
The Moonlight Princess

What happens when a high school girl, with a passion for the moon, sneaks into the forest at midnight, just to get a glimpse of the full moon? The answer is simple. She follows the sound of a crying child. Gets to a beautiful waterfall beyond imagination. Jumps into the water just to save a girl that never existed, to begin with. Drowns and dies. Gets reborn in a world where magic is not just a fairytale but real life. Okay, maybe not that simple then again... ————————————————————— Comments from the author: First of all, I would like to say that I do not own the picture and that this is my first time writing a novel myself, so I hope you will see past the mistakes and grammar mistakes in the chapters. Thank you~

Mint_tea · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

a new world.

Or not. In a world, far away, with magic and mystical creatures. in a forbidden forest, there where a beautiful clearing, and in the middle of that clearing a little silver ball was encircled by light.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. In the light of the moon, the little silver ball transformed into a little baby, with eyes as black as the night sky, but with a red shine. In top of the little babys head where little tots of silver hair. Allthough she was a baby, she looked like a little goddees of the moon, or like a princess.

The little baby where gently put on the ground, like a mother would lie her baby in a cradle.

The baby was left on the ground all alone in the forbidden forest, apart from a certain old man, behind a tree.


The old man, named Atlas, was suprised when he suddenly detected someone in his forest. Someone that was not a magicel creature. Human but not completely human.

He was curious because almost no one would go into his forest. So he decided to go outside his house, to finde the creature. A creature that he could not figure out what was.

He walked to the certain clearing to see the mystical sight. In the clearing, he saw a little silver ball transform into a little baby that was embraced by the moonlight. Just like the moon was giving the baby girl a caring hug.

The old man where suprised to see the sight, because a ball of light transformed into a baby, and because you almost never saw the moon, it would only appear ones every tenth year.

Atlas walked over to the baby, lifted her into his arms and carried the sleeping baby to his home. Without knowing how much it would effect his life and fate.

Eventhough he had just met the baby girl, he would treat her like his own daughter and teach her about the world and its mysterys.

And because of the event with the moon and how he first saw the baby girl, he decided to call her Ayla, because of its meaning.

And through the next sixsteen years the moon appeared on one special day of the year.

the name Ayla means "halo of light around the moon"

and by the way Atlas is actually not that old, i just like the words old man^^


well i hope you will stick to my novel and read it and find out what going to happen to Ayla

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