
29. The Train


James's POV

I heard the people behind us stop giving chase, and I knew that Kody had been found. It hurt that he had to give himself up for me, but I know that he did it because he loved me and Koda more than he valued his own safety. It felt strangely satisfying that he loved me so much that he would deliberately throw himself to the wolves, but how much would it cost us. Would he die? Would I die from a broken heart?

Right now, I have to get to his father so that we can save him before it's too late.

"Do you know if they have a train to Urina?" I asked someone in the train station. Our car was back at the checkpoint, and this was the only thing I could think of. Koda's beautiful green eyes looked at the man from my arms, and I remembered that I hadn't released my tight hold on him even though we were a long way away from danger.

"We do, but there's only one seat left," the man answered. "The next train after that isn't until tomorrow morning."

I looked at Nat, and she nodded her head slightly. "I'll take it. When does it leave?"

"Five minutes from the blue platform. You can take your son with you."

I sprinted away with the ticket in hand. I found the blue platform with a minute to spare and leapt onto the train. I took my seat and held Koda tightly. This train was packed completely full, and I was sitting next to a total stranger. To my dismay, they recognized me. I don't know if they're a native Carbuosian or just recognized me from the news, but one of them muttered, "Prince James,"  in disbelief. If they recognized me, they were definitely in shock to see a royal on the normal person train.

"Uh... Hi?" I responded awkwardly. The train lurched underneath me, and just like that I was on my way to save the man I loved.

"I thought... Well... Some rumors were floating around that you were either dead or in prison."

"I'm just standing out of the spotlight. It can get tiring always being the center of attention," I reassured. I never knew that there were such brutal rumors floating.

"Well your parents were murdered, and we were all expecting you to step up into their place. When Queen Natalie took over without you, we were worried that you were either killed or the killer."

"Nope, I'm afraid that I just had a lot going on at that point."

"Is that your son?"

"Yes. This is Koda, my little boy," I introduced fondly. Koda was asleep against my chest with his little fingers curled tightly into my shirt. He had gone through a lot just like me, and he was obviously exhausted. Cute little thing.

"He looks so much like you. You're extremely lucky to have had a child so early into your relationship with Natalie."

Oh boy, I forgot that the public didn't know that I wasn't paired with Nat. I really wanted to tell this person the truth, but I didn't trust him to not spread it. "I am."

"Speaking of Natalie, where is she?"

"I need to get somewhere urgently, and there was only one seat left on the train."

"What brings you to Urina?" This guy is starting to ask too many questions.

"I need to have a conversation with King Mason. It is very, very important. As in life or death lies in how fast I can talk to him."

The man made an 'O' shape with his mouth before ceasing his questions. This train ride was supposed to be 5 hours, and I leaned my head against the window. Every passing second made me anxious, and the man could probably notice it in my body language.

As soon as the train rolled to a stop in the train station I leapt up onto my feet. Koda was still asleep, so I didn't worry about him noticing my urgency. He didn't need to know that his newly found father was in complete danger. I ran off of the train, and I pushed quite a few people out of the way. They probably thought I was being a rude tourist, but if only they knew what I was doing, every action would be justified.

I ran through the streets quickly, and the rain was slowly falling down around me. I was dripping wet by the time I reached the door step, and I hardly had time to wait for someone to answer the door. I was greeted by a rough looking, suddenly surprised to see me, Mason, and I could hardly say, "Kody's in trouble," fast enough for myself.

"What's wrong with him? Did he suddenly come to his senses that he was wrong?"

I swear I almost picked up the nearest thing and threw it. "You're suddenly turning into my parents!" I shouted loudly. "He's your damn son, treat him that way instead of calling him out on every single thing he does! He could be dying right now while you're so concerned that he did one thing wrong!"

"Fine then! What's wrong with the ungrateful spawn! I've done so much for him and he rubs it into my face."

"I'll do it by myself then! I'll put myself and our son in danger because I actually love him unlike you!" I screamed. I was so pissed off with Mason right now, but I knew that it would be hard for me to beat the guardian by myself.

"Jesus Christ, where is he?"

"The sun guardian has him!"

"Good! Maybe he'll have some sense put into him!"

I gently set a now awake Koda onto the floor before turning to look at Mason one more time. "You cannot mean that! Your only son is in dire danger and you're being petty over his interactions at a stupid royal gathering?"

"Yes! He can't just run off with random people!"

"So you're trying to tell me that if your wife appeared to you after being gone for so long, you wouldn't go with her?"

"Well he wasn't talking to a wife! He was just running off with first a little kid then a random prince! This should make you just as mad as I am!"

"The child is mine, and I am the prince you stupid ass! I don't have time for this when he could be dying!"

Mason was in shock, but I was already leaning down to pick up Koda. "Don't forget that all of this is your fault," I barked before beginning to walk out of the castle.

"Wait... I'll help. Please let me right the wrongs, James. Please..." Mason begged loudly.

"Fine," I snapped. He lead me to a car of his and opened the door. I leapt into the back seat while he got into the driver's seat. Mason slammed his foot onto the gas as soon as his seatbelt was buckled, and I had to hold tightly to Koda to keep him from flying off from my lap.

We're coming, Kody. Please hold on for just a little bit longer.