
The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)

[Long Chapters] [Add this fanfic to your library for more chapters] --------- Gregor Clegane was one of the worst people to have ever existed. But what if someone else lived his life? What if a modern person of sound mind and honorable character was reborn as The Mountain? How would his rational and reasonable mind impact the ultimate outcome of Westeros? He just might be able to change the world for the better... --------- A young American federal agent is killed in the line of duty. He is reborn into his favorite fantasy world… as one of its most feared, most hated, and most notorious characters. He quickly discovers that he can make that work to his favor, and to the favor of many others.

Game_of_thrones · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
67 Chs

Chapter 43

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Naturally, Gregor and Dacey were both ecstatic about their upcoming nuptials. Be that as it might, they did not wish to overly sensationalize the matter.

They would have preferred things to be simple. In fact, had it been their decision, they would have just held a small, private ceremony with only their families, their dearest friends, and their most trusted allies in attendance.

Alas, for a variety of reasons, a modest ceremony was quite impossible. It could only be done if they somehow withheld the knowledge of their engagement from everyone else in Moat Cailin.

If only the two of them knew of it, that may have been possible. However, Lady Maege Mormont had no intention of keeping quiet about the affair, much to her daughter and soon-to-be goodson's dismay.

Fortunately, before long, Dacey and Gregor decided they could put up with a lavish wedding, and that such an event might actually be beneficial to all persons involved.

They figured they may as well give their fellow Legionnaires a chance to share in their joy, as well as an opportunity to celebrate. Gods knew there were few enough of those already.

An hour after Lady Maege gave her blessing, Gregor had the staff of Moat Cailin and the top officers of the Legion without Banners assemble in the main courtyard of the moat.

There he and Dacey stood on a platform overlooking the area, and they officially announced their engagement.

Unsurprisingly, this news was met with energetic cheering and applause. Once Gregor and Dacey came down from the platform, they took the time to shake the hands of everyone who wished to personally congratulate them.

Once again, Oberyn Martell wanted to offer more than a simple handshake. He argued that if the two of them were going to be bound together and no other for life, they may as well have a little 'enjoyment' beforehand.

As politely yet directly as possible, Gregor and Dacey turned down the Dornishman's offer. 'Tempting' though it was, they claimed.

Many times throughout that day, Gregor and Dacey were approached by soldiers of the Legion and people in the towns adjoining the moat who also wished to congratulate them.

That involved plenty more handshakes. As well as some raising of flagons and claps on the back.

Gregor was used to receiving this much attention, but Dacey was quite unaccustomed to it. To her, it was all a little overwhelming. Luckily, he was able to help her endure it.

In the early evening, Gregor had Maester Kennick compose three letters; one to Winterfell, one to King's Landing, and one to Clegane's Keep. He intended to notify Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon, and Tarrence Clegane respectively of his wedding.

Eddard was now Gregor's liege lord, and Dacey's family had been a loyal vassal of the Starks for eons. Logically, the wolf lord should be aware of what marriage contracts his bannermen were involved in.

Robert needed to be informed for a similar reason. Not only was he the King, but Gregor also held a very prominent spot on the Small Council. By marrying into the North, Gregor would be strengthening the domain of the crown.

Most of all, Gregor's own family had to be told of the engagement. Dacey's family would know soon enough, as would every other Northern house.

But unless Robert decided to tell the whole of the realm (which was unlikely), it was uncertain that any houses south of the Neck would be apprised of the wedding without Gregor's notice.

Nevertheless, Gregor was determined to have some of his relations present at the ceremony. So he dispatched his fastest, most resilient raven to his father's keep.

Within the next week, Gregor received a reply from all three parties. Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon merely acknowledged the union of House Clegane of Moat Cailin with House Mormont of Bear Island.

They also bade him congratulations, along with many years of happiness and good health.

The letter from Clegane's Keep was sent by Gregor's mother, Lady Daliah Clegane. She expressed her upmost delight on her son's engagement.

Apparently, she could not properly convey on paper just how enthusiastic and proud she truly was.

That aside, Dalish told her son that his father was too preoccupied with other matters to appear at the wedding, but since she was available, she would make every effort to be there.

She claimed that by the time he received her letter, she would already be riding north for Moat Cailin. She also mentioned that she would be bringing Sandor and Ellyn along.

Gregor was enraptured by that development. He had not seen any member of his family in almost three years.

He had written to them at least thrice a month, and they had always written back, but other than that, they had kept very little correspondence. He found that he missed them all dreadfully.

It soon occurred to Gregor that since his mother and siblings were travelling by land, they would have to cross the Green Fork at some point.

He could not imagine why they might choose to ford the river as he and his company had done when he first relocated to Moat Cailin.

With that in mind, the only way they would get across in time for the wedding was if they used a certain bridge. This particular bridge happened to be infested with weasels.

Gregor hoped Walder Frey would not hinder his mother and siblings. If the Late Lord knew what was good for him, he would let them pass without incident.

The Cleganes of Clegane's Keep were still relatively minor in terms of status. Thus, it was unlikely that Walder Frey would attempt to extort a marriage contract out of Lady Daliah.

Despite the fact that her eldest son was one of the most influential people in Westeros, the Cleganes of Moat Cailin had no exclusive connections with the Westerlands outside of blood.

As much as Gregor hated Walder Frey and his overpopulated house, he did not wish to give the old weasel grounds to unduly harbor a grudge or resentment towards him.

Lord Walder had always given the Legionnaires free passage whenever their services were required anywhere west of the Trident.

But that was mostly just because the Legion were acting in the king's interests, as well as the interests of the realm. Anyone outside of the Legion was usually still forced to pay a toll for access to the bridge.

Apart from that, Gregor Clegane had not been spared Walder's ongoing ambitions to expand the reach of his house. In the three years he had been Lord of Moat Cailin and Master of Order, Gregor had received offers for a number of potential marriage contracts from all over Westeros.

Walder Frey had sent more than anyone else. Gregor had assured everyone else that he would give their offers some consideration.

He had made that claim to Walder, too, but in actuality, he had burned all the messages from Lord Frey in his fireplace.

Of course, Walder never knew that, but Gregor could imagine he was very displeased that the Mountain had chosen a Northern beauty over his homely daughters.

As luck would have it, when Lady Daliah arrived at the Twins, Walder Frey had decided (for maybe the first time in his overlong life) to be chivalrous, and he allowed her and her company to cross without tolling them.

Gregor would find that out later, and afterwards, he made sure to write a short message to Lord Walder, thanking him for being so 'courteous' to his family. He did that mostly out of obligation instead of genuine gratitude.

A fortnight after the marriage pact was broadcasted, a small band of riders was spotted coming up the Kingsroad.

Their banners bore the image of three hounds on a yellow field. The sigil of the Cleganes of Clegane's Keep.

Gregor was promptly summoned to the southern gate, along with his intended and her mother. They observed the approaching company from afar.

Lady Daliah Clegane herself led them. She had never been very fond of horseback riding, but to properly portray the strength of her house, she opted to ride a horse all the way up the Causeway rather than sit in a carriage or a wagon. As it happened, she rode her courser with considerable grace.

Sandor and Ellyn rode on either side of her. Ellyn was mounted on an average-sized palfrey. She enjoyed horseback riding substantially more than her mother, but she still lacked the confidence to ride anything bigger or wilder than a palfrey.

Sandor, on the other hand, had already become an expert rider. He was astride a large, fierce-looking black destrier.

That stallion must have been a young Stranger If not, he had to be either his father or brother. Gregor made a note to inform the stableboys to be mindful of that beast.


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