Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.
"The Red Dragon Emperor, the dragon of domination...Ddraig." Azazel muttered, his hands grasping Issei's gauntlet.
Suddenly the emerald lightly started twinkling brightly, and I felt an enormous pressure envelop the room. By the cautious looks on both the former angels, I was willing to bet they did too.
I quickly focused on the glowing red gauntlet.
Ddraig (Sealed)
Race: Dragon (Emperor-Class)
Tier: 9 (Elder God Tier)
Level: 890 (Max boost)
Draconic Power: 450,000,000/450,000,000
Stamina: 462,500,000/462,500,000
Health: 461,000,000/461,000,000
Strength: 907
Speed: 883
Dexterity: 873
Endurance: 895
Constitution: 892
Mental: 57
Spirit: 890
Holy mother of God...this being was the true monster. He was a tier 9 being, The elder God tier . So what I was looking at right now was at the level of the elder gods of all pantheons. I wondered how a fight between him and Thor will go. Or him vs Zeus.
If I ever reach this level, then I'll know for a fact that I stood around the peak of this world, looking down at the rest of the world like roaches at my feet.
How does he feel though, I wondered, being stuck in the hands of a dumb 6 year old mortal. Such a cruel fate for a powerful being. But it told me that even when I stood at the very peak (I definitely will), I should make sure to have a good head on my shoulders. I, for one, would never accept the fate of being a tool in the stands of someone like issei. I'd probably screw all of my users just to be petty and give a last fuck you to god.
Actually, what was stopping it from doing exactly that?
The presence seemed to have disappeared completely after just a few seconds, making the status disappear.
"The Welsh dragon." Azazel intoned. "Said to be equal to some of the strongest gods in the planet. The after-effects of the fight between him and his rival, the Vanishing dragon, were felt by the entire world."
The fallen looked at Issei grimly. "You must be prepared, young man. The white dragon emperor is your rival and will wish to kill you. And as you are now, I have no doubt he will. Let's just say he is already quite strong for his age. Perhaps even in the same league as your friend here." He waved at me.
"Don't worry, Issei-kun." Gabriel smiled reassuringly at seeing the shaking issei. "With all of us helping you train, I'm sure you will learn fast."
"B-but.. I don't want to fight." Issei whined. "I want to learn science and do research!"
I looked at Issei proudly before patting him on the head. "Don't worry, Ise. Irina and I will protect you."
The girl in question beamed at me happily as I included her in our discussion. Poor girl had been looking like a kicked puppy for quite some time now, what with all of us lost in our own thoughts and conversations.
"Yes!" The girl pumped her hands excitedly. "We are the heroes who will save the prince!" She then looked Issei up and down before glancing at me, and then back at him. All her excitement started to melt down slowly. "But..but he is not the prince, kael. You are!" She complained before her eyes glint with reluctant determination. "I guess the heroes also need to save helpless beggars on the road sometimes."
A startled laugh escaped me, along with Azazel's unashamed Snickers. Poor Issei didn't know if he should look angry or embarrassed. He settled on pouting.
"Now now, Irina-chan. Don't be mean." Mother admonished her but her own lips were twitching in amusement.
"I wasn't! I'm just telling the truth! I heard it hurts sometimes but I didn't know what it meant." She then pointed at Issei's red pouting face. "Now I know!"
The laughter ensued again and poor issei finally broke.
"Fine!" Issei snapped, standing up with his red gauntlet raised. "I'll learn how to fight! And study too! And do research! I will do everything and show you all!"
"Yay, you show them Issei." I cheered casually. "I mean us. Show us."
"I believe in you, Issei-kun." My mother nodded with a kind smile.
"Well... I think I can help you with your's only fair afterall." Azazel spoke with a sneaky little smirk. His eyes looked at Issei like an exotic Pokemon just wanting to be captured.
"Don't worry, Issei-kun!" Irina bellowed. "Exo-egro..urgh...exorchist Irina and her trusty knight Mikael will keep you safe! Yes!"
I looked at the girl critically. "She's a little confused but she's got the spirit. You have nothing to worry about issei."
I can't lose my minion to some stupid rivalry now can I?
The rest of the evening passed in gift-giving. Issei gave me a small diary to write down my 'research work'. It was actually quite a thoughtful gift and I geniunly thanked him. Irina got me homemade sushi and chicken dumplings that her mother (a chef) specially prepared for me. Plus as an apology for not being able to attend my birthday, they'd given me wagyu beef strips (hella expensive).
Suffice to say, it was one of the most tastiest dinner I ate in my life.
I had the least expectations from Azazel but the fallen's gift pleasantly took me by surprise. He gave me three books on demonic magic; Hypnosis magic, Concealment magic, and defensive magical barrier.
Where he got books on demonic magic, I had no idea.
Out of these three, the defensive barrier was what excited me the most. If I had something like this against that dragon tail smack, I probably wouldn't have been almost dead from a single strike.
Gabriel didn't give me any gift but I knew she had one; she was just too shy and uncertain to give it to me in front of everyone. Which seemed stupid to me. I mean even if she just gave me simple cloth or something, I'd be more happy than recieving all of the other gifts combined.
I waved good-bye to our guests by the time sun completely set down. It was time for my mother's birthday present.
She looked nervous as we sat in the now empty living room, a wrapped gift longer than my body layed on her lap.
Just looking at the size and shape of the glittering white box, I already had an idea on what it was.
She took a deep breath and pushed the box towards me. "I cannot think of any other way to give you this. ...Happy birthday, Mikael."
I didn't tear open the gift like I did with others, instead taking my time to slowly and carefully unwrap it. It was a wrong decision though, cause mother started anxiously biting her nails.
I tsked in annoyance. "Mum, relax. Even if it's just an empty box I'll still love it, just cause it's from you."
A smile lit her face up. "It is definitely more than empty air, so I can rest assure that you will like it, yes?"
I laughed aloud, shaking my head. "Sure mom, whatever."
As I opened the unwrapped box, my sight was greeted by a 6 feet long shining metal. I stood transfixed, absolutely shocked at what i was seeing. A luminescent white spear graced my eyes, thin and slick like a regular spear, but it's body was pure white in colour. A stormy blue coloured 10 inch long blade was fixed on its top, and even from above I could see it's razor sharp edges glinting like a rhodium in the dark.
[Unnamed (Common Weapon)]
I swiped away the stupid info. How dare the system place this majestic weapon in 'common' category. Especially something my mother created! Because let me tell you one thing:
It was beautiful.
"...Wow." was the only word that escape me as I traced my finger along its smooth body. With anticipation beating in my chest, I grasped the spear's at the middle and hefted it up. I could instantly feel the difference in weight. The thing was heavy. Not heavy as in '1-2 kgs' heavy, but atleast '10-15 times the weight of an average spear' heavy. My previous weapon weighed around 3 kgs. This one, was most certainly above 30 kgs.
And it felt absolutely perfect in my hands as I twirled the 6 feets monstrosity in the air. The white body became a blur as my hands expertly spun it in place, while it's blade created a wheel of bluish light around the white disk.
"Do you like it?" My mother's expectant yet anxious voice reached me. "I wished to give you a proper weapon for a long time, the normal spears are simply unsuited for you. It took me a while to create it exactly as I envisioned it, and I couldn't quite imagine the weapon in your favourite shade of white and stormy blue, but I hope you still like it."
"I love it." I stopped spinning my new weapon, and slammed it down on the floor. What I did not expect, but should have, were the large crack-marks my 35 kg weapon created on our tiled floor.
"Oops?" I winced, glancing at my mother.
She sighed in exasperation, but I can see the pleased smile tugging on her relieved face.
I layed the spear down on the sofa, and approached my mother.
Without any preamble, I bent down and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, mum. Truly thank you. For everything."
Her arms enveloped around me as she laughed before replying teasingly. "Two hugs in a single day? My, I think you are starting to fall for me, dear."
"Way ahead of you, mother. I fell for you seven years ago."
She laughed, rubbing her chin to my head affectionately before tightening her arms around me. "Oh I love you so much, you sweet silly child."
"Love you too, mom." I replied honestly, without any hesitance.
Why did it always feel difficult to say these three words to my parents in my previous life? Why did they ashamed me? Made me cringe.. Made me hesitate... The joy these simple words could bring was truly unfathomable. I could see this now on my mother's face. The sheer happiness and joy that spread through her, the aura of warmth that enveloped me. I could feel it.
I promised to myself that this won't be the last time I said those words. I promised that this won't be some rare words i spoke once in a year. No, my mother deserves all the love from me, and if these three simple words could brighten my mother's whole day, then it was my solemn duty to proclaim my love everyday.
"I love you." I murmured in her ears.
I don't know when we fell asleep, but the next time i opened my eyes, it was to see a bright new day, with me and my mother entwined upon the couch.
I didn't know it then, but these moments would keep me company in the darkest of times.