
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Without Him [2]

Camilla Nocturn, 17-years-old, and Student Council President, was seated in her office.

She was on the phone with a specific person.

"Father, have we finally gotten a lead?"

'I hope so Camilla, we're currently tailing a man we believe has connections to the Demon Contracted group.'

"Okay, tell me whatever I can do to help."

'We've barely got a lead, I'll call for you once things start to make sense, we know nothing about these guys.'

"Haa… alright."

'Call you later, focus on the task you have for now.'


Slumping down on her desk, Camilla let out an exasperated sigh.

She has never felt this useless before.

All she could really do was try to get involved in the investigation.

But truthfully, she hasn't done much.

'It's fine, once Shin comes back, he will definitely vouch for me.'

Despite being seventeen, her Father had never let her go on any dangerous operations.

'I'm not a little girl anymore, why can't he understand that?'

Camilla was well on her way to breaking through the Third Star of Ascension.

If she just trains a little more, then without a doubt she will reach it.

Over the years, Camilla had spent her time training and building up connections.

Camilla wholeheartedly believes that Shin was still alive and will return someday.

Which is why, before he comes back, she wants to have enough strength to stand by his side once more.

The reason she ran for Student Council President was to build connections in the Kingdom of Ardenia.

If she were to return, then he needed allies. And that's what Camilla is doing.

'He'll definitely praise me.'

Camilla smugly nodded.

Knock, knock.

"Come in."



The one who entered the door was a girl with silver hair, and pearl-white eyes.

It was Alea Aubade, the Student Council Vice-President.

"Alea, what are you doing here? Don't you have classes?"

"Yes, but Professor Selena didn't show up, so we all dismissed ourselves."

"I see, so she hasn't returned yet."

"Do you know something about it, President?"

"I've heard she left for… an Abyss Raid yesterday."

"Oh… I see…"

The topic of Abyss Raids was sensitive to everyone who had connections to Shin.

Just the mere mention of it would instantly change the mood.

Camilla seemed to have read the room and changed the topic, 

"Ah, by the way, our Family is planning on celebrating Shin's Birthday later tonight. Aspen invited you, so please come."

The mere mention of Shin's name tugged at Alea's heart. 

But she appreciated the invite as she instantly dismissed her thoughts and smiled at Camilla.

"Okay, I'll be there."

"Thank you… By the way, are you still on bad terms with your Father?"

Ever since Alea found out about Shin's predicament, she started putting up a barrier between her and her Father.

It's been a year and half, and they still weren't on speaking terms.

Of course, it was only on Alea's part as her Father would try to speak with her to try and win her back.

But Alea still couldn't find it in her heart to forgive him.

'Until Shin comes back, I don't think I can forgive my Father.'

Just like Camilla, Alea believes that Shin would return one day.

For a single day that passed, she had never doubted Shin's survival.

'He's definitely still alive, right Sol?'

[Yeah, but I won't make any promises.]

'You're not making the mood any better.'

[Yes, Alea, Shin is definitely alive.]

Alea furrowed her brow at Solis' cold demeanor.

Alea turned her attention back to Camilla, who was still seated at her desk, arranging the documents present.

"By the way, I heard someone made Aspen cry at the library."

At the mention of Aspen's name, Camilla instantly stood up from her seat.

"What?! Who was it! How dare they make her cry! Satoshi was with her, why didn't he tell me!"

Alea could tell why Satoshi decided not to tell Camilla.

Camilla had always been overprotective of Aspen, even during their younger days.

But ever since Shin was gone, she had become too overprotective of her.

If Camilla were to murder someone just for making Aspen cry, then Alea wouldn't be surprised.

After all, Camilla had to be the scariest Nocturn she had ever met.

Even scarier than the weirdo Patriarch, Souzen Nocturn.

Turning her attention back to the enraged Camilla, Alea spoke.

"I heard it was the blonde kid from the Norman Family."

Camilla seemed like she was pondering, trying to rack her brain on who the Norman Kid was.

Then, Camilla most likely had an idea.

"It should be Austin Norman, let me get a piece of him."


Camilla stood up, and motioned to exit the Student Council Office.

Truthfully, Alea was angered as well, which is why she told Camilla.

'How dare he make Aspen cry, I bet Shin would skewer him alive.'

Narrowing her eyes, Aspen left the office and joined Camilla's side.



After asking several students of the whereabouts of Austin Norman, the two girls were led to the Cafeteria.

The Cafeteria was filled with bustling students. Their chatters and murmurs reverberated around the room, making it hard to find Austin Norman.

After roaming around, and thoroughly scanning for where this 'Austin Norman' was seated, they finally found him.

The blonde kid with glasses was seated with his friends, engaging in conversation.

"Finally, now it's time to make him pay."

"Wait, President."

Alea gestured her hand and stopped Camilla from moving.

"Alea, why?"

"Let's listen to what they have to say first."

"Haa… okay."

Hiding behind the crowd, the two girls focused their attention on Austin Norman, eavesdropping on him.

What they heard was nothing short but disturbing;

"Anyway I'm telling you, that bitch Aspen should know her place. Just because she's beautiful, doesn't give her the right to scream at me. It's fine to reject me, but to humiliate me in the library? Fuck…"

"Calm down, Austin, sure she's beautiful, but those melons? Oh boy! I could oggle at them all day, you kind of fumbled man."

"Yeah, Calvin's right, Austin, you shouldn't have been so hasty in confessing. She could've been yours if you were patient."

"Yeah, fuck, and that Cousin of hers? What a stuck up, always acting touch, pretending to be her bodyguard. But back to the topic, can you believe what she told me?"


"She was spouting all nonsense about bringing her Brother back, like what's with that? Did she even have a Brother? I don't remember ever seeing him in the Academy, and the way she talked about him, it seems like he's dead. Hah, what a weakling of a Bro–"

Instantly a knife cut through the air and grazed Austin's cheek.

When he turned around to see where the knife came from, what met his line of sight was Camilla, glaring daggers at him.

"P-P-President… what's the meaning of t–"

"Shut the fuck up you brat!"

Camilla raised her voice.

"H-H-Hey… even if you're the President, don't you think you're overstepping your boundaries, throwing a knife at me? I'm a Norman, you know? My Father is a direct branch Family of the Ki–"

"Who gives a fuck?!"

Camilla picked up the knife and stabbed the table.

"Listen here you brat, making Aspen cry was one thing. But the moment you disrespected her Brother with that filthy mouth of yours is where you crossed the line."

"Who are you to threaten me like t–"


Suddenly a brilliant white light materialized into fire, and started burning Austin's clothes.

As she strode forward, Alea's eyes were glowing white, while white-blazing embers protruded from her back like a single wing.

Everyone in Arden Academy knew Alea was a Contractor, it wasn't a big secret.

Which is why she was one of the most fearsome student.

Daughter of the Headmaster, Sole Princess of the clan of Mages, and the Contractor of the God of Sun, Alea Aubade.

Austin shifted his gaze from Camilla to Alea, and he started trembling.

"A-Alea Aubade…."

"Take back what you said about Shin."

Despite having a foul-mouthed Father, Alea grew up to be a sweet girl.

Even when Austin disrespected Aspen's Brother, Alea couldn't bring herself to curse at Austin.

But, her usual calm demeanor had contoured into a cold expression, narrowing her eyes as she gazed upon Austin and his friends.

Austin's friends seem to get the idea as they said,

"Hey… Austin, this is getting out of hand, even Alea Aubade is here. Just let go of Asp–"


The boy's clothes caught on fire as well.

"Don't you dare utter Aspen's name with that filthy mouth of yours."

Alea was enraged, the fact that they casually badmouthed Aspen, Shin's little sister, had ticked all of Alea's anger alarms.

It seems like Aspen Nocturn was a sacred relic that should never be defiled in the entire Arden Academy.


Shin narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist.

Selena noticing the sudden change from Shin asked,

"Hmm? What's wrong Shin?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly feel like wanting to kill soneone."
