
Don't leave me

" Today's daddy's birthday!" I tell my teddy bear snuggles, whos my best friend.

"Paris!" I hear my dad's voice call me from downstairs. I open my bedroom door then walked down the stairs. I looked at the walls to find pictures of me as a little kid or me with my father, but never with my mother she died after I was born so I never got the chance to meet her. I finally reached the kitchen entrance as i'm about to yell to scare my father, a knock comes from the door i turn my attention towards the door and began to walk towards it. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind.

"Shh, it's just me sweetheart" I hear my fathers soothing voice. He slowly lets me go and grabs me by my hand, we walk towards the kitchen steadily he lets go of my hands and walks towards our trapdoor only to open it. He pushes me inside and closes the door before I can even grasp the concept of what was happening. "Dad... what are you doing?" I question my father's train of thought. "Baby, you need to stay in here until I tell you to come out, no matter what you hear... even if you hear me scream, do not come out of this room. Do you understand!" he lightly raises his voice.".....Yes dad, I understand." I assure him. "I love you my princess, don't ever forget that." he says his voice slightly cracks, almost as if he wants to burst into tears but restrains himself from doing so. "I love you too dad." I wish I could comfort him, but the door confines me from doing it. "....Goodbye love." and with that he leaves me in the darkness that surrounds me, the only source of light that enters the room is threw a peephole on the door. Gently I crawl towards it trying not to disturb the silence that envelops the whole house, I sit in front of the peephole and look threw it. I see my dad walking around but.... he's holding a gun. He walks towards the door and opens it slightly ajar, so the unknown figures cant see the deadly weapon, that holds in my father's grasp. Aburbly the door is forcefully opened as I watch my father get tackle to the ground by three men wearing black suits their faces are covered with mask that are animals. I notice one of the man had a serpent tattoo with a black rose, I watch as the gun slips from his grasp falling onto the floor. I see my dad trying to fight them but the men overpower him, I see them place my father onto a chair and tie him up to prevent him from freeing himself. I want to scream out of fear for my dads safety, I want to pound on the door to distract them so my dad can try to escape, but I can't I've always listened to my father's orders and so I must obey them. They placed a cloth in his mouth to muffle his screams of protest. Another man comes into view he's wearing a blue tuxedo, his face is covered with a mask that only covers his eyes, he has jet black hair. He holds something shiny that glems as the light reflects on it. The man's hand hovers over my fathers thigh, not hesitating he drives the object into my father's thigh. I hear my father scream out in pain, I jump back in fear, the screams of my father lingers in my mind. I feel something wet trickle down my face as my throat throbs with pain, trying not to cry out in agony to end my fathers suffering, I close my eyes and cover my ears to silence his screams that echo throughout the house. Until I could no longer hear my fathers screams of anguish. I uncovered my ears and opened my eyes only to be met with darkness, the stillness of the house was erupted by footsteps and voices speaking a different language, I couldn't understand what they were saying. I waited until I heard the front door open and close, I opened the door that shielded me from the horrific sight that was bestowed in from of me. I could see my father's body lay lifeless against the chair that restrained him from his freedom, blood covered his body like a blanket, it even covered the floors and the walls. It looked like a slaughterhouse. I ran towards my father's body a scream of pain erupted from my body. "Dad please don't leave me.... I don't know what to do without you!" I scream as my heart aches. But he doesn't answer, I embrace his lifeless body trying to warm his ice cold body, but my efforts were silence. I hold him until I can no longer stand the smell of blood, I walk towards the kitchen and grab a knife, I walk back to my fathers lifeless body and began to cut the ropes that held him captive. I watch as his body slumps onto the floor and lands on his back, I fix his body to make it look like hes sleeping on the floor, I go back to the kitchen and grab a mop and began cleaning the blood alongside my father's body, when I'm finished I lay down next to my father and hug him. He feels cold and reeks of blood and death but I ignore it, my heart aches as it silently breaks and I become heartless, it hurts so much I can even utter a cry or even a scream of pain and anger, I sit up and began to walk towards the kitchen grabbing the gun that my father hide, just in case of emergencies I held the object debating whether to take my life or make myself suffer this cruel world all by myself. Finally I held the heavy gun against my temple holding the trigger, ready to surrender to the endless abyss of darkness that awaits me in the after life and my father who will be there, I began to press down on the trigger an-

5 years later:

(Paris is 17 years old)

"Beep, beep, beep!" I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I sat up and leaned against the headboard of my queen sized bed. I cradled myself trying to get rid of the nightmare that haunted me every time I get the chance to sleep, I place my head against my knees and began to cry out in pain. I wish this torment would end I think to myself but the thought fades, at last anger consumes my every being and I don't morn anymore for the lost of my fathers death. I grip my sheets of blankets trying to calm down the rage that ignited in me, I finally calm down and decide to take a shower, I stand up and began walking towards my bedroom door, I open and began walking through the hallway towards the restroom door. I turn on the shower adjusting it to be warm and began to undress myself until I am completely exposed, I check if the water is warm enough and step inside well closing the curtains. I let the water fall upon me it inundates me in comfort and warmth I feel as it washes away all my sins that haunt me, goosebumps start to appear on my skin as pleasure engulfs me, I began to wash my hair and body before my fingertips get wrinkly and gross. I turn of the shower and open the curtains, I grab my tower that's thrown upon the toilet seat and began to dry myself, after I'm done drying my body I wrap my hair with the towel to dry it. I grab another towel that's hanging on a hook alongside the wall, to cover my body. I open the restroom door and walk to my room as I enter the room I head over to my closet. I grab a pair of underwears and a bra, I decide to wear a black long sleeve sweater with black leggings and black combat shoes so the blood won't be as noticeable when it falls on me . I pick up my long black hair into a high ponytail so it won't get in my face, I exit my room and walk through the hallway past my games room and the restroom down the stairs. Pictures of me and my father cover the plain white walls that surround the empty living room walls, I walk towards the door that leads to the basement I open it and walk it. Darkness welcomes me in the only light visible is the one hanging from the ceiling, I began to walk down the wooden stairs, they creak under each step I take. I walk towards the man chained to the wall, he reeks of blood as his whole body is full of it I walk silently trying not to spook my prey as he is unconscious, I walk towards the bucket full of water and grab it then I walk towards the man and throw the water at him to wake him up from his unconscious state. I watched as he stirs from his slumber and looks around his unfamiliar surroundings, until he lays his eyes on me I watch as he cowards in fear. I smile a meaningless smile. I hear him gargle for the taste of water, I laugh at his attempts as he tries to savior the water that was thrown on him. " Are you going to tell me, who was the man that murdered my father." I say with a calm tone, I watch as he struggles to speak. "I don't know who you're talking about." he says with a hoarse voice. " Oh really?, Then why do you have the same exact tattoo as the man that tied up my father huh?" I say with annoyance laced in my tone. Silence was my response, he didn't answer he just hung in silence. I felt as anger surged through out my body, I grab a scalpel and walk towards his body, he begins to scream and tries to wither from the blade but fails as he is strapped down from the waist and legs. I began to make cuts all over his body as he screams in pain and agony beginning me to stop but I have no intention to do so. After I done with my masterpiece, I grab the alcohol on the table and poor it on his body in return I get his pitiful groans of pain, the sight of his bloody body makes me smile with content. I decide to grab a wip and began to wipe his body until I saw him go unconscious, I then grabbed the alcohol bottle again and threw it on his body to wake him up. "TELL ME THE MAN'S NAME!" I yelled. "It.... was a woman... who sent us." he whispers. I was dumbfounded by the information, who was this woman?, what did she want my father dead?, what was her purpose of murdering a innocent man? All these thoughts ran through my mind but I couldn't show any emotion to this man, so I kept a emotionless expression. " What's her name?'' I say with amusement laced in my voice. "I think you know her as your mother" he laughs at the thought of it. I feel my body freeze up and get tense out of shock, my own mother killed my father but she was dead my father watched her burn alive in the car crash. It can't be her.....he's lying. I stand in silence waiting for a reaction from the man indicating that it was a joke or a prank, and someone from a tv show was going to pop out and say surprised but nothing happened, I soon realized he wasn't lying nor was he playing a prank on me and what he said was actually true."Where can I find her?" I say. He erupts in a fit of laughter. "She's already coming for you" he continues to laugh at me. I hear someone banging on the door then I hear the door burst open and footsteps scatter all over my house. I run up the basement steps and lock the door I run back downstairs and grab the gun laying on the metal table and point it at the guy and shoot him in the head without hesitation, I feel blood splatter onto my face and watch as it also get on my clothes. I hear as the footsteps run around the house, trashing everything as they wander around my house. Flashes of my fathers dead lifeless body appear in my mind as pain and anger consume me. I run towards the stairs and hide underneath them waiting for them. I wonder if the same fate will come to me as it did to my father. I hear the footsteps come to a complete stop at the basement door, I hear an unfamiliar voice speak and suddenly they began to break the door down. As the door burst open, I aim my gun towards the opening of the steps. I watch as they walk down the stairs searching there surroundings, I watch as they point their guns towards the lifeless body chained to the wall. I see two man and... a women dressed in black jeans with a white button up shirt that's tucked in and a black trench coat with beige ankle strapped heels. I watch as she observes the room, slowly I turn my attention towards her and point my gun at her, I watch as her eyes finally meet mine."Hello sweetheart" she says with a smirk plastered on her face. I began to laugh but one the has no humor in it." Hello mother or should I call you a cold hearted bitch" I say with a fake smile, I quietly stalk towards the woman who claims to be my mother still pointing my gun at her."You have your father's eyes and his attitude" she says as if she actually knew him." You know nothing about my father, so don't act like you do" I say with venom laced in my tone."Oh, but indeed I do know your father that you love so dearly, I was married to him and had you." she says in a mocking tone." Then why did kill him?" I say trying to contain myself from wanting to put a bullet in her head."Hmm, well in all reality I really didnt love your father I just wanted to us him for his money and for the abilities he possessed, and he was such an idiot it was gullible to watch him obey my every command and kill people to make me happy, or even be proud of him. But when you were born he turned soft and didn't want to listen to me anymore, so It got boring because I really didn't love you so I faked my own death to find someone who I actual loved, and a family that I actually wanted. Not some lowlife and a daughter who was a mistake. " she slitty chuckles at the memory like its some kind of joke. Her words sting as tears beg to be set free but I refuse to let them, her words echo through my mind. I was a mistake to her but I wasn't a mistake to my father and he loved me so much and she took that away from me. I boiled it anger, I grit my teeth to calm myself from murdering her and torching her until she begged for mercy and forgiveness." What does that have to do with me?" I questioned her. "Oh poor girl you have no clue do you?, well you are your fathers daughter naive and stupid like him. Anyways you were born with his abilities but with more and you're more powerful than him, you can kill anyone with the snap of a finger and destroy this world and ride it of mankind." she says. So many questions surrounded my mind but none of them will be answered because I'm not willing to ask this woman anything."You need to come with me so I can help you awaken your powers" she says with a gentle smile as if she's trying to make me put my guard down and let her use me, like she used my poor loving father. "No, I will not let you use me like you used my father." I say ready to pull the trigger any minute. "Oh really well that to bad, I guess I have to do this the hard way." before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt something pierced my leg I looked down and realized it was a tranquilizer dart. I began to shoot my gun piercing that bitch of a mother on the shoulder and in her thigh satisfy with my work, I let the poison put me to ease and slowly my body becomes heavy and my eyes began to close as sleep consumes my body surrendering to the abyss.