
Chapter 4


He never ceases to observe the redhead without knowing what to say or what to do, invades with nervousness every time he tried to break this silence. Discreetly He checks the condition of his wallet and finds that he had very little left to have just a drink.

-"I'm giving you a drink? "

He asks this question by praying internally that Ruby declines his offer. But the smile that the young redhead gives him drops all hope.

-"It's no refusal!"

Ruby's sensual voice immediately makes him forget the miserable state of his wallet. Without leaving Ruby's eyes, he beckons to the bartender who immediately prepares his order.

-"I don't remember blowing you the drink I wanted."

She asks him by staring at him intensely, he swallows his saliva and smiles with an embarrassed air looking for an answer.

-"Simple deduction!"

The redhead raises her eyebrows and takes the drink handed to her by the bartender without comment.

-"You don't drink?"

-"Heu... No, there's enough alcohol in my body and I have to drive"

-"I see!"

Once her glass is empty, she gets up taking her bag from the bar counter, he watches her lean towards her face, her breath caressing her ear.

-"Thanks for the glass!"

She slips his card sensually into his shirt pocket and bites his earlobe which makes it harden instantly.

-"See you soon I hope"

He follows her with his gaze, hypnotized until she disappeared from his sight.

Damn it! Does he swear

A hand passes through his hair and gets up in turn, depositing his meager savings on the counter.


-"You finally told him buddy.. It's not too early!"

Eugen is heading for yesterday's sedan to continue the repair.

-"Speak! I acted like the last of the virgins.... I barely formulated a sentence"

He blows and leans over to catch tools.

-"I still don't understand why you lose your manhood when you're near the redhead"

He straightens up and shoots Joe with his eyes

-"Stop your bullshit man... This woman is just... Fuck.. Bandageous.. Yes, that's what she makes you horny just with her eyes, and this spark that springs in her every time she's around would make you do anything"

Joe looks at him with a smile that says a lot

-"What? Spit your words Joe and stop looking at me like that"

-"You're in love with her man. It's obvious"

-"The obvious thing is that you are completely crazy! Your fucking sessions every night burned your brain"

Joe rolls his eyes and sits on a hood of a car in front of his friend.

-"You told me that she gave you her card?"


-"Why don't you call him then?"

-"What do you want me to tell him ''hi Ruby it's the man who slammed his economy to pay you a drink just to talk to you because you see I fantasize about you every night, it tells you to come to my house that we fuck'"

-"You don't have to be so frank"

-"That's the problem man... Even if she doesn't know me, I feel like she can read in me as in an open book, and it pushes me to want to be honest"

Joe blows and jumps from the hood as he heads towards the back of the garage.

-"What did I tell you buddy? Even without knowing you, she already holds your balls in her hands"

-"Go fuck you Joe"

He screams when he throws a screwdriver that lands at the pace of the back door


Always leaning over the Sedan Eugen wipes his forehead from the sweat that was beaded there with his forearm. He straightens up and stretches, delighted to have been able to repair this car.

-"Joe... What time does the owner of the Sedan spend?"

He shouts to the attention of his friend who is at the back of the garage. Joe takes his head out of the door and frown.

-"He had to pass for half an hour... I kn.."


A voice behind Eugen interrupts them. He turns to this person and slightly widens his eyes with surprise.


The man named Aron smiles warmly at the two young men.

-"Eugen my friend"

He advances and hugs him friendly. He withdraws by putting both his hands on his friend's shoulders

-"It's been a long time man"

Eugen's surprise gives way to the joy of seeing his high school friend again. Aron and Eugen were the best friends at the time of high school, but when Aron's family decided to move. They have lost contact until today.

-"Since when have you been in town?"

Eugen asks him looking at his friend as if he were seeing him for the first time. Aron has changed over time, a muscular body and a face of a man who has known time.

And more braces! Did he think?

Aron smiled at him wrapped his arm around his shoulders

-"What if I tell you about it over a drink"


A grey short-sleeved T-shirt and simple blue pants, Eugen comes out of the garage toilet to join his friend in front of the entrance. He takes the keys to the sedan on the shelves on the right.


He hands him his keys now in front of him

-"You're going to drive my friend, so I'll have time to rediscover the city"

Aron hits his shoulder friendly and bypasses him to open the door on the passenger side of the car. Eugen follows him by putting himself on the driver's side. His body sinks softly into the seat.

A real wonder!

He reverses and leaves the garage waving his hand to Joe who observes him with a smile in the rearview mirror. The car enters the streets of Chicago and the conversation of the two young men follows on memories of their high school years, remembering their nonsense worth laughter on their part.

-"You remember the blonde.... what was her name already?"

Aron asks him by turning completely to him, Eugen smiles remembering the blonde, with a dream body, good but so hypocritical

-"Amber... How to forget it? The whole school surprised you fucking in the concierge's closet... She was so red and you man smiled satisfied like a happy fool."

Aron breathes a bit nostalgic by remembering this scene that earned him a month of restraint.

-"Don't prevent me to get off... And don't tell me she didn't deserve this scene!"

Eugen glances at him and shakes his head with a wide smile. He now notes that he missed his friend Aron

-"Yeah I admit"

At the red light, he stops and turns his head towards the window where he meets a brunette who devours her with his eyes. The brunette shakes her hair by biting her lips.

-"Nice creature!"

His friend's voice makes him turn to him


-"What yeah? Why don't you ask him for his number? You're sure you're the same Eugen from high school. Because this man, it's not your kind to let such a bomb pass."

Eugen deflects his gaze in front of him and blows

-"It's a long history"

With the green light, it starts at full speed. But from the other intersection a car drives directly towards him and hits the right side of the sedan.


He brakes and gets off the car at full speed.

-"Duck, what's this mess?"

Aron rushes out of the car by slamming the door. On the other hand, in an Audi R8, a mass of red hair appears and reveals a face that reflects the demonic angel she shows people.


Eugen whispers his name as he approaches the young redhead. Ruby turns her head and gives young men a sensual smile.

-"Oh Eugen... Nice to see you again!"

She wears a white blouse buried in a high-waisted short black skirt, and black pointed heel pumps.

A real fatal woman! Did he think?

Knowing that the two young men are watching her, she leans slightly towards her car to see the damage; revealing her lace panties. Eugen hardly swallows his saliva by feeling a little cramped in his pants, his eyes linger on his endless long legs as he goes up to his thigh. He blows and passes a hand in his hair.

Fuck! Jura, does he?

Ruby turns to Eugen by revealing in passing his neckline that barely covers her breasts; and that he has just seen.

-"Do you know a garage very close to here?... My car is completely mocked"

Ruby's voice transports him into a mist of orgasm that continues to harden him. An elbow from his friend suddenly brings him back to land. He turns his head and meets Aron's amused look.

Oh no, he guessed!

His friend reaches out to a Ruby of phenomenal attraction.



She takes her hand by licking her lips, lingering on the young man's body but her gaze quickly turned to Eugen, who has not stopped watching her. He blinks several times before understanding the redhead issue; which causes him a nervous feeling.

How will he have a chance with Ruby if she already knew her miserable account? Is he wondering?

-"My friend has a garage that repairs the cars at lightning speed. It's twenty minutes from here."

Aron's voice makes him shudder, knowing full well that the garage did not belong to him; but he has also just complicated all his hopes.