
The Morning Star Heir

You will never love her the way she loves you!

Koemyeng · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs


As the little girl was walking into the house, she saw a car stop in the parking lot next to the house, "Are there any guests today?" the little girl murmured alone. Looking at the person who was in the car, just saw him get out of the car immediately, she could not speak "Wow! Really handsome! " The man who got out of the car was the only close friend of the big master, Sen Civilized. He is dressed in a unique style with his unique hairstyle, up and his sunglasses in all colors. The little girl guessed that the model was coming, so she snuck in to watch him from behind. From time to time saw people coming from outside and even so handsome, who does not want to see them? The little girl walked behind without him knowing. Our civilized handsome man just walks into a house, but he walks around like a model on the stage, waving his body, dancing and shaking his hair because he thinks no one sees him and he knows he is stunning. The comparison is over. He was busily obsessed with his own beauty and dancing; the man dropped his wallet without realizing it. The little girl, who was walking behind, saw that, so she picked it up and took it back, but the man disappeared. The little girl followed to get the wallet back to him.

As for Piseth, he is waiting inside the living room waiting to see his friends. Coincidentally, the handsome, civilized man came in moderately: " Yo! Bro! Do you wait for me for a long time, darling? " Piseth, who was drinking coffee, cocktail, which Nuong made, saw and heard the words of his friends, and immediately choked on his nose. The man wiped his mouth with a piece of paper and looked at his friends angrily: " And how are you doing? Ah, why do not dress like a human? ". But the friend heard this and did not get angry and went to sit at the table in front of the sofa where Piseth is sitting: " How? Civilized? I just auctioned this new model in the outdoor fashion show. From another country! Tens of thousands of dollars ! " " As for this, it is a rare blue diamond ring, I can bid for it, the price is buried in the clouds, " the man showed his friend. " Good at wasting money! " Piseth said to the man as a friend. Sen Civilized immediately responded because he is a civilized man, how can he be normal like ordinary people? " Yeah! You do not see the price of all these things, right? Let me tell you! These things we can bid for a lot of money, but sell a lot of profit! Because I am Sen Civilized, my parents gave me this name is invaluable! " Busy talking, the man slipped his diamond ring into the sofa at the foot of Piseth. The panicked Civilized hurried down to look for it because the ring was so expensive, why did he neglect to do this? What if it disappears and won't he spend millions of dollars in vain? " What are you doing? " Piseth exclaimed as Civilized rushed under his feet. " I'm looking for a ring! It just fell to the ground right now, " Civilized replied as he searched under the sofa for his magnificent ring. As for Nuong, she came to the living room in order to return the wallet she had picked up to the handsome man she saw. But when she came in, she saw a scene she should not have seen! The handsome man she saw just now was sitting at the foot of the big master, his head bowed up and down strangely. The hand that holds the wallet turns soft, falls and drop to the ground! What are they doing? The little girl stared blankly. As for Piseth, he was too cramped and bored, but his murmur made it even more confusing. Of course, in a normal house like this, the big master is not dressed in a suit, he only wears short and loose pants and a T-shirt. When Piseth saw her, he was shocked and looked at his friend and looked at himself, it was a very confusing gesture. The man opened his eyes wide and tried to push Civilized's head away, and the civilized man replied: " I have not found the ring yet!". As for Piseth, he is exhausted, and if they endure like that, he did not know what those who come to see him will think! The man shouted at Nuong, who was looking at him with a confused face: " Not like that ! ". The little girl answered with a rough face, her face turned red: " Big master ... is ..." Piseth tried to explain: " That is not the case! ". The little girl also added the last word " ... gay?". Suddenly, Pisal also came because he was looking for Nuong. When they see such a reality, they all say the same thing. As for Sen Civilize, now he has succeeded !! He has found his precious diamond ring! The man also raised his head and pointed to his ring, "Look!" But seeing Piseth's, he turned to look at the door. Pisal is closing her eyes from seeing the fact she saw before Pisal. Civilize saw this and quickly got up and sat down on the sofa next to Piseth and immediately explained: " Hey you two! I just dropped the ring and bent down to pick up the ring . " " Of course! " Piseth echoed. But what percentage of their interpretations can convince those who have seen such actions? The little girl withdrew her hand from the front and said: " It's okay! I just took back the wallet I picked up! The big master enjoyed your time!" That and the little girl ran away, do not wait for any interpretation. Pisal picked up the wallet and put it on the table. The man looked at his brother a little and left to disappear. Civilize asked Piseth: " It's okay! Why are you worried, when you did not do anything wrong?". Piseth replied with a big sigh: " They say we are gay . " Civilize: " Because you teach the children in your house to know too much . " Piseth: " I do not know where she knows! She is only 16 years old! I also do not let her use any smartphones; how does she know? ". Civilized laughs and says: " Maybe because it is a civilized story! Even if you are gay, there is no problem. " Piseth looked at his friend and replied: " But I love girls! " _
