
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

2 - The Truth

O.O The Truth O.O

This is the second chapter, and proof that I like where the story is going.

Read until the end of the chapter, cause I might have answered your questions during the explanations. If you still have anything you want to add, I'll respond when possible. Enjoy~

*Updated: Webnovel didn't add the updated version, so I'm uploading it again.

Total words: 1232

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Back to the present 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

"Aaargh, what just happened?" The ball of glowing purity asked, still confused about what just occurred.

'One moment, I'm walking towards mum and Dina, and the next, I wake up here with a massive headache.'

"Hello, there little soul. What happened is that your soul managed to cross the multiverse, all the way to the end of all reality. The place where all beings of great power come to store their souls until the next reset or to serve me for the rest of their lives. Now you coming here is already quite impressive, but surviving as well? Now that's what genuinely caught my attention. So tell me, how did you get here?" Tilting my head, or what should be my head, I see a ginormous hand underneath me, while missing my own, and the rest of my body now that I take a better look. Following its arm, it seems to connect to whoever's up there. It's body sure is well maintained, and it looks… beautiful, if I must say. Whatever it is, looks like what I see in the sky, every night as I go to sleep. But I better not anger it, whatever it is.

But, how should I respond?

"An introduction would work just fine, but from what you're thinking, you don't even know who you truly are. Now ain't that strange," The being stated. I wish I knew what he was talking about after the introduction, but that I can do.

"Umm, well my name is Raphael Samael Avikala, a strange name, I know. I'm 16 and what do you mean by not knowing who I truly am?"

"Allow me, my ruler." A sparkling creature, a tad larger than me, but the same pigment as it's ruler's, stood to the side and continued its explanation."Your soul, or who you truly are, is currently being restrained by a seal, and from the looks of it, also from one of the Start's minor Heaven's. Strong enough to restrain your soul, yes, but not strong in the long term, guess they were planning to get rid of you soon then.

"Now let's see what's hidden underneath... Mm~MM, that's one nasty place. I can see why they would want to seal you, with all the potential you hold.

"Your soul houses all seven deadly sins of the multiverse, and that makes you an unimaginable danger to the system. The Start did what they did, so they wouldn't have an unknown factor changing what happens every restart, and therefore, something out of balance, or, their balance to be precise. You were originally a human- or being, in better terms- of pure evil. It looks like that seal did the trick though, with no way to use them, they were slowly deteriorating, or losing their intensity in which these emotions could be output.

For simple terms, your original soul and who you truly are was sealed away for the potential destruction you could cause and given a new family and life, so you could be dealt with efficiently in the future.

"Does that make sense?" Sort of…

… But what just happened? My life was a lie? This perfect me is not who I am? These people were going to kill me? There's no way that's real. The only thing you couldn't change about me is who I care about, and no fake memories can change that.

I've grown up with Dina and mother my whole life, I know and trust them, more than any other person I know. Which is weird, seeming the only other person I know is my swimming instructor. But what's this about, the original "me", having something to do with a being of pure evil? I don't like the sounds of that. Thank whatever god, I think, that it seems to have gotten rid of the majority of its evil tendencies, I think. That was a lot of information to process just then, that changed my life in a figurative and literal way.

"You've had an interesting life, and for the sake of making things a bit more interesting, what do you say about knowing your real memories?" The being reassured, and asked, particularly curious about what did this boy do, or what could he have done to get noticed by a minor Heaven.

"I think… I would like to find out who this original me was." I do want to find out.

"Alrighty then. I won't make you experience everything individually so it takes longer, you shall watch it, like a movie of sorts. Enjoy~" And after those words, I think I might be feeling a little sleep…


As Raphael slept, the being known as the rule of the End continued to watch over his soul, and his excitement only grew.

"It seems… we will be getting some entertainment for the first time in a while. What do you think we should do?" The ruler asked, curiously wanting another perspective on the situation. 

{Forgot what I wrote here, so I'm improvising.} "I think, my lord, that he will break the seal once he's seen his actual memories, considering what he would've had to do to get sealed. So watching him grow and make a new change to this repetitive reality would be amusing for all us residents of the End."

"Of course. It seems that this little human is a new soul, and hasn't been apart of any resets yet, granting him immunity to our domains, no restraints placed on his soul, apart from the seal, and invisibility from all scrying or tracking devices, spells, gods, devils, and any being of power. It will be interesting to watch what he could accomplish, so let's give him a chance to impress me. It's been too long since anything new has occurred, and this little mortal appears to be a new soul, never experiencing a reset before.

"Okay, this is what I'm going to do. Giving back all his memories, he shall use them to think of what he wants and I shall grant them, so the multiverse will not have just another soul in it. Who cares what he does, as long as it's fun, I'll cover for him, hehe. Let's see if he can bring me any more servants, the strong ones."

"My lord, what about the Beginning? {A nickname for the start, and I'll probably do the same thing later on for the End as well.} Are we leaving the system?" Not worried about the consequences, the blood creature practically shouted in excitement, like a child getting candy, toys and freedom.

"They shall not be able to nor bother to keep track of this weak mortal's soul. The multiverse is infinite, so what could a tiny human, who doesn't even know his true self, do, against beings such as them? Why would they even need to track him when they have other entities, such as us, to keep track of? I think- I believe, I can turn this mortal into the most overpowered being in the multiverse. What do you think?"

"Perfect, my lord. I shall watch over the worlds he goes to, in case any of the Start's minions come by, to notify you immediately."

With the conversation coming to an end, so did the little soul's little movie. During that sleep, whatever it is he saw, didn't help the seal in any way. Like shifting tectonic plates, earthquakes erupted from the surface, and oh boy did it cause a spectacle to watch.

Screw Webnovel. I edited the whole chapter and then it wouldn't let me update and kicked me out. So I probably rewrote it.

Anyway, I changed the character setting a bit, I'm not going back over chapter 1 unless there are spelling mistakes, cause I really want to start my story for real.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Slammeron01creators' thoughts