
The musician System

follow the journey of a orphan kid who have big dreams of making it big in the music industry while also fight his dark thought and insecurity.

Almighty_flex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 2: first song (part 1)


After taking the train to the location of my new home, which is located in Manhattan, New York. I took out the key that the system placed in my pocket from my inventory so people don't think that my key appeared in thin air.

But after entering my apartment, it was beautiful everything was so new and clean and I have all this space to myself as a kid who lived in an orphanage before and have to share everything I had, I was excited and I started to play with the thing around me like I was a 5 year old. but that did not last long because I needed to take a show. After all, I stink and also eat if I want to be able to make music.

--- 20 minutes later---

After my shower, I went to my bedroom to see if there was any clothing for me to wear, and to my surprise, there was a lottery and they all fit my body so I took some that matched and went to the kitchen to grab a Plat of food in the fridge, which was also fill with all kind of ready-made food so I too some Spaghetti and meatball and placed it in the microwave to cook will I checked out some of the music gear I had already prepared for used.

' hi system can you extract the music that I got and also can you open the store and see if there is any singing skill and music making skill available that are affordable '

*right on it Walter*

* song extracted " let me know " by no Wyld (B)*

' holy that hurts the system can you next time give me a warning'

*don't worry host the first time will always hurt because your brain is not used to sending information that way but you will get used to and when extracting bigger stuff like skills will only give you a slight headache*

' I trust your system, but how can you show me some of the skills available '

*based on your request I was able to find 2 skills that are affordable from music and also 1 recommended item that you will need *

'alright what are day'


Amateur singer level1 (c) upgradable cost:1000

song editor and producer level 1 (c) upgradable cost:1000

A.I assistant (B) upgradable cost:3000


'that is almost all my point system, do I need the A.I '

*it will help in the editing and production of the songs and video songs you make easier so that you don't have to spend countless hours editing. all you have to do is buy a drone for the video and the A. I will control it to get good shots and the A. I will assist you in making the song like recording your and also adding suggestions if need be to make the song sound better.*

'from how you are saying it it's worth it '

*trust me Walter it will come in handy in the future*

'alright system buy it '

*5000 fan points (f.p) deducted*

*status update below

Name: Walter Reed

Age: 16

Date: 04/20/2015

Money: $30,000


fans: 0

Hard-core fans: 0

Songs: none


Amateur singer level1 (c)

song editor and producer level 1 (c)


A.I assistant (B)

'System extract the A.I'

* alright the A.I is in a USB that is located in your pocket and you can plug it into your laptop in the music room*

After getting the USB I went to the music room and turned on my new laptop and plug it into my laptop the laptop turned off a couple of times and when it turned on it had a different system loading screen than I have ever seen before I was greeted by an animated butler that showed me all it functions and I have to say this A.I is fucking O.P. and I am just wondering what it can do if it was a (A) class skill and (S) class it will be crazy.

but no more talking with the A.I . it is time to work if I want to be famous because the more time I spend laying around the less I have to grow famous and reach my dreams of stardom and being in the Grammy and staring in movies and music videos with my favorite stars.