
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 5 The Village

There was a wide path not very steep leading down. Melody was walking behind Torib and was throwing glances at the village below. The whole village was surrounded by a tall wooden palisade. There were many houses, it looked quite big and neat. She could see little gardens and the center of the village, she was so focused that she bumped in Torib's back.

"Watch your step." Was whole his reaction.

They reached the entrance of the village. The gate was opened and they entered. The man split and each want back to their houses, Melody followed Torib. She felt tensed. This is going to be her new home for the rest of her life. And yes, she will meet her future husband. Her heart was beating faster the closer to her future home she was. Torib stopped in front of a wooden house with stone foundation. He opened the door and let Melody inside.

The room she entered was really big and divided between kitchen and dining part with a large table for ten people. There was a fireplace opposite the door and two windows. A blond woman was standing in the kitchen and looking rather surprised. Torib took off his giant rucksack and came to that woman, Melody assumed it must have been his wife.

"Wife." He kissed her cheek "I've brought you a daughter and a future mate for our son."

Melody wasn't sure what to do so she was just standing feeling awkward. Torib called her with his hand and Melody moved closer. Torib's wife was a fine looking woman with long partially braided blond hair. She had blue eyes and sad look. She was wearing a plain blue dress with long sleeves.

"Come here my child, what's your name?" Her voice was gentle.

"I'm Melody madam." Melody bobbed and smiled. The woman stretched her arms towards her.

"I'm Lorien, give me a hug." Melody hugged her, it was a nice comforting hug. "I'll take care of you, no need to worry. We have a spare room after Troy moved out so come with me. You must be tired and you need a bath and I will make you something to eat." Lorien was excited and Melody felt genuine sincerity coming from her. Lorien grabbed her hand and led her into a room on the left. It was a clean comfortable room with a bed, table chair and wardrobe. There was a window with a view on the back garden and a shelf above the bed.

"Leave your stuff here and I will make a fine bath for you. I bet the stairs were scary. Did they carried you up?" Lorien couldn't stop talking.

"No I climbed."

Lorien looked surprised.

"Not bad, I fainted." She smiled. "I know how you feel, all women know." She kissed her head and left to prepare her a bath. Melody felt better, no she felt welcomed and not a burden. Lorien was nice, really nice. The tightness in her chest disappeared. She took a change of clothes and went out. Lorien was already standing in the kitchen and pointing at the door next to her. Torib was sitting at the table and eating some hot stew that smelled deliciously.

The bathroom had w wooden tube, a bench with two buckets and towels on it and a small mirror. There was a small cabinet with soap on it. Melody undressed and washed herself with a lot of foam. The water was perfect, so relaxing all her sore muscles were screaming thank you Loren. Melody wanted to stay longer in the tube but there was Torib. He probably wanted to wash as well. She dried herself and her wet hair as good as she could and got dressed. She was wearing an orange dress with lacing at each side. Her hair was almost waist long and really curly. She smiled to her reflection and collected her stuff.

Lorien had already placed a bowl for Melody on the table.

"Madam, there is water left in the tube."

"Don't bother, eat first." Lorien ordered. "You can call me mother, when you will be ready." She added patting her wet curls. "You are really pretty."

"Thank you." Melody flushed. "I will leave my stuff in the room."

Melody was putting her clothes on the chair when she heard the front door slamming.

"Father." She could hear another manly voice.

"Son. I think you probably heard who I brought today."

"Yes Father."

"Be patient, she will come out any moment."

Melody didn't want to come out. She calmed down just a moment ago and now she was again kept on her toes not knowing what to do. The simple truth was she couldn't hide in this room forever. She was also curious, behind those doors there was her future husband. Melody opened the door. She saw a tall young man with long black hair tight in a messy bun. He turned around and looked at her. He looked similar to his father with thick eyebrows, straight nose and thin lips. He had a well defined jaw and green and yellow eyes. He was handsome and he was gazing at her. It was hard to say whether he liked what he saw or not. Melody smiled and approached him. He looked stunned for a brief second and than he frowned.

"My name's Melody." She introduced herself. It's not like she hasn't spoken to a boy or young man before. She is in his house, she needs to be polite.

"Illia." His voice was hoarse.

"Let's eat." Lorien interrupted this awkward moment by placing additional bowls on the table and some slices of bread.

Torib was smiling. He looked pleased. They were eating in silence. Illia was openly staring at Melody like all the time and she blushed not knowing where to put her eyes. The nervousness was back. She fixed her eyes on the food. It was her first cooked meal after two days and it was really good.

"How was the trip? Did you buy everything?" Lorien started the conversation.

"I did. It's in the bags."

Melody waited for Torib to say something more but no. He was quiet again. He wasn't much of a talker.

"And you Illia, how was he hunting?"

"Good. Two partridges and one hare."For a brief moment he looked at his mother than went back to staring at Melody.

"Illia, you will burn hols in your future wife if you keep staring like that." Lorien rebuked him with a gentle smile.

Illias face turned red for a moment.

"Let him be. She's his after all." This sentence made Melody shiver. True, they owned her. The uncomfortable feeling was back. Torib raised himself. "Hurry up Illia, we need to empty the tub and bring some water and wash as well. We both stink."

Illia followed his father and soon they left the house.

"The soup was delicious." Melody helped to collect the bowls.

"No need, I'll do it." Lorien was reaching for the empty dishes.

"I want to do my share, I don't feel comfortable sitting around." Melody explained.

"Oh, I haven't thought about that. Sure, feel free to help me." Soon all the dishes were cleaned dried and placed back in the cabinets.

"We need to prepare some cake. Tomorrow the whole village will come to greet you." Lorien smiled at Melody.

"Really?" Lorien could see the pure shock in her eyes.

"Yes, you are new and you have fresh news. From which village are you?"

"I'm from Harwick." Melody replied.

"We have a few women from there, they will be happy to hear some news. Let's look what we have, flower, eggs, honey do we have some fruits?" She was more talking to herself than to Melody.

"We can do honey cookies if it's OK with you Mrs Lorien." Melody suggested.

"I don't know how to do them." She admitted.

"No problem madam, I'll do it. You can rest." Melody smiled she wanted to do something nice for Lorien to repay her kindness.

When the man came back, they saw sitting Lorien drinking tea and chatting Melody, who was kneading the dough. Soon sweet smell filled the kitchen and the dining room.

"I found you a fine women my son." Torib smiled and filled his pipe. Illia was sharpening his knife and looking at the two women from time to time.

In the morning Melody had to start her work again as half of the cookies were gone.