
The Moonlight Princess

What happens when a high school girl, with a passion for the moon, sneaks into the forest at midnight, just to get a glimpse of the full moon? The answer is simple. She follows the sound of a crying child. Gets to a beautiful waterfall beyond imagination. Jumps into the water just to save a girl that never existed, to begin with. Drowns and dies. Gets reborn in a world where magic is not just a fairytale but real life. Okay, maybe not that simple then again... ————————————————————— Comments from the author: First of all, I would like to say that I do not own the picture and that this is my first time writing a novel myself, so I hope you will see past the mistakes and grammar mistakes in the chapters. Thank you~

Mint_tea · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Not a human being



In a brief moment was there a death killing silence, and then...

"fufu..ahahahah!!!" this got to be a joke, right? She was clearly human, no tail, no animal ears, no weird parts that did not belong to the human body, and no horns or spiky ears. If one were to look at her she was clearly human. But she stopped laughing when she saw Atlas's face, as serious as always huh?

"...so it's not a joke??" she asked, feeling quite nervous if she wasn't human then what was she?

" no, it's not a joke"

"The....then..what...am I?" She was seriously going to cry any minute.

"I am truly sorry Ayla, but I don't know. The only thing I could find out was, that you had contact or something with the Moon Goddess"

"..but...but I look like a human?!!" How could she not be human when she was clearly both looking and feeling like a human!

She was too upset to pay attention to herself and trying her best to accept the fact, that she wasn't human but she couldn't. She wanted to be human, she didn't want to be something else at all!

She didn't realize that she had gotten up her chair and stood surprised and then walked over to the door.

Tears began to run down her face. She may have a mind of sixteen years old but sometimes she would feel and be like a real child. With her silver hair down and her black-red eyes and a little light blue dress, with no shoes on, she looked like a little fairy child of the night.

She took a step towards the door, even if Atlas had made it very clear that it was too dangerous to go outside in the middle of the night, especially on a full moon. The forest would be full of demons and monsters.

She needed some time alone." I...I need some time to think!" She almost kicked the door open and ran outside.


"Ayla?!!!" Atlas yelled, but Ayla was already too far away to hear him. He sighed, this was almost too much for his heart. He had forgotten that Ayla was still a child because she was so mature for her age. He stood up and hurried to the door. Ayla was nowhere to be seen!

She must have run deeper into the forest! Atlas hurried outside, he needed to find her quick before something else found her first! He was afraid for the first time in many years. There where demons out there, they could eat her in merely a few seconds!

"Ayla!!" he got no response.

"Ayla!!" he yelled again. He couldn't use magic, because it would attract more monsters and demons. He should have waited till she was older, she was too small for this, he had expected her to be shocked and sad, but not angry.

And the look in her eyes made it worse, her black-red like eyes full of tears. Her face full of anger and yet one could easily see she was sad. He didn't expect her to run outside in the middle of the night, what if she were to trip and break something! What if she fell into a hole and couldn't get up?!

She had been gone too long, that Atlas didn't care about the demons anymore, he needed to find her!

Atlas used some of his mana to see if he could get a trace of her aura.

He waited...and waited... and waited, and when he was about to give up, he felt a sense of mana. Although it was little and unknown, it felt familiar. It was like he knew the source of the mana.

Then he realized something. Today was Ayla's tenth birthday, the day she was supposed to awaken her mana!

He looked up at the night sky and saw the beautiful moon and stars.

The clock stroke midnight.


She ran without thinking. She just wanted to getaway. She knew it was childish and she didn't even hear Atlas out, she just ran out of the house. She realized that she had run too far away because she couldn't see the house anymore.

And for some weird reason, she could see in the darkness. She couldn't turn around, that would be stupid especially since she didn't remember which way she came from.

So she kept going forward. At some point, she made it to a clearing. It was beautiful beyond words.

The place was perfect, it was exactly what she needed. a place more mysterious than her.

She sat down in the middle of the clearing, bathing in the light of the full moon. Trying to relax, she didn't see the demon slowly coming closer like a tiger waiting for the best moment to strike its prey.

It went behind her, as fast as the wind.

She felt the wind change, so she looked behind her shoulder.

Her eyes went wide open and she barely had time to think before the demon grabbed her by the hair.



it's okay to fell it all.

it's okay to feel half,

of nothing, nothing at all.

the moon isn't always full.

-v e n t u m

Mint_teacreators' thoughts