
The Multiverse is Insane (DROPPED)

honeyseeto_02 · อื่นๆ
13 Chs

2. Old Man Arimoto

The walk down to the base of the mountain was done in mostly silence.

The old man clearly wanted to ask several questions but was, for some reason, restraining himself. Shiro pretended not to notice since he didn't feel like answering any questions anyway. He simply followed the man keeping his mouth shut.

Despite the old man's obvious suspicion, he offered Shiro a drink of water seeing how parched the boy was.

Shiro knew it wasn't wise to accept anything from strangers but he didn't really want to die from dehydration. And so far, the man hadn't done anything. He had more than enough time to hurt Shiro if he wanted to but he didn't.

Therefore, Shiro saw no reason to refuse the drink and immediately gulped it all down. His dry throat became moistened giving him a sense of satisfaction and a renewal of energy.

He handed back the flask and thanked the old man.

"I am called Arimoto. What is your name child?" the old man suddenly spoke.

Shiro's eyes widened. It only occurred to him that they had not introduced themselves yet. Doing a small bow, he greeted him, "Shiro. I go by Shiro. Nice to meet you."

The old man - Arimoto, waved his hand dismissively, "No need for formalities now. We've already been walking together for over an hour now."

"Ah, yes," Shiro coughed. "Um, how much longer till we reach the base?"

His legs were close to jelly now after walking for nearly half a day. He honestly had no clue how he was able to keep his pace for so long.

"We're almost there. No need to worry," replied Arimoto. He adjusted the basket on his back and said, "You must be new to the village since I haven't seen you before around."

"Oh...um y-yeah. My family just moved here..." Shiro averted his eyes. How many lies had he told already?! "By the way sir, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

"Aren't you already asking one?" Arimoto raised an eyebrow.

Shiro mentally face-palmed, "Right. Yeah...So, I was wondering if you knew anything about...demons and demon slayers?"

The old man suddenly halted in mid-walk. He turned to face the boy with a complicated expression, "You...I'm surprised you know of them. Not many kids your age are aware of their existence."

"The demons or the slayers?"

"Both," Arimoto admitted. "Those are usually just known as rumors in the village. I'm one of the few that know about them."

Shiro's mouth formed and 'o' and he nodded, "I see."

"Why're you asking though? You looking to become a slayer?" asked the old man knowingly. He narrowed his eyes and continued, "Honestly, I don't recommend it, kid. You've got a whole life ahead of you. You shouldn't waste it by putting yourself at risk through fighting those monsters."

"I know sir. And I thank you for your concern but...I really need to. I wish to protect my family and friends and I want to get revenge on those demons for taking away someone very important to me. I know what is at stake and I'm ready to put everything on the line."

Shiro made sure he emphasized the passion in his voice and wore various expressions of hurt in order to gain sympathy. His acting wasn't the best, he'll admit, but in the end, it got the job done. The old man's expression morphed into pity.

"Seeing your sincerity, I can't stop you and I know I can't talk you out of it," Arimoto said regretfully. He suddenly went silent before looking ahead at the horizon, "My son too wanted to become a slayer. However, he lost his life taking a test for it."

Well, that was unexpected.

"I don't want the same thing to happen to you but it's not possible for me to stop your decision. We only just met after all," the old man gave a wry smile. "However, there might be something I can help you with."

Shiro looked up at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

Humming, the old man's face lightened, "If you're interested, I know someone who can teach you how to fight. Looking at your form right now, it's obvious you've never fought in your life. I doubt you've even held a weapon before. I don't know how you expect to fight demons like that."

Shiro's face blackened at the man's brutally honest words.

However, it later lit up at Arimoto's implication.

"You mean, you'll introduce me to a master?" Shiro asked excitedly.

"Yes. As for whether or not he'll teach you though...it'll be up to your own efforts and sincerity," Arimoto said.

Shiro nodded his head understandingly and fought down his absolute glee. This is exactly what he'd been looking for! A master to teach him how to fight. Who would've thought the chance would appear like this. Was his luck that great?

Now finding a similar topic of interest, the old man and teenager continued to chat until they finally reached a clearing signaling the base of the mountain.

Shiro swore he'd never been happier to finally leave those pine trees. He had grown tired of seeing them everywhere.

From the base of the mountain, old man Arimoto brought him to the village where he finally managed to grab a bite to eat. Arimoto was generous in providing him with food. Maybe in the old man's eyes, he must've looked starved.

Shiro had no idea what he currently looked like so he figured that he didn't look healthy.

After they ate, the old man handed him a piece of paper with ink writing on it.

"This is the direction to where he lives," Arimoto was referring to the possible master. "Show this paper to him and say it's from me. I suggest you go home to your parents now and leave tomorrow morning. Do not, by any means, go at night."

Shiro nodded his head, "Yes sir. Thank you for your help. I'll definitely repay you someday."

Arimoto shook his head, "No need for that. I'm doing this cause I want to."


Shiro bid him farewell and went to find his 'parents'.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

5 chapters in advance here; pa treon.com/honeyseeto

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