I love you, but I'm the Alpha of the pack. I can't abandon them now when they need me the most."

He broke off from the embrace and lifted her face up by her chin. He could see her teary brown eyes filled with sorrow and anguish.

Indeed, these were trying times for his pack— the Saraia pack. But it was inescapable.

Lowering his head, he leaned towards her and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. He adorned the taste of her lips, salty as they were. He knew within him that this could be the last time he would ever see her again.

But he soon pulled off when his ears picked up the sounds of intruders in his territory. They didn't even try to hide their presence as they howled sharply, piercing the silence that adorned the night.

He groaned.

"Take the kids, leave this place with the other women and cubs." He ordered.

The woman shook her head.


"NOW!" Thundered the man with a deep growl that shook the cave they were in a little.

More tears flowed down the woman's face as she hastily went deep into the cave and brought out two babies with her. One was safely in between her jaws while the other was sprawled on her back.

On a closer look, you would notice they were twin brothers and now, they were sleeping quietly.

Taking one last look at her mate, she ran outside and led the other women away from the woods.

As he watched her leave, his eyes got cloudy with tears but they didn't fall. It was against the Wolf Order for an Alpha to cry, whether in the secret or in the open. And his pack was just outside his cave.

'I'm doing this for the pack Liz. I'm doing this for our sons.'

Taking a deep breath in, he transformed into a large wolf with black and white fur evenly spread on his body. His eyes turned deep red and his fingers protruded and hardened, efficiently becoming a weapon of war.

Now walking on all fours, he came out of the cave he was used to calling home and was met with the night sky.

Being a werewolf he could see very clearly and he saw there were no stars but the moon was full and it was a bit cloudy.

A chill air blew, making a howling sound as it swept past the terrain.

This was it.

He moved towards the edge of his cave which was above ground to address his pack who were below and waiting for his orders.

Betas lined themselves according to their position in the pack. From the strongest to the weakest.

The howls of the enemy were getting fierce and stronger, but he spoke to his pack nonetheless, exhibiting no aura of fear at all.

"Today is the day we knew was coming. This is the day we face off against our second sworn enemies, who unfortunately are wolves like ourselves. The Sharukans!'

"The Saraia pack fights a noble cause, just like our fore bearers did. We will not stop in my rule. Fight! And may the moon spirit be with you."

When he was done, he gave a loud howl and was soon joined by the rest of his pack.

Meanwhile, the women were currently running for their lives and for the lives of their cubs who were the future of the pack.

Unfortunately, the Sharukans had anticipated this move from the cunning Sarai Alpha and had already laid in ambush around the dusty path that led out of the woods.

Now it was too late for the women as the ambush had already begun. One by one, their numbers dwindled.

The Sharukans spared no one, not even the children and finally the only wolves alive that belonged to the Saraia was the Alpha's mate and her cubs.

Gasping fiercely through her teeth from the running plus the extra weight she was carrying, Liz looked around her to see the forest path littered with dead Wolves and cubs, and blood.

Wolves from her pack.

Already, the six Sharukan wolves had surrounded her and were snarling and snapping at her like the devils they were.

It was obvious that there was nothing she could do.

It was over.

"Kill them." Ordered the biggest beta among them and one of the smaller ones started coming forward.

Liz had already accepted her fate and was already crying when she felt her heart beating wildly and her head hurting badly. The pain from her head was so jolting that she opened her mouth and the cub in between her jaw fell to the ground with a thud.

The baby immediately opened its eyes and started crying.

But it wasn't quite over for Liz just yet.

Right there and then, she felt her spirit leaving her and going back the trail she had made from running. In some seconds, she was back at her cave.

But the difference was clear from when she left and right now.

Bodies of Wolves, mostly from her pack littered the forest floor. Blood was everywhere, on the ground, splattered on trees...


The rest of her pack were still fighting for their lives, and worst of all, her mate, the Alpha was held in a death grip by the Alpha of the Sharukans. His feet weren't touching the ground, while his limbs were trying to free his throat but to no avail.

She could see he was slowly suffocating but she could do nothing to stop it.

It was depressing and she could feel herself crying in her physical body.

"I'm going to wipe you and your pack of infidels out of existence! Your pack is a disgrace to the Wolf Order! Mating with those despicable piece of trash called humans is forbidden!'

"But no matter, I'll be ridden the earth and the Order of you inferior wolves once and for all. The wishes of my father and forefathers will be achieved!"

The Alpha of the Sharukans was a huge wolf with burnt red fur and deadly black eyes. He was like a nuclear bomb that could set off anytime.

"Y-you may... Kill me, b-but you can't kill the pack."

There was a loud laughter that erupted from the Sharukan Alpha.

"You know, its funny that you still speak in parables while dying... You are talking about your women and cubs right? I assure you; they are already in hell."


"You think you are so smart Alan. But an infidel like you will always be inferior to the real deal. Now you will be joining your pack where you all belong."

The Alpha plunged his hand into Alan's chest and Liz shut her eyes but not quick enough as she had seen a tear run down her mates fur as his heart was ripped out of his chest and he fell to the ground lifeless.

At once, her spirit returned back to her body, leading to her screaming.


Her voice was so loud, it echoed and her other cub that had been sleeping jerked awake instantly.

This cub joined the other in weeping as a mutual feeling of loss exploded in them.

The wolf who had just taken some steps towards her stopped abruptly as he felt a cold chill run down his spine.

The woman he was supposed to kill was down casted and had lost all hope a few seconds ago.

But now, the woman was releasing an aura of extreme hatred and anger and even a severe killing intent he never knew was possible to exude.

And it was scary.

He turned to look at the wolf who commanded him.

"Are you scared of a woman? If you don't kill her, I will. But you will be reported to Alpha Li and I'm sure you wouldn't want that."

The bigger wolf said and that made the smaller one resolute his mind.

To be killed was better than the punishment Alpha Li would give.

He began to walk forward again.

Liz had been burning in anger and it felt like her body was on fire. An unknown power rushed into her body, making her blue eyes turn red, which was very similar to her mate's.

Launching forward on her paws, she seized the enemy wolf coming towards her with her jaws and crushed his throat with one powerful stomp.

Just like that, the wolf was dead.

The rest, although terrified by what they just saw, attacked believing their sheer number was enough to overpower her.

However, they were gravely mistaken.

One by one, she tore their throats open, ending them in one strike.

Now, it was one against one.

She wasted no time and proceeded to attack him, but instead of waiting to fight, the beta ran. She followed him swiftly but eventually lost sight of him

Worse, all the adrenaline that had kept her going started dissipating and soon she was exhausted.

If she was attacked now, she was done for.

And that was when...


Her ears picked up the sound of one of her cubs screaming for help. Hastily, she forced herself to run back and when she got there she saw more Sharukan wolves running away with one of her cubs taken captive. The other one was on the ground, heavily injured and hardly breathing.

As she crouched to check, the red in her eyes dimmed and tears flooded out from her eyes.

But there was no time to mourn as she noticed that those wolves were now coming back for her. Quickly, she got up, took the cub in her mouth and continued running away from the woods despite her tiredness. It was now almost morning.

Miraculously, she was able to get out of the woods and was just crossing the road, but the next thing she felt was a sharp jolting pain in her left ribcage as she skidded on the road before stopping with a slight thud.

A car had knocked her over.

She used the last of her energy to transform to a human.

A man came out from the car and rushed to the front of his car and was dumbfounded to see a beautiful, naked young lady on the floor struggling to maintain consciousness and a child beside her who seemed to be dead.

"Oh shit!"

That was the last thing Liz heard as her eyes forcefully closed.

I edited this myself, so read with an open mind.

Cover Picture is not mine...

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