
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 6 Women

The sweet smell has woken all the remaining housemates.

"Melody you are baking again? Oh, … there are only so many left." The look she sent to both man said everything.

"Come son, we must leave this place, soon it will be filled with garrulous women."

Illia was hesitating, not really willing to go. Melody was moving swiftly in the kitchen her hair was tight with a ribbon and she was brushing some messy locks of hair back but they kept falling again. Her repeated action only resulted in her having some flour on her face.

"Here." Lorien handed each of them two cookies and a mug of tea. "Drink, eat and leave."

The man obeyed thus one pretty unwillingly. It was still early when first women appeared.

"Come in, come in !" Lorien was in her high spirits. She has prepared four more benches, on the table there were plates with cookies and a few bottles with wine. Most women brought own mugs or glasses with them. Soon the whole room was filled with women in various ages. Melody looked at them carefully. A few were quite pretty, most were plain still they tried to look their best with colorful dresses, ribbons and jewelry. They made a nice picture.

"Well this is Melody she will marry Illia next year and she is from …. Harwick." Melody heard some high pitched shouts.

"Oh my good. That was my village! I'm Bernice Packer." The excited thirty year old woman came forward. "Tell me do you know anything about my brother and parents?"

"Well John Packer works at the stables and is doing fine. He got married to Odrey and …. they have two cute little children 2 and 4 years old. The are happy. Your parent's are doing well too."

"I'm an aunt." There were some loud sobs as Bernice was very emotional.

"How about Morterns? Do you know anything about them?" A quiet question followed.

"The Mortern who live next to the Red Sam inn?" Melody needed to reassure herself.

"Yes, yes they live there." Was a hasty answer.

"As far as I know the old Mr Mortern died two years ago, but his wife is fine. Her daughter looks after her along with her husband and three kids."

There were many questions like that and Melody tried hard to answer them all to her best knowledge. Then there were questions about neighboring villages. So Melody told them about the heavy storm that damaged the crops or the winds that blew the roof of the main hall and some other houses. A few news of prominent people's marriages and that was basically it. By the time she finished it was already afternoon. Some women were tipsy from the vine and all cookies were gone.

Lorien sighted and sat down pouring some left vine for Melody and herself.

"You see a new woman in our village is the only chance to catch some wind about your family and your past life." Se drank some and continued. "We all have our stories, I was gifted by my father to the Tribe to express his gratitude for saving his life on the way as they were attacked by Amarok a giant wolf." Lorien drank some more. "All these women lost their dear ones, most were sold due to poverty and a few because of family greed. What's your story?

Melody looked at the red liquid and sipped a bit of it. It had a rich taste of forest fruit.

"My mother had an accident and we needed money to pay for wizard's help. I was asking around if anyone could lend us some, but nobody wanted." Melody was looking down at her worn shoes. "So I made the decision and approached your husband. My mom is fine now." She felt ashamed remembering the whole scene.

"I see, you are a loving daughter. I'm so happy you are with me." Lorien came to her and hugged her. "It will be fine, it's not so bad here and my son is a good man. I think he likes you." She smiled and Melody blushed.

"You have every chance to be happy. But it's not always like this." There was a deep frown on her face."My older son Troy wasn't lucky. His wife Darla couldn't adapt, she cries all the time and gives him a hard time. I feel sorry for both of them. She even didn't come here today." There was a deep sorrow in her eyes.

"Can we visit her?" Melody asked.

"We can, maybe it is a good idea." Lorien stood up drank the vine to the end. "Let's go." She commanded.

It was Melody's first time to walk on the streets of the village. The houses were all wooden and looked really beautiful and neat, with flowerbeds and vegetable gardens. She saw a few little boys running around.

Troy's and Darla's house was a short walk away close to a pound. It was similar to Loriens house. Lorien knocked and a young blond woman opened the door.

"Hi Darla. Can we come in?"

Darla looked at them with dull eyes and stepped aside to let them enter. The kitchen looked a bit messy.

"Darla this is Melody. She's Illia's future wife."

"Hello" Melody smiled.

Darla responded with a nod.

"Would you like something to drink?" Darla asked with hesitation.

"Sure some tea would be fine." Lorien said.

Darla got up and put the cattle on the stove.

"I'm sorry I don't have water." She started to look around.

"Where is the well? Melody asked.

"It's in the garden."

"We can go and fetch some water together." Melody suggested. "I'll help you." She took the empty buckets and waited for Darla at the door.

Darla came out and Melody handed her one bucket.

"Show me the way."

A moment later they were back. Darla poured some water to the kettle and soon the water was boiling.

"Darla, we can clean up the kitchen mess before we drink some tea, Would you like that?" Melody was standing at the wooden (balia) waiting for Darla's response.

"Yes, it's a bit messy." Melody along with Darla started cleaning and Lorien prepared the tea. In a moment they were done and drinking the hot beverage.

"Do yo want me to come tomorrow?" Melody asked. "You could show me the way to the lake if it's all right?"

After a wile of silence Darla nodded and they made arrangement about tomorrow.

When they left Melody stopped and looked at Lorien.

"She is sick. Sick with sadness. She will die if she's left on her own like that."

"Do you know how to help her?" There was a lot of hope in Lorien's expression.

"Maybe, I saw it once in my village but it will take a lot of time and patience and all the others need to help too."

"I'll do what I can and I will talk to Troy." Lorien promised.