
The Mysterious Dragon

Xuán Lóng a young mysterious boy, who has bandages covering his body. And always wear a hoodie and sunglasses. No one knows where he came from, but one day he was there and stayed in the shadows while he worked. He works at the world renowned Liu Industries. He doesn't talk and he's too mysterious for anyone to talk to him. He’s background is unknown, because it was wiped clean. He doesn’t interact with anyone whether be it outside work or in work. But during the night his personality changes. As if he becomes someone else, but still remember everything. One fateful night he save a woman and before she can thank he’s gone. Nowhere to be seen. All she remembers is that he wore bandages. Will she see him again? Was this fate that these two met?

Nezrel · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

The First Meeting

"Xuán Lóng! I want you to go to the server room and run some tests. Report back to me once you're done. After that you can leave for the day." said Manager Chang, the manager of the technology department.

Xuán Lóng nodded his head as he went to get his laptop and walked toward the elevator.

The server room was on the lowest floor in the company and was guarded by multiple guards. This room wasn't just any server room that someone can just walk in and run texts or something. This server room had lots of secrets of the Liu Industry. Only people who were chosen for this job were allowed to entire. Of course, Xuan Long could entire, this was because of his talent and knowledge of programming was so high the company let him go in.

As Xuan Long walked down the long hall he was greeted by a muscular man. This man's name was Lin Jun. When Xuan Long first visited the server room Li Jun had stopped him and asked him to leave at once. As he thought that Xuan Long was an employee who didn't know the rules of the company. He was also very cautious of him as Xuan Long was covered in bandages and wearing baggy clothes. On top of that he also wore sunglasses. Who the hell wears sunglasses indoors.

Xuan Long remained quiet as he pointed at the server room. Indicating that he was given the job to check up on the servers for the day. Lin Jun looked at the server room and back at Xuan Long. He said nothing as he led Xuan Long to the server room. While making sure that Xuan Long wasn't doing anything bad of the sort. Lin Jun made a call.

"Hello, Lin Jun. Why have you called me at this time?" on the other side of the phone, the person sounded very irritated.

"Apologies ma'am, but I was curious to know who was the person that was working on the servers?" Lin Jun said as looked at Xuan Long.

"Don't worry about that. He was hand picked by the company." the person said in one breath before hanging up.

Hand picked!? Lin Jun thought to himself that there weren't many who were hand picked by the company. They always ran a concrete background check on the employee before hiring. But this mysterious man infront in of him was hand picked. As Lin Jun was thinking to himself, Xuan Long has already finished the job and was heading out the room. While he walked to the elevator, Lin Jun looked at the man's back and said to himself "This man is very mysterious and dangerous."

In the current time, Xuan Long and Lin Jun walked to the room. In previous times Lin Jun had always tried to talk with Xuan Long. To make him say something, he would always answer by nodding his head. At this point Xuan Long and Lin Jun were friends. So today Lin Jun asked "Xuan Long, how about we to the bar today! It's my treat, as we now known each other for awhile."

Xuan Long looked at him and nodded. As after running the texts was his last assignment before getting off work.