
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · แฟนตาซี
290 Chs

An Unidentified Dragon From The World Boundary

『My name is Azi Dahaka. As per the covenant, I shall commit the ultimate atrocities in this world of men.

―I shall burn your fields, your cities, and every country of every race,

―I shall trample your dignity under my foot,

―And bring down absolute despair upon and ruin to all races.

For that is, Our―』


「Well, whatever. I have no interest whatsoever in your reckless proclamations that you can never achieve. In the first place, can you even defeat me?」

I mean, this guy is just a bigger lizard than the previous one. It would be another matter if this fellow's true strength was restricted right now, but the chance of that happening was approaching imaginary numbers.

Why do I always end up encountering such idiots lately? Previously, I arrived too late and the strong one who had defeated Arnold had already left, and what I get now is this fu*king giant lizard, whose only merit is its size. This has become more and more annoying.

『Us, defeating you? Are you serious?』

From its shaken voice, this lizard seemed to feel like it had just been humiliated.

Well, not that I'm interested in this reptile's psychology. I don't care about what this giant lizard feels right now even one bit.

「Yeah, from my perspective, you're just a small fry boasting its weak strength.」

『W-We are weak small fry――』

Heaving a sigh, I kicked the ground and instantly closed the distance between the giant lizard and me. Then, I brandished [Murasame], severed one of the lizard's three heads that kept speaking nonsense, and returned to my original position.

「Look, you can't even react to my simple slash.」

The giant lizard, Azi Dahaka, finally reacted and unleashed a deafening roar.

「As expected…」

Repulsive! Too repulsive! This fellow's entire being is getting on my nerves. Just how selfish this lizard can be. Seeing this guy made me recall the feeling of resentment that I hadn't felt for a really long time.


A bright red liquid incessantly rained down from this fella's severed neck. Then, from the blood or pieces of meat of the severed head appeared lizards of various sizes. These lizards, whose number reached a few hundred, bared their fangs toward me. Besides, a new head regenerated from the severed neck as if it had never been severed before.


The army of lizards that were filling the ground rushed toward me.

「[Commandement Sword Art, One Sword Style],1st Form—Deadline.」

The lizards immediately popped up. The next moment, dozens of demi-dragons, whose number surpassed the one that I killed, appeared from their flesh and blood.


Looks like this giant lizard called Azi Dahaka could reproduce its offshoots from its flesh and blood.

「Useless struggle.」

Did this idiot really think it can beat me with size and numbers alone? That was so ridiculous that I wanted to cry due to this creature's sheer idiocy. I mean, the monsters in that easy dungeon, which had the same abilities as them, were at the bottom of the barrel. Such an ability was so common that I had gotten bored of it.

I could easily kill this fella with my polished swordcraft. I mean, I had nothing to do but polish my swordcraft for hundreds of thousands of years, after all.

I took [Murasame] and held it by its sheath in my left hand. My right hand was touching its hilt as I closed my eyes and lowered my stance.

A dome-shaped membrane spread out from my body, covering that idiotic giant lizard entirely. That idiot had yet to realize that it was already in my realm.

I gripped the hilt of [Murasame] with my right hand and loaded my magical power into it amid the sound of the distorted air. My crimson magical power started to leak from [Murasame], spun, then formed a vortex.

『What's the matter? Give up alrea―』

「[Neo Commandement Sword Art; One Sword Style], 6th Form―Zero」

I muttered the words of power, targeting the idiotic clown, which didn't even realize that it was already in my realm.

[Murasame]'s blade swung at godspeed. The first thing to vanish was sound. Then it was colour, dyeing the world in pure white.

Everything had vanished in this pure white world. And then, the sound returned, followed by colour; till finally, the world came back to life.


Along with a tornado-like blast that mowed down everything and the deafening roar that shook my eardrums, a concentric, circle-shaped hole formed in the meadows north of Akinashi.

『Guh… Ga…』

I stood right before the bottomless hole my sword art had created. Floating right above that hole was the only head left of that giant, three-headed lizard.

「Heh! It seems you finally become a little bit smarter.」

Maybe it was some escape mechanism like how a lizard detaches its tail.


『What… happened just now? You… what are you… doing to us?』

Far from having recovered, the creature's form had already lost its previous grandeur; right now, it was no different from the other dying lizards.

「Simple. I just unleashed a slash filled with my compressed magical power.」

Living beings aside, magical power dwelled in inanimate objects, too. In short, magical power acted like the blueprint of existence itself. And by nature, strong magical power naturally would erase weak magical power. And this 6th Form―Zero was a skill I had created by utilizing that fundamental nature of magical power to the fullest.

This form allows me to unleash innumerable slashes of my compressed magical power as long as my mana allows that within my realm. In short, it's a long-range deadline filled to the brim with my compressed magical power.

It can invalidate miracles caused by my opponent's magical power. Moreover, the firepower of this skill has been raised to its utmost limit due to the loaded magical power, shaving the ground, and leaving behind a huge hole as a result, making it a slightly troublesome skill.

『I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E… This great me is――』

「Still trying to escape from reality before your eyes, eh. Your idiocy is incurable indeed.」

I shrugged, then pointed the blade of [Murasame] at that incurable, idiotic lizard head.

『What… are… you… trying… to do… to… us?』

「Why bother asking? I have to literally cut you down till you die, of course. Weren't you the one who said that you're going to trample our dignity under your foot and bring upon absolute despair on us, right? Since that's the case, you have to be prepared to experience that yourself, right?」

Now, it was the time to finish off this fella who annoyed me.


「No way! Blame yourself for being such an eyesore for me.」


Thus, I began the dismantling process with that despaired wail of that giant lizard called Azi whatever-it-was as the cue.