
Chapter 4

The Kage Summit meetings were rare and far between. Only when the Five Hidden Villages met there to discuss the beginnings or endings of Wars. Having Three Ninja Wars made the past and current Kages reluctant to meet. But these were serious times now with the loss of many jinchuriki and the random plagues that have hit the Elemental Nations.

Danzo had to swallow his pride now that he, Sasuke, and his remaining protective Root guards were surrounded by other Kages of the Hidden Villages. Including Orochimaru who had taken Kabuto's body to stay alive for this long, and who Danzo invited to this meeting. The white snake hungrily looking at the Last Uchiha that was standing nearby.

The Kazekage had his two siblings as guards while having Tsunade, Shizune, Hinata, and Ardeth Bay as his guests. The Raikage A had his jinchuriki brother Killer Bee and Samui's Team as his protection. The Mizukage had her entourage, and the Tsuchikage Ohnoki with his granddaughter and bodyguard were there as well. Waiting for the samurai lord of Iron Country Mifune to begin their meeting.

"Welcome to the Fourth Kage Summit. We are all gathered here today in reminiscent of strange plagues that have been seen across the Elemental Nations. Lice in Daimyo palaces, all water and sake supply in Iwa turning into blood, a meteor shower that decimated Konoha, and finally the moon blotting out the sun during these last three days. I turn it to the Sixth Hokage of the Leaf, Danzo Shimura, who says he knows what is causing these wonderous disasters." Mifune started the meeting, nodding to Danzo to stand and share this information to the rest of them.

"There is something that was recently awakened in the recently discovered Uzumaki ruins in Wind Country. This creature is the one responsible for creating and spreading these plagues across the Elemental Nations. My people and I saw it before the meteor shower rained down on our beloved village. The creature causing this chaos is our former jinchuriki, Naruto Uzumaki. Who somehow returned from his banishment that cast him from the Elemental Nations." Said Danzo in his emotionless tone.

The Kages of Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri shifted nervously at the mention of the Uzumaki. Ohnoki was upset now the past had come back to haunt him since he helped led the charge in the destruction of Uzushio and the scattering of the Uzumaki Clan. A was mad that Konoha ruined a good opportunity to have the son of his rival. He could have taken Naruto and treated him better than what their spies told of the Leaf's treatment of their jinchuriki. Mei Terumi felt guilty at what her predecessors did in joining Kumo and Iwa's attack on the clan. She did not want to get caught in another battle after experiencing and surviving the civil war that ended a year ago.

"Then let Konoha deal with him. You are the ones who destroyed the Uzumaki Clan's legacy by treating him like an unwanted pet and hiding his royal and Kage of a lineage! Even though he's returned as something else entirely, I still believe he is still the same young man that helped me be more than a bloodthirsty weapon. Suna will not help you fight my friend, unless he attacks me first." Said Gaara while Danzo frowned. Gripping his cane in anger at the foolishness of this young Kazekage.

"Then I demand that you return Tsunade Senju and those that have abandoned their home village. They are still under the jurisdiction of serving the Hokage and protecting the Leaf Village." Danzo tried using his Sharingan eye on the jinchuriki Kage, but to no avail. Something was preventing him from using any of his hidden Sharingan eyes, making it more difficult to get the other Kages to work for him.

"Go ahead, War Hawk! I know that the Senju babe can be a pain at times, but she is strong to make her own choices. And we all think and know she made the right decision in bailing at leading your sinking village. I still owe her for saving one of my own kin the past, so If you want her, come and try! But you'll have to get past me you old fossil!" A proclaimed as he flared his Lightning Armor chakra for all to see.

"Please, stand down Raikage. This is a battle of words, not of chakra or fists." Mifune told A who begrudgingly sat down and turned his blue lightning covered body off.

"Although I am annoyed by that old fossil statement, the Raikage has a point. Why should we sacrifice our shinobi, when the Uzumaki seems to have his sights only on you, 'Hokage'?" asked Ohnoki who could tell that War Hawk was trying to get them to lower their numbers so Danzo can take his Root and remaining forces to conquer the other villages.

"Fools, if the Leaf Village is destroyed, then the balance of the Five nations will collapse! What would your villages be without the jinchuriki that my sensei's brother gave to you all?" Danzo losing his cool now.

"A more peaceful village for one. Kiri has had nothing but one bloody war after another because we used the jinchuriki to force our enemies back. Only for them to die, vanish, or go crazy through something or someone brainwashing them. Kiri will not take part in your against Naruto Uzumaki." Mei declared, having seen what the misuse of the jinchuriki has done. But still wondering on who the mysterious figure was that controlled the former Mizukage, from what he wrote in his hidden journals when she took the Kage Hat.

Danzo silently cursed at the weak Mizukage using her civil war to avoid getting her hands even more dirty. He tried once again to use his implanted Sharingan but the Kages still seemed to be unaffected. That was because Naruto had Anko, Kurenai, and Konohamaru put seals all around the council room to prevent the usage of any mind control abilities.

Danzo was about to argue more when a hissing sound was heard and the purple cobra from before appeared. Slithering to the center of the room for everyone to see. Danzo glared at Orochimaru since he was the only living contractor to the Snake Summons, having believed he lost Anko at Hamunaptra.

"Is that one of yours, Orochimaru?" Danzo asked the golden eyed Sage.

"Hm, no it isn't. Although it seems to be a rare form of cobra that could be used for my experiments." Orochimaru licked his lips at the female cobra.

The cobra glared at Orochimaru for a moment before her gold mark on her head glowed and she transformed into the now revealed alive, sexy, and taken Anko Mitarashi. Now sporting a new look with an Egyptian style short skirt, a purple tank top bra with red and gold designs like her cobra hood, a golden necklace with matching gold arm and leg bands that had ancient Uzumaki hieroglyphics and seals to protect her and show who she belongs to, and her signature trench coat that was now as purple as her snake form. Also she was not wearing any foot protection, but the seals on her leg bands reinforced and protected them.(A:N a mixture Princess Nefertiri's battle look with Anko's flare and coloring)

"I'm no longer your experimental apprentice, Orochimaru-sensei." Hissed Anko as she pulled out her golden twin sais.(A:N like Nefertiri and Ankhsuamun's weapons from the Mummy Returns)

"What a surprise, my former pupil. Danzo had told me that you had perished within the Uzumaki ruins after their failed attempt to gain more knowledge and power." Chuckled pale pedophile. Danzo secretly signed his Root seal to put the recovered Jounin down but was amazed that she did not tremble or fall.

Anko saw what Danzo was doing and gave a snakelike smile. "Your Root seal and Pedo-Sage's Curse Mark have already been removed from my body. I am free from both of your controls." Anko declared, surprising many in the room since they knew of Orochimaru's Curse Seals.

"How? My former teammate could not remove the Curse Mark, and Jiraiya was the best-known seal master at the time. Before he died from the curse." Tsunade asked curiously, thinking that Naruto had something to do with it.

Anko giggled at remembering the mega perv's demise. "Naruto-kun has had over 3000 years to learn and master the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu which is beyond what Jiraiya or anyone here could ever accomplish. He sent me here to give you all a message and explain what he plans on doing."

Everyone's interests were peaked that the Uzumaki wanted to tell them something. Tsunade and Gaara hoped that Naruto would not be their enemy. Hinata was secretly hoping that Naruto still had room for her. Shizune worryingly held her crush Ardeth Bay by the shoulder as he kept calm.

"Well, what is the message?" Ohnoki's impatience showing as he felt his back pain was acting up again.

"Yes, tell us what the Kyuubi jinchuriki has to say for his plans that will not come to fruition." The new voice startled everyone as Zetsu appeared from the ground, bringing with him Pain's Six Paths puppets, the immortal twins Hidan and Kakazu, and Itachi Uchiha and his partner Kisame Hoshigaki. The real pain was hidden, protected by his paper angel while Madara hid in different shadows.

"What a reunion this is. My old organization that I left behind, created by the former students of my teammate Jiraiya who couldn't even teach them right." Orochimaru cackled. Only for Pain one of the Paths to grab Orochimaru's chest and pull out his soul and sending him through the mouth of a summoned head that vanished after the body of Orochimaru fell to the floor. Dead.

"Aww, I wanted to end my no-good sensei." Whined Anko. Taking the Snake Contract from his corpse before returning to the center of the room, but not too close to the Akatsuki group.

"He has been a thorn in our side since he betrayed us. Now, tell us where the Kyuubi jinchuriki is?" Pain asked in his emotionless voice that sounded like Danzo's.

"Wait, are you really that boy Nagato that Jiraiya praised for having the legendary Rinnegan? What happened to you?" Tsunade recognized the powerful dojutsu in the six puppet eyes.

"Hanzo and Danzo is what happened, former Fifth Hokage. They destroyed everything in Ame, so I opened myself to pain. Hanzo was taken care of, but Danzo must now suffer for the pain he caused Ame and to Uzu." Everyone was confused when Pain said Danzo had something to do with it.

Danzo was now cursing and sweating that this Uzumaki was a survivor of Uzushio's downfall.

"Did he not tell you? Danzo was the one that fed false information to Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri that the Uzumaki Clan was growing stronger and wanting to become another great Hidden Village. He killed the Uzumaki messengers and made it so Konoha could not help or save them." Pain explained to everyone. Now the three nation leaders feeling more ashamed that they were fooled into killing an innocent clan.

"How could you, Danzo!? The Uzumaki Clan never wanted to overstep their bounds with the other nations! They just wanted to be recognized and show that they were a part of this world as we all are." Tsunade cried that now she had another reason to stay away from Konoha.

"I did what I had to! For the good of Konoha! I couldn't allow those sea foreigners to outshine the Will of Fire of the Leaf. I had to make certain that we kept our jinchuriki in the village, and not have any ties to outsiders. We didn't need them piggybacking off us." Danzo defended himself, but poorly since everyone was now looking at him with the intent to kill.

Sasuke was too focused at seeing his traitorous brother Itachi. Now he could finally get his revenge. But Anko stood in his way and got everyone's attentions when she spat Poison Gunk jutsu to prevent Sasuke from charging at the Akatsuki.

"Danzo and Sasuke Uchiha are already sentenced to death. For they are marked just like Asuma and Jiraiya were at Hamunaptra. There is no stopping it, until Naruto kills them and sucks them dry for foolishly grave robbing the Uzumaki Clan." Itachi flinched that his hope that Sasuke would save the Uchiha Clan's honor was now lost.

"That should be justice enough to satisfy all parties. Naruto wishes that the Akatsuki stop their quest to taking the Biju Beasts in order to revive the Ten-Tailed Beast. Nothing good will come of trying to control a beast that is older than the Sharingan and Rinnegan. He wishes to bring back the Uzumaki Clan but knows that the God of Death cannot allow such a massive scale of resurrection. He will be fine having and raising his own family with any females that wish to be with him." Hinata blushes at this.

"He also wishes to free the remaining Biju without killing the human containers. He will send them to a realm similar to the summoning realms for the Animal Summons that can only be accessed if the Biju allow it. For they are sentient beings that can think and talk as we do. There is more then just seeing them as powerful chakra beasts."

The Raikage, Tsuchikage, Hokage, and Akatsuki were not happy with these terms. They were about to voice their objections when they heard a large group outside. Chanting Naruto's name. "Na-ru-to. Na-ru-to. Na-ru-to. Na-ru-to. Na-ru-to. Na-ru-to Na-ru-to…"

Gaara Had Tsunade, Hinata, Shizune, and Ardeth go check the window to see what it looks like. What they saw was disturbing. The last living remnants of Konoha were now here at the Five Kage Summit. With boils and sores all over their exposed skins. Walking normally but in a hypnotized kind of way. But no sign of Naruto anywhere.

"Last but not least my favorite plague. Boils and Sores." Tsunade said sarcastically.

"They have become his slaves. So it has begun, the Beginning of the End." Ardeth commented. His comment was not taken well by the others.

"It doesn't have to be the end for all of us. I trust Naruto that he can safely remove the Biju from both mine and Killer Bee's body. Without killing us. It would be nice to not have to worry about making or controlling human sacrifices only to abandon them. Thinking they are less than human." Gaara tried to calm the Raikage down with the Mizukage, Killer Bee, and Tsunade's group agreeing with him.

"Never! A jinchuriki loses their humanity the moment the Biju is sealed inside them. They are meant to be weapons of war that the Kage can wield. I am the weapon wielder!" Danzo outraged at this turn of events. Knowing that the cursed Uzumaki was somewhere nearby. Nowhere for him to escape.

"Not if we take them first." Pain says as the immortal brothers capture Killer Bee and Body Flicker away. The Raikage reacts as he rushes forward with his Lightning Armor at the Rinnegan wielder. Only to be pushed back when Pain used Almighty Push. Anko was knocked back with Tsunade and the others.

Kisame and Itachi were near to taking Gaara but his siblings protected him, and a cloud of sand blocked the Akatsuki from the Kazekage and his siblings. But this wasn't Gaara's Sand. The sand then goes to Danzo s he is lifted in the air and as a howling roar echoed in the room.

Danzo quickly used his Izanagi ability to cheat death. But when he reappeared, his bandaged arm had fallen off. Having all its eyes removed and looking like a splintering mummified arm. His stolen implanted eye being closed, having no more Sharingan at his disposal. He ran out of the room before Naruto could get to him. But he already consumed most of Danzo's lifeforce, so Naruto didn't need to suck him dry. Danzo would now face a more horrible death as the zombified Konoha citizens blocked his path.

"I am your Hokage! I demand you let me pass!" Danzo pulls out his cane sword as the plagued mob walked closer and closer. Danzo killed three infected shinobi before he was grabbed by the others and his sword fell to the ground. The people then lifted Danzo off the ground as he squirmed to break free from their holds yelling and cursing to get free. Proclaiming things like, 'For the Good of the Leaf!', 'I am Hokage!', and 'I am Konoha!'. Only to be met with sharpened wooden stakes that the infected crowd had with them. Danzo died a most gruesome death. By the very people that followed him like drones. (A:N Think like that librarian medjai from the Mummy movie)

The Konoha drones were then mentally commanded to return to Konoha while leaving Danzo's dead body. After watching Danzo's end, the others in the council room focused on the sand cloud that quieted down before turning back into Naruto Uzumaki. No longer wearing his jackal mask, Naruto now looked like an older healthier version then when they last saw him alive before his banishment. But still having pieces of gaping and rotting flesh on his neck and lower jaw. A scarab crawls up his neck hole and into his mouth before he bites down and eats the scarab.

"The Kyuubi jinchuriki, at last." Spoke Pain. Not looking disturbed like the others for Naruto's appearance or the fact he ate a bug.

Pain used his puppets to try and capture Naruto but to no avail. With his abnormal strength that rivals, if not surpasses, Tsunade Senju's he punched one of the puppets head off her shoulders, disabling the one. The chakra draining puppet got behind Naruto to drain his chakra, but Naruto had used his power over sands that did not require chakra to restrain the other five. Making sure they could not sign any jutsus. Naruto then closed his hand like Gaara and the chakra draining puppet was crushed within his sand cage. Gaara smiled at that.

He then turned some of the floor into sand as he let the remaining four puppets sink into the newly made quicksand. Leaving only one puppet's head above the heavy and solid sand pit. Kisame and Zetsu fled while Itachi was with Sasuke in a restraining hold. Everyone watched to see what Naruto would do to the god of Ame.

"How is this possible? No one can withstand the power of these god eyes! I am Pain! I will save this world!" ranted Pain.

"Your eyes are nothing compared to the True Gods. They may not be seen much, but they certainly aren't dead… Your powerful chakra eyes are nothing but a cheap trick to make others believe that you are a god. When, you really are not." Naruto's voice sounded deep and rotting since he has not fully regenerated yet.

Naruto kept the puppet in place as he turned to face Sasuke who was struggling to get out of Itachi's hold. "Let me go, Itachi! The Elite Uchiha Clan must survive!" ranted Sasuke who couldn't use his Sharingan to place Itachi or Naruto under a genjutsu.

"No. Its time you know the truth, brother... Father was planning a rebellion to take the Hokage's seat while Hiruzen reigned a second time. I knew that the Third Hokage's peace talks would not be enough to sway the majority of the Uchiha from preventing a village civil war. I accepted the responsibility that Danzo and the advisors had given me to kill the instigators of the coup detat, only for you and those innocents be spared so that the Uchiha Clan can be redeemed, and you will slay me for my wrongdoings. But the one calling himself Madara appeared and killed the remaining innocents of our clan and allowed me to join the Akatsuki, fully aware that I would be a double agent." Sasuke, Pain, and Tsunade's group were stunned at Itachi's confession.

"I had hoped that you would be strong enough to kill me and lead the clan to a brighter future than the one created by the shedding of so much blood whether innocent or not. But the Will of Fire had died long ago when Lord Third died and Naruto was banished. Forgive me, for putting so much on your shoulders." His request was to Sasuke, Naruto, and Tsunade who was saddened that Itachi would endure so much to try to be the martyr that opened the eyes of those who only looked through the perception of Hate.

Sasuke growled then grinned as he found a weak spot in Itachi's grip as he prepared to kill Naruto with the Chidori. Stupid Uchiha. "I will never forgive you, Itachi. Once I kill the loser, I will make you pay by killing you and everyone else in this room! I will be the new ruler of the Elemental Nations!"

Sasuke revealed his now Chidori incased hand as he cuts off Itachi's arm and sprints forward to stab Naruto in the chest. Itachi is not fast enough to stop his foolish brother, but someone takes the hit for Naruto when it would not kill him at all. Sasuke's hand had pierced Hinata's heart as she quickly used Byakugan to block of Sasuke's chakra paths before falling to the ground and bleeding.

Itachi grabbed Sasuke one handed in a one arm hold, making sure he stayed put since his arms were now useless. Naruto knelt as he caressed Hinata's long dark blue hair that reminded him of his Egyptian cousin and friend Nefertiri. Hinata smiled as she looked at the boy she fell in love with and was happy that he was back.

"Why? Why did you take that hit for me? You know that I cannot die." Said Naruto as Hinata coughed up some blood.

"B-Because… I didn't want you to see me as weak then when you last saw me during the Chunin Exams. I…I love you, Naruto-kun. I have always loved you since you saved me and fought for me all those years ago. Do…you think… you can bring me back? I want to help you and Anko in bringing back the Uzumaki Clan." Naruto widened his eyes that Hinata thought of him so deeply like that. He cursed his younger self for being so blind.

Naruto summoned his signature Shadow Clone Jutsu, which looked fully revived as Naruto handed Hinata's dying body to the clone and the clone Body Flickered with Anko back to Hamunaptra in a swirl of sand. After they left Naruto stalked forward to Sasuke and Itachi as he angrily growled his displeasure of the Uchiha's stupidity. Sasuke now looked totally afraid. Naruto took his and Danzo's jars and was now going to send him to the Shinigami's court.

Itachi closed his eyes as he kept a hold of his little brother who started screaming. Naruto sucked both Uchiha's dry as he fully regenerated to his living prime. The Tsuchikage and Raikage were greatly afraid of the Uzumaki brat. The Mizukage licked her lips seductively at seeing the young man giving her a show of sadistic yet satisfactory deaths to the Sixth Hokage and the two Uchiha men. Tsunade, Shizune, Ardeth, and the Kazekage's family were silent and waited to see what would happen next.

Naruto kicked the two bodies into the sand pit and let them sink to the bottom like the other Pain's puppets. "Cousin, end this now. No one should have to suffer because you still won't let go of the pain. That makes you know better than Danzo or the other Kages refuse to change or see the mistakes and not try and fix them. It's time to make peace." Naruto speaking like normal.

"I can't. There will never be such a thing as true peace. Not if we continue to live in this accursed world. Peace is impossible. Impossible!" Pain cried out. Having been beaten by Naruto and still feeling hurt inside.

"My friend, peace is possible. It can be found when you are in the presence of your loved ones. In a home, village, or wherever you travel. You can find peace when you love someone and they in turn give love to you as you do them. Peace is something found in an individual, before it can then spread to others." Ardeth Bay spoke up. Holding Shizune's hand as the two smiled at one another. Tsunade was happy that her longtime student could find the one to be with her and make her more happy.

Naruto silently agreed with the medjai while Pain stood silent. Thinking on the words that he ignored most of his life and let the Rain Village poor more rain instead of freeing it from the storm's grasp. He just wanted for the pain to end.

Suddenly, Pain's Rinnegan eyes turned black on his puppet as it went still. Naruto and the others wondered what could have happened when a swirling vortex appeared in the air as the masked figure of the one calling himself Madara appeared. "If only that love could last forever. My plan will make it so while I become the new god of this world."

"Who are you? What happened to Pain?" Ohnoki demanded as everyone stood on guard at the new Akatsuki member that has shown up.

"The God of Ame and his Origami Angel are dead. The Rinnegan finally returns to its rightful owner. Me, Madara Uchiha." Everyone gasped except for Naruto who looked bored at the poser.

"You can't be Madara. He died fighting my grandfather at the Valley of the End." Tsunade retorted at the orange masked Uchiha who showed to have one Mangekyo Sharingan.

"And yet, my body was never found. I now stand before you all to declare War among you, unless I have the Kyuubi." Madara pointed at Naruto who chuckled at Madara's statement.

"Is something funny, jinchuriki?" Madara growled at Naruto.

"Yes. Because I no longer carry the Kyuubi inside of me. Since I have been mostly dead for over 3000 years, the Lord of the Dead had claimed the rest of the Kyuubi inside of me. That was the payment my father had made when he gave his soul and half the Kyuubi's soul as a bargain to the Shinigami." Madara was unfazed by Naruto's explanation.

"No matter. I only need the Kyuubi's chakra in order to revive the Ten-Tails. Thankfully, I already have a back up source thanks to the monks of Fire Country. Just like the former pot container that still holds the One-Tails chakra we stole during Sasori and Deidara's failed capture of the Kazekage." Tsunade understood as that meant the Akatsuki were the ones involved with monk Sora's disappearance.

"I have an army of White Zetsu that will purge this world of all who stand in my way. You can all surrender now or face my judgement." Madara declared to the remaining Kage and the samurai.

"They won't surrender to you…Obito… Not being able to pass on doesn't mean I can't communicate with the other spirits that wander. Rin Nohara will never truly love you since she watched from the spirit plane on how you slipped into Madara's madness. Even the Moon Eye Plan of yours won't make her see reason. She will not be the real Rin you covet so." Naruto told the now revealed Obito as he pulled off his mask to show his scowling scarred face.

"You're wrong! Rin will never know what I did! She will be real, and she will be mine! Kakashi won't kill her a second time!" Obito ranted while everyone could see the insanity in his Sharingan and Rinnegan eye that he stole from Nagato.

"Kakashi's already dead. He died during the meteor shower that wrecked Konoha. I will defeat you and your army, Obito. And the Uzumaki Clan will help bring about a new era for the Elemental Nations. An era of peace that will not destroy the free will of everybody that will ever live. Will you help my clan in stopping this mad Uchiha and bring an end to the mistrust between us?" Naruto proclaimed to the Kages while Obito silently swore that his backup Sharingan is now gone.

"Not happening! Although I want to pummel this brat for taking my brother and Yugito away, I will not help you change the way we do things. Kumo is not ready for the changes that you and your clan will make. So after you finish with the Akatsuki, know that Kumo will declare war on you, boy! Get ready for a Real Fight!" The Raikage and his protection squad vanished in a flash of lighting.

"Unfortunately, Iwa agrees with Kumo. Although its not perfect, our shinobi way has lasted for hundreds of years. We will fight with Kumo to keep our way of life." The Tsuchikage grunted, his granddaughter wanting to kill the son the Yellow Flash right now, but her grandfather forbade her as they retreated.

"Ha, ha, ha! Looks like you have fewer allies and more enemies, Uzumaki. I will come for you with my army at the Demon Desert. See you soon." Obito spiraled away, returning to Ame to finish filling the Gedo Statue and spawning the rest of his plantlike army.

Naruto looked to the remaining Kages that still were there. "What about you? Will you help me, or abandon me like all the others did?"

"Kiri is with you, Uzumaki-san. But we will not have enough forces to handle both Kumo and Iwa after you kill the Akatsuki. Do you have an army to call on?" asked Mei.

"I do. But first I must revive Hinata at Hamunaptra before traveling to an oasis hidden deeper in the desert. Something that came along with the necropolis I was buried in." Ardeth's eyes widened that the Oasis of Ahm Shere was carried here to. But it is the will of the gods.

"You have Suna's might, brother. Tsunade and we will not abandon you like how you didn't abandon us." Said Gaara, getting Naruto to smile before hugging Gaara.

Tsunade came forward and gave Naruto a strong hug that he equally gave her back. "Naruto, I'm sorry for not sharing with you about your parents. But I'm certain you have made them proud." Although having Konoha being put into ruins would make Minato's soul squirm a little.

"Thanks, Granny. You all should head back to Suna and Kiri to gather your forces. I'm going bring Hinata back and go find my army." Said Naruto before disappearing in a swirl of sand.

Scene Change Hamunaptra Ritual Chamber

Naruto reappeared within the chamber where Imhotep tried to revive Ankhsuamun. His clone having made several more Shadow Clones that knelt around the stone altar. Naruto places the last of the canopic jars that held Princess Nefertiri's organ ashes. He turns to Anko, Kurenai, and Konohamaru who are standing on the sidelines to watch this momentous occasion.

"Is everything ready?" asked Naruto.

"All set to go, boss." Said Konohamaru. Having stayed loyal to the boss after all this time.

"Will it bring her back?" asked Kurenai who now wore and Egyptian white dress that went from her new golden collared necklace down to her ankles(A:N think like Nefertiri's dress when she watches from the balcony in the Mummy Returns).

"Of course it will, pretty bird. Our man will use his mumbo jumbo to bring our little princess as good as new. Maybe even better." Said Anko who hugged her best friend close to get Naruto to blush at their hugging in their new sexy clothes.

"Alright. After I bring her back, I should apologize to Temari-chan for swiping the key from her." Said Naruto as he pulls out the key and unlocks the Book of the Dead.

"Oh sure. Why not just have her join the harem, doggy boy? Her wind jutsus and her lioness like attitude will be a perfect addition to the growing family." Said Anko who had her head bonked by Kurenai.

"That's her decision, Anko-chan. Not mine. Right now our main focus is bringing Hinata back. Who may be the reincarnation of my friend Nefertiri, we'll see. Alright boys, start chanting." Naruto told his clones who began bowing up and down while they chanted.

Naruto began reading from the book as the pool of souls that lay pat them began to move and ripple. A liquid form of a spirit appeared as it glided towards the altar. After it landed and entered Hinata's body, the Chidori wound healed and Hinata rose with a gasp of breath. But her figure started to change, having more curves to her breasts and rear. Her hair grew longer as the ends of her hair turned red as it reached her tailbone. In fact she even had nine vixen tails pop out as the ended with dark blue that matched most of her hair.

Naruto gaped at the revived Hinata as his clones popped away. "Who am I speaking to? Hinata? Kurama? Or Nefertiri?" he asked her.

She opened her eyes that were now light lavender slits that added to her unique beauty. "I am Hinata, Kurama, and your past friend, Naruto-kun."

Naruto and the others were gaping in surprise as they tried to ask the question. "How?!"

"When Kurama's soul was split, the half with your father became its own soul. So the soul that stayed with you most of your life needed to fuse with someone else's soul to become whole. I chose to fuse with Nefertiri's soul, who Hinata is a reincarnation of. Now we can all be with the man we had a crush on. Call me Kuranitiri. Kura, for short." The now named Kura then went close to Naruto, her breasts pressed against his chest.

"Take us to the bedroom quarters, Naruto-kun." Kura commanded as she, Anko, and Kurenai were now going to spend some 'quality time' with their lover. Konohamaru jumped away to the treasure chamber since he did not want to hear any of their noises. Tomorrow, Naruto would travel to Ahm Shere to get his army and hopefully another warrior to fight by his side. If the Scorpion King doesn't kill him first.

Here it is. Danzo met a gruesome end, even when he cheated death. Hinata is resurrected and is now a fusion of Hinata, Nefertiri, and the Kyuubi. Hope you liked this chapter. Now onto the battle that will decide the fate of their world.

Stay Healthy and Safe!