
The Mystery Of The Nameless Friend

• Language: English Itsumi Kyouka attempts to compromise with Advanced Millennium High School's fiercely competitive meritocratic system in "The Mystery of the nameless Friend." Despite the school's stellar reputation, not all students receive the same treatment, and Kyouka is demoted to class-B after making a careless error on the entrance exam. His life is changed when he meets Izara Arumine and Mawasaki Morine, two Class-B students who become his friends and allies in the challenging environment of the Millennium high school. However, Kyouka is offered companionship by a mysterious classmate. Will he be able to identify this unidentified person?_________________________________ • 言語: 日本 逸見鏡花は「名も無き友人の謎」で、競争の激しいアドバンスト・ミレニアム高校の実力主義に妥協しようとする。 評判の良い学校にもかかわらず、すべての生徒が同じ待遇を受けているわけではなく、京香は入学試験でうっかりミスをしたためBクラスに降格してしまう。 ミレニアム高校という困難な環境の中で友人であり盟友となる2人のB組生徒、有峰イザラとモワサキ・モリンに出会ったとき、彼の人生は一変する。 しかし、キョウカは謎のクラスメイトから交際を持ちかけられる。 彼はこの身元不明の人物を特定できるでしょうか?________________________________ ⚠️all illustration making will be delayed until an unknown time⚠️

_nonamee_official_ · สมจริง
6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Advanced Millennium Secondary High School.

As we move in the direction of the school, Mawasaki can be seen walking somewhat far behind us. Through the gate, we enter. We also notice an outstanding exterior design. It appeared to be a luxurious institution for those with the greatest potential.

Kiyone excels in sports and has excellent academic skills. So it seems sense that she was accepted here. However, both my academic performance and physical skills were pretty mediocre at my previous school. Therefore, how come I was allowed here?

My brother is three years older than us, therefore he is our senior. If he chooses to assist, he will be a useful guide. However, as far as I'm concerned, he'll probably remark something along the lines of "I won't dare to ruin your fun." I therefore assume I will have to complete it on my own.

We move in the direction of the school door, where a large group of students are gathered around a podium. Maybe there will be a welcoming ceremony? We arrived there after all. Mawasaki was seated next to me by chance. Exactly by chance, I say.

"What a coincidence, huh. What's the point of doing all this, why didn't they let us go to our classrooms already" Mawasaki appeared to be rather irritated that they forbade us from entering our classrooms and made us attend the welcoming ceremony instead.

"It's likely to end pretty soon. They'll likely merely go through the regulations or something similar."

My brother was moving toward a group of seniors who were whispering incessantly about us when I spotted him move in their direction. Because of how loud the incoming kids were, I was unable to hear a word that the seniors were saying. Well, it can't be helped.

Two students from the group of first-year pupils walked up to the platform a little while later. They gave off a rather serious vibe. Even several of the seniors stopped speaking due to the emotions on their faces. The girl took the microphone first.

"Good morning to all. Like the rest of you, I am Yumi Yushida, a first-year student. The administration of the school selected me to be the person in charge of handling student discipline. I am, therefore, a representative on the student council. it was nice meeting you everyone.".She hardly smiled, but she bowed to the group of people in front of her. The crowd began to cheer. Then the man, who appeared to be a little too confident in themselves, walked over to the microphone.

"Hello, first-year students. My name is Miyashita Yuji. I am a member of the students council, just like Yushida. Please behave properly in this school; I won't think twice to discipline anyone who disobeys the rules. Do you have any inquiries you'd like us to answer?" He was grinning excitedly, which was completely out of place. I looked over the students and noticed that the majority of them were uninterested in the event as a whole. However, a few students raised their hands.

"You, the boy over there!" Pointing at a typical student raising his hand, Yushida said.

"What are these rules, and when will we learn more regarding these guidelines?" That was a fascinating question.

"Each of you will be given a paper containing the most significant rules as well as some minor rules. Any other questions?"

The students' questioning persisted for a while before they abruptly stopped. I didn't raise my hand until I had a question I needed to ask. I received a response to my query from Yushida.

"You, yes. What do you want to ask?

"How do students get chosen for this institution, and what qualities qualify a student to enroll? physical prowess? academic prowess?"

Yumi grinned a little and said, "That's an interesting query you have. The answer will be addressed at our upcoming event".

The phrase "Upcoming Event" ,Her statement left all of the students puzzled including myself.

"Don't worry; everything will make sense in a moment." She maintains a smirk on her face; what is she planning?

The school's management invites us inside and directs us to a certain room. When we got there, it seemed like a large room with lots of tables. Will we all be taking classes together, that's new?

Suddenly, Miyashita. Standed in the front and started explaining.

"We will all take an exam that will evaluate our academic prowess, manner of thinking, and other skills. Your grades, your time at school, or anything else won't be impacted. Just to put our students to the test."

I'm starting to despise this guy's smile

I felt someone poke me, and when I glanced around, I saw Kiyone.

"Hey, what do you believe the purpose of this all?"

"There is no definitive response to your question. I don't buy what that guy stated, but I don't have enough evidence to back it up."

"I anticipated that kind of response from you. Are you going to make an effort to perform well on this test exam?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows"

Before heading to her desk, she sighed. I proceed to my seat as well. I wait patiently for my paper as I sit there.

A few minutes has passed and I finally got my paper, I looked it up and down. The question were basically knowledge question. Which conclude wherever a person is an introvert or an extrovert, whether he would help others or himself, whether the person is stupid or a genius. I should answer with caution. I wonder what kiyone is thinking?

I sigh and start writing on my paper

𝟮 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿

As I walked out of the exam room, some seniors were waiting for their siblings. I approached my brother after spotting him in the distance.

"Kiyone isn't with you? I didn't see her in the room when I left"

He pointed to the school toilet.

"What occurs next? What happens after the exam we just took?"

"You'll be led to your classes once everyone has completed the exam. Sit down since it can take a while." He spoke calmly before adding "Your papers will be corrected, and then you will be led to your classroom."

Kiyone joined us shortly after, and we continued to wait until Yushida eventually entered the corridor and called everyone's attention.

"Everyone. The names of the first years and their classes are listed on a board near the entrance. Please be sure to look them up."

Yumi said with a smile on her face.

I got up and said, "I guess it's time, let's get going."

We walked toward the entrance and went to the board and searched for both my, and kiyone's name.

"Kiyone Itsumi, class 1-A, room 15. Kyouka Itsumi, class 1-B, room 16.

Iwata Hajime, class 1-C , room 17."

Kiyone stated while expressing a hint of astonishment. "Kyouka, what does this mean..?"


___✫Author's note✫____________

-A little Cliffhanger lol ☻

-There may be some obvious errors because this is my first novel and I don't have a lot of writing experience. Should I discover any, I'll make sure to correct them.

-The timing of this chapter's updates is sporadic at the moment because I have a full schedule. I will nevertheless make an effort to update sometimes.

-Hope you appreciate my book. That's all.


_nonamee_official_creators' thoughts