
the moon lied

" crush me ? , I'm already broken " he smiled... his devil smirk . " darling have you forgotten I know how to bring your pieces together and break all over again ? " the hollowness in his eyes reflected her own . they were both grown adults . they both had deep secrets and deeper wounds... the only difference was that one of them was scared while the other was still bleeding ...

Ailar_Motejaded · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

chapter 1 ( don't break )

After nearly a month of no rain , the rain had finally blessed the thirsty ground with cold , splashing rain . Clouds clashed together and lightning tore the sky open .

As the drops tracked from the window to their destination, Ren was watching his new favorite TV show . Tom and jerry didn't show on the television as often as other cartoons but it was still his favorite . Big blue eyes were focused on the screen as the cat followed the smirking mouse all around the house before kneeling on his knees to catch his breath . His tongue was out and he was sweating buckets .

The strong smell of fried potatoes and his all time favorite dinner was coming from the kitchen where his mother was busy cooking .

He got up from his seat near the couches and padded over to the kitchen .

Thier apartment wasn't big . It was a single room with everything close together.  A single window from too of the roof down to the carpet his mother had spread over the floor . Two couched that were his mother's favorite colors .... Honey brown .

A single bed and a single closet . The kitchen wasn't that far Frome the couches . Nothing was . It was as if everything had been pressed together to be able to fit into the small apartment .

" Mummy ? "

The thin women in the room was spinning something in the frying pan as she muttered a song under her breath . Her brown hair were pulled into a bun and some strands had fallen off of it . Sharp honey eyes were focused on the text but they immediately softened when Ren came into the kitchen and called her in his childish voice .

Ashely turned her head down to stare at her boy who had only been into her lonley life for five years .  He was wearing two different socks and one was shorter then the other . Her red t-shirt that she had decided to threw away was resting comfortably on his body as it came to his tiny knees . A messy head full of brown curled and eyes bluer than sky .

" What now trouble maker ? "

Ren was always breaking something or climbing over something or basically doing something that probably wouldn't end good .

The boy only shook his head , making his curles fly around his head before resting on his pale for head . The pout on his libs were never a good sign . It made his puffy cheeks stand out more though .

" If you're making fries then can you shape them into tom and jerry ?"

Ashely pressed her lips together as she looked at her son's face .

He had his eyes to look like he was a puppy and he had his gut kicked . His little arms were behind his back as he kept looking at her .

" I already fried the potatos . How about we do it next time  huh ? ... You can even help me with it . How does that sound ? "

At first his face fell . Then , a smile formed on his lips that looked exactly like hers .

" Can I stay up with you tonight ?..."

Well she hadn't made the shape potatos for him , so that was probably all she could do .

With a smirk she replied .

" If only you promise to behave tomorrow . "

He frowned as if she had told him to go and threw his favorite toys away .

" Okay ?..."

He huffed and pouted even more , Ren looked away as he said in a quieter voice than his usual small childish voice .

" Fine.."

Ashely ruffled his hair as she kneeled down to his eye level and looked into his blue eyes that used to haunt her at first . The way they related to his . The way they used to eat her soul and make her as small as her secrets that had no pieces left.

Rens eyes resembled his . Her biggest Wich before giving birth to her only will to live was that , please let his eyes be different than his. 

But God seemed to have a problem with her because every time she wished ; it  seemed to be the opposite .

" Don't be sad now , Luna loves you . You loved her too right ? "

He nodded his head .

" Then a few hours with her would be okay right ? I'm just going to work . I'll be back before you know it "

Ren nodded again before slowly getting closer to her untill he was pressed against her shoulder , his small hands gripping the edges of her t-shirt.

Ren might resemble his father in looks but he was nothing like him ..

She took him in her arms and rocked them both untill he was giggling against her side .

" Okay monkey ! You go watch your cartoon I'll watch the dinner ! "

" Mum ! You're too boring ! "


The only thing that could possibly be worce today was the rain when it fell the exact moment she came out of the coffee shop that she worked in .

The rain was pounding on the ground as she ran as fast as she could towards the main street to hopefully get a taxi and let it drove her to luna's apartment . Street was full of cars as they rushed to wherever they needed to go.  

The city she lived in was full of people rich or poor . That was it . No line between .

If people had more than ten thousand dollars as salary they were considered as rich . But if their fee was under it , they were considered as poor . And Hazels salary nearly reached fifty dollars .... It had to be bad right ?

Hazel gave a bitter smirk as she passed the market full of warm coats .

She had to work all day to keep Rens stomach full and to rent the tiny apartment she had finally been able to buy .

Her brown hair were sticking to her neck and face as the rain kept coming like bullets in the sky .

She had forgotten to bring her umbrella with her not that the old thing would do much help . It had multiple holes in it and the cape had been broke several time before and she had spent hours on the table , trying to see what was left of the cloth .

She ran over to the main street and stood there gripping the long line of the street lamp.

Yellow cars full of people passed by the street as they splashed the hollowness full of dirty water.

Rain kept coming .


Luna was sitting across the hall on her new leather black couch and had her hand hurried in a head full of brown curles when she heard her door getting knocked .

She placed the sleeping boy on the couch and rested the woolen blanket on top his small body before straightening and going to her modern door .

The opened door revealed no other than Hazel , with her brown locks all over her face as drops of rain fell off of her panting body .

Luna had to hold herself from sighing upon seeing her friends obviously exhausted face .

" You ran all the way till here right ? "

Hazel give a tired smirk .

" Not all the way, I didn't run on the stairs.  "

Her sheepish smile was alarming .

" Get in you idiot ! "

Luna took a hold of her arm and dragged her friend inside the warm apartment .

Luna threw a towel at Hazel and started to ruffle it threw her hair . Hazel struggled against her strong hold .

" L_luna ! It's fine ! I can do it myself ! "

" Yeah sure ! Get your bony hands out of my face you ! "

Hazel struggled some more before giving in . Boone could get out of Luna's hold . She was one of the strongest people she knew .

After some more rough ruffling Luna finally let go of her and stepped away.

" Now go change into one of my clothes ! "

Hazel huffed once before glancing behind the brown colored woman look at her son .

Ren had his head on top of the soft blue pillow , Luna had bought just for him . His small form was covered by the woolen blanket that Luna loves to wrap around herself as often as she could .  His soft was left unheard by the sound of the cartoon Luna must have left open for him .

Hazel looked back at Luna who was glaring at her as if she had done a crime by looking at her child .

" What ? "

" You're wetting my floor ..."

Hazel sent a glare back as she made her way down to the huge bedroom that was Luna's personal room .

Luna had a dance club near downtown that was infamous for its awesome quality . People spent dollars to be able to enter her club And that made her a rich person . Her salary reached twelve thousands a month and because of the fact that she lived alone ; it was enough for her .

Luna had offered her a room in her building to her but she politely refused , not only because she didn't know her quiet as much as she did then but also because Luna didn't need to be in her dangerous life . She was a black woman who had lost all of her family in a single fire accident and she had decided to come live in big city to forget her past and move on .

Hazel walked into the room and closed the door behind her .

Tall walls surrounded the place as she opened the closet to pull out a grey t-shirt and a pair of black pants . Luna had a bigger body then here so it was kinda hard for her to get the exact thing she wanted .

Hazel walked out of the bedroom and padded straight to her son's place on the couch . She crouched in front of him and caressed his soft curls . A smile tugged at her lips when he responded to her touch by leaning on her hand .

His big blue eyes were closed ... Her heart gave a hard tug ... She used to hate it , when he was sleep . His entire features turned exactly like him when he slept . Rens face was exactly like his father's .

High Sharp cheekbones , a nice nose , plum lips and pale skin . The only difference was their hair color . Ren had brown , whilst his father had black... She leaned her hand more into his soft head and closed her eyes ...

Lightning clashed ... Sword and teeth bare as the clouds fought to make a claim on the wounded sky ...

Hazel opened her golden eyes ....