
The Mundane life of Alexi Kamber

The mundane life of Alexi Kamber revolves around a girl who leads a normal life. One day, when she was attending a party organized by someone at the school, a murder occurred and a student was brutally killed. All the residents of the town and the students of the school were frightened. Regardless of where she goes, It seems that death and murder appear to follow. Alexi is slowly being swallowed up by fear as the series of murders began to escalate over her town.

KingBlueheart · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Twist of Events

Alexis' POV

Break of dawn soon came to the little town of Roadsville, birds chirping their song for the morning as people start doing their daily routines.

I slowly open my eyes and was greeted by the harsh sunlight, covering my face with my left hand to atleast block out the rays, blinking ever so slightly as my eyes slowly adjust to the light. "It's morning already, huh?" I mumbled to myself as I get up from my safe heaven which is my soft bed.

The mattress creeks when I got up from the bed, quickly going to the mirror to check myself. Seeing the reflection on the mirror, a frown made its way to my lips. I'm Alexi Kamber, seventeen years old with black hair that matches my blue eyes.

With that I tucked the loose strand of my hair behind my ears as I continue to look at the mirror. I have a low outlook at myself but that didn't stop me from being happy even though I have average looks, average wealth and average intelligence.

That didn't stop me from achieving happiness with my friends and family.

"Let's be positive, okay self?" Motivating myself to face the day head on. Starting with my daily ritual, I'm now full of energy as I get my towel and head to the shower.

After my shower, I now feel refresh and ready to go, looking at my phone and seeing that I'm gonna be late for class. "Shit! I'm gonna be late." Cursing myself as I quickly rummaged through my closet to find my uniform, successfully finding it and getting dressed as quickly as possible in order for me not to waste anymore time.

Running downstairs, I see my mother preparing breakfast. I picked up the toast bread on the plate while my mother is shouting for me to be careful and to eat. "Sorry, I'm running late mom, see ya later." I said as I kissed her cheek good bye.

Opening the door and heading outside without closing the door behind me, inhaling the air as a smile made its way on my face.

I started running towards the direction of my school and after a few minutes, I finally arrived at the gates while panting heavily because of the lack of air on my lungs. With that, I continued to run to my classroom and luckily I wasn't late.

I quickly took a sit on the back row as I breathe in relief, "Phew... that was exhausting." Huffing as I wipe the sweats that forms on my brow.

I felt something poke my sides which made me look quickly to see my friend beside me. "You woke up late again, right?" She grins at me with her white teeth showing while her brown hair flows on her back as it shines brightly. Her name is Kira Roban, seventeen years old and president of the badminton club. If I will describe her, it had to be the personification of beauty itself.

"Yes, I did because I was watching a movie all night." A yawn escaped my lips as I smile at her which made her chuckle. "That's unhealthy, staying up so late, y'know." She replied while scolding me like a mother to her disobedient child, this made me happy because it shows how close we are to each other.

We continued our conversation and only stopped when the teacher entered the room. He quickly told the class to settle down so we can start, it went on without a hitch.

Kira quickly passed me a note under my desk which I opened up stealthily to avoid getting caught by the teacher. Upon opening, I saw that it was an invitation to a party. This made me wonder who decided to throw a party.

I wonder in curiosity and began to examine the invitation card for a name which I failed because there was none written. "Pst.. pst.. Hey Kira, who decided to throw the party?" I quietly ask her with curiosity laced on my tone, "Ohhh, it's Dairius." She simply replied while going back to listening to the teacher ramble.

Dairius Detona, one of the most popular kids in school and known for the wealth of his family. Hearing the talk around the school that he is throwing a big party.Why did he decide to throw a party all of a sudden? I quickly pushed that thought aside and just focused on the class for now, Not that thought bugs my mind. I can't help but let out a sigh.

"Just focus for now, Alexis." I mumble to myself as I pinched my cheek to snap me out of my thoughts. An hour quickly passed and the class ended as the teacher left the room. I quickly gathered my things, took my bag and draped it on my shoulder.

"So, do you want to come to the party?" Kira asked me with her grin once again and I chuckle at her expression. "I will think about it, m'kay?" I replied, returning her grin with a smile.

We quickly walked out of the classroom and both decided to head to our locker first before going to the next class. "What's your next subject again, Alexi?" She asked me while opening her locker and taking out her books. "Uhm... History." I replied while taking out the books on my bag and replacing it with history book on my locker.

After our small trip to the locker we head to the second floor and parted ways. I go to the right part of the building, quickly going to the 3rd class room. Once again I sat on the back row which, close to the window.

After a few moments, the teacher arrived and started taking attendance as usual. She congratulated us because no one is absent nor tardy, saying that makes her happy.

"Now everyone, we have a new student joining our class and you can come in now." She said as the door opens and a figure hassled itself inside the room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. So that I can improve my book for you all.

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