
The Model Queen

One shot one stupid stab in the back and i died my life gone the life i worked so hard to get the money,fame all gone.Her life ruined by the people she trusted and loved shes done the man she trusted long enough to drown in killed her mercilessly because he wanted money her money if he would have asked she wouldnt have thought twice begore giving it to himshe loved him so much but the man was a cheat her stepmother and her cheat boyfriend conspired against her as she got hit by a car the blood was all over as her eyes shattered she closed her eyes all so slowly as she realised she was dead regretting the choices she made in her life and hoping her dad didnt dig their grave fifteen years when he had cheated on her mom with her stepmother Her eyes blinked as she woke up she was suprised when she finally looked at the mirror she was shocked she pointed her fingers poking at the image in the mirror as if making it to magically dissapear she then stopped as she realised what she was doing was embarassing even for herself she looked intensively at the mirror looking at the very unfamiliar face with round dark eyes pale lips and her short hair she hated short hair she a smile then formed on her face as she slowly turned around smiling at how much her life hated her right now her hands on the mirror she looked behind suprised to see maids also intensevely looking at her she freaked and started to run like a mad man decifing on where to go between the left or right in the big empire..... read on to continue

Lora_Tyrens · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Her end my beginning

"i love you you know that right." On the bed a man said while patting the back of a woman while the woman run her fingers on his chest "I love you too." On the other said of the phone Mian said as a voice called her from behind "Mian hurry." the female voice said earging her to hurry"Am Raph can i call you later the show is about to start." she said "Ok babe and listen..am really sorry i couldnt make it today you know our coach darling he is really strict." he said " its ok Raph you could come another time,ok now Raph i really have to go."she said "Ok." he said and hang up the he looked at the woman infront of him as she tied her hair in a bun and he was tempted to kiss her naked back as she sat at the edge she smiled as she looked behind he got up and kissed her neck sge touched the spot he just kissed and turned around to give him a steamy mouth kiss...On the other side Mian was already ready getting out and walking on the stage she had messed up a few times but now her aim was to be a number one top rank model she did flupe in a cupple of shows but she never gave up Anne her best friend was always there for her plus her lovely boyfriend Raphael who supported her through everything she had left home six years ago going ahead to fulfill her dream and ofcourse not wanting to stay at a house where her mom was disrespected and shamed when she was sixteen her father cheated on her mother and then married another wife in replacement of her mother she had chosen to be with her mom but her father took custody of her,when she was twenty years she left home and went to live with Ann.Ann was a top running model so she gave her ways into being a model and now she is here after long six years she became a top running model even entering in the top three best models in the industry...after a few hours the show was over and she was back stage as she changed into her baggy jeans and i love me t-shirt she tied her long silk hair she really loved it long it always made her to feel more confident and preety so she loved it she got out and took a taxi to Raphaels home hoping he had already returned on the door she had voices a man and a woman so she slowly opened and peeked "I really hate her she is taking you away from me." the woman said "Of course not Mian could never take me away from you she is just a senseless dumbass.Mian heard that'senseless.dumbass.' she reapeated the words as she tried to fit the words in her personality dictionary the woman then kissed the man tiptoing to reach his face as she wanted to kiss him making the wall that was hiding her face to give her out Mian was shocked when she saw the face her stepmother Diana she was cheating on her father and with her boyfriend that sucked "Mom." she called out to her in a very low voice but she heard it and when she turned her eyes looked at her shocjed she was Mian quickly got out handlind the big betrayal and tying her best not to cry she would never cry for a man just like her mother did she killed herself for a man living a note of take care of her daughter please tell her to forgive she dropped into tears as she remembed her mothers words few minutes before she hang herself she walked and soon her leg felt slow so she began to run Diana was also running after her and Raphael who was also running behind them suddenly Diana tripped as she pushed her overthe road her eyes dalted around at the unbusy road that had a car on uts left side as she looked her eyes locked at the place her legs stuck to the ground as the ctruck ran her over throwing her centimeters aways from the scene blood flooded all over the place she lay she looked at the place her mother was as she looked really hurt but Raphael hugged her from her shoulders as he said"Its ok come on lets go." she then turned her head straight she was going to die and she knew it her eyes felt like she was sleeping from a boring lesson as she couldnt hold them up she slowly closed them...

A figure lay on a bed in a room she raphly woke up with a bunk of sweat on her forehead she was in a fancy room painted red she had thought she was having a dream but the confusing sorrounding confused her more she moved around the room trying to find a mirror as she spotted it she cricked looking at the unfamiliar face on the mirror she pocjed the mirror as if trying to make it magically disappear but it didnt she then quickly pulled her shoulders back stood straight and then stood staight realising what she was doing was very embarassing but soon her curiosity got the better of her as she asked "Who am i" as if saying the magical words memories flashed on to her as she saw a girl getting isolated by her friends mocked by her sister and pressed down by her brothers she then sat at the corner of the room as she cried she grew up lonely without even knowing the reason even her father isolated her keeping her far from him when she reached the age she got arranged to marry one and only friend Gerald but now she married a man she she had no idea about because of her brothers she decided on rather killing herself rather than living life with a total stranger a few hours after her wedding before going to her marternal home she threw herself on the end of the balcony and killed herself the memories stopped as she jumped waking her up she smirked realising the game fate was playing with her when she didnt want to play she looked at the face with black eyes pale lips and short hair ohh man she hated short hair to the core she turned around only to see two maids standing infront of her looking intesively their necks foward as they watched her that broke it she freaked as she ran she ran meeting a halway looking at the paths on weither to go left or right....

End of Chapter 1 dont forget to like and vote and comment love you