
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 7 Rules

Ever since that time Melody was an everyday guest at Darla's place. They usually went for short stroll not to far away, because Darla didn't feel like it. Than they often chatted for a while, well it was mostly Melody who talked and later they were cooking something together. After four days she came across Troy who was waiting outside the house for her. He was tall with short blond hair and eyes that looked like pure gold. He was taller than Illia. There was a gentleness in his eyes as soon as he spotted Melody he smiled.

"We haven't met, I'm Troy." He introduced himself.

"I'm Melody." She responded with equal smile.

"I'd like to thank you for your help. Since you started visiting her she hasn't been crying. I think she feels better in such a short time." He grab her hands "I'm really grateful."

He had big hands and they were warm, Melody blushed at his display of gratitude.

"I'm glad I could help, but it's merely a beginning. She needs more people around and she needs to feel she is accepted and supported no matter what."

"Why are you holding hands with my woman?" A strong voice stopped her from further talking. Troy let her go and Melody turned around to look at Illia's angry face.

"It's nothing, I just said thank you to Melody for helping Darla." He sighted.

Illia reached for Melody's arm.

"Come with me."

Melody obeyed and allowed him to drag her for a few steps before they were at a voice distance from Troy's house.

"Do you like him?" His expression was scary and his green eyes with golden patches were piercing her.

"Who? Troy? … No, we just talked, his wife is sick." She was stuttering a bit, it was their first discussion and it wasn't a pleasant one. He was squeezing her arm and Melody was sure it will leave bruises.

"I don't want you to spend so much time there, you are mine. Know your place." He hissed letting her go. Melody backed off. For a moment they stood there not knowing what to say each other than Illia turned around and said in a firm tone "Go home." before he left.

Melody went back home, she was shaken. From the very beginning Illia hasn't exchanged a single word with her, till now. All he did was looking, no staring at her and that made her nervous. She hasn't done anything inappropriate. She felt wronged. A few tears rolled down her cheek as she slowly went back home.

In the kitchen she was greeted by Lorien.

"Back, so soon?" She looked closer at Melody "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Melody told her everything what happened.

Lorien nodded and sat down.

"Well you see men here see their wives as something they own, like their possession a really precious one as it is not so easy to obtain a wife. Especially such young and pretty girl like you. In the past it happened that only the richer ones could afford a wife and others, well could just look." Lorien stood up and fetched some tee for both of them. "You see we have a bathroom, but it is only for me and now for you. Man wash in the creek, no matter the weather or in the hot springs on the west side of the village. Women are not allowed."

"Why?" Melody interrupted her.

"Jealousy. Only your husband is allowed to see you naked. They all are extremely possessive. Illia is no different. I think he likes you a lot and he has always felt a little inferior to his older brother. Seeing you two together has triggered him. I'm not going to excuse his behavior I just want you to understand how things work here."

"He doesn't talk to me." Melody complained.

"He's shy and probably doesn't know how to talk with a woman. You've been talking freely with everybody back in your village, here there are boys only and talking to your mother is something different than talking to a woman your age." Lorien smiled. "You must be careful betraying your husband is punished very severely and it depends on your husband. An unfaithful wife can be killed, crippled or just as in case of Meryl, confined to her house only and she cannot go out. She has been living like that for the past four years now."

"How about the man she was with." Melody was curious about the punishment the man got.

He had to pay a fine, as much as her husband payed for his woman. That's it."

"That's not fair, they treat women differently than men."

"They sure do and both my sons were brought up in such society. Illia is a good boy though."

"Where is he now, he's usually out for the whole day."

"Well he's building a new house for you to live in together. He has a year to do it. Torib is helping him and Troy too. It's tradition here."

"He is building a house for us?" Melody's eyes turned round from shock. "Can I see it?"

"I guess so. Let's bake something good and bring it to them. You will win Illia's heart in a swift. Though I think the cookies had already done the trick." Lorien smiled.

They baked fresh rolls stuffed with cheese and herbs. Still warm they packed them in baskets and went out. It was noon and on the way the picked up Darla who agreed to accompany them. They went to the west passing a few housings till they reached a nice spot by the lake. One could already see the material gathered for the house, the three men were preparing the logs. They stopped as soon as they noticed them.

"We have brought you some food. You've been working hard it's time to take a break." Lorien smiled. Melody approached Illia with the packed basket. Lorien told her to do so. Illia looked at her attentively as she handed him the basket. He took it and sat down patting the place next to him indicating she should sit too. So she did. He unpacked the basket and looked at the food than he started to eat. He didn't utter a single word, but he ate everything. Melody heard others chatting and between them there was a dead silence.

"This is a nice spot." She started "How will the house look like?" Melody asked looking at Illia.

He avoided her eyes and put the basket aside.

"A regular house, like all of them." Not much of an answer Melody thought.

"Will there be a large porch to sit at? I always like houses like that." For a moment Melody's look became distant, she was back. Back in her village. Thinking about a sunny spot on her porch and the time she spent there with her siblings.

Illia noticed her being absent minded. He gave her the basket back.

"Come tomorrow. Cook something, for me only."

"Oh, but it's not a problem for me. I like baking things." She smiled.

Illia caught her hand.

"For me, for me only. You are my future wife." There was something in his eyes that made her shiver. She nodded in agreement.

The women were heading back and Melody felt relieved.