
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 12 The road back home

For a moment she didn't know what to say and than just like that her tears started rolling just as if a dam has been broken inside her. She felt so bad, she missed her home, family and friends. Just today she has been doing such stuff with Illia and now he treats her like a slut, trash or whatever. She clenched her fists and turned around, fuck him she wasn't going home. She didn't have a home here. Her home was down, back in the village. She knew the way. It was really dark but she took one of the lanterns from someone's garden and went to the gate. There was nobody there and Melody managed to squeeze through a narrow opening. The road was wide and not very steep, at least not here. She took away that damn flower crown and tossed it away. Everything what happened so far kept repeating in her head. She was so angry and so …. disappointed. She liked Illia but he was so changeable. Melody didn't understand him, one day he was all nice and sweet the other day she felt like he hates or despises her. That's it, she's done with him. She stumbled but didn't fall. She was going now up the cliff, slowly looking around for a safe passage. She focused herself on the task, she knew the stairs will be the most difficult part, she needs to wait till the down. She was tired and pounding a bit, it was difficult to walk this path in the dark. She was really tired when she reached the top of the cliff and the sky was turning gray. Melody sat down on the grass next to a big rock and tried to calm her breath down. She could clearly see the whole village below. The whole place was motionless, they were sleeping the night off. The sun was getting up and the light was diffused by light mist surrounding the mountains. It was a bit chilly. Melody stood up and came closer to the edge. The cliff was like a straight way down with those tiny steps and chains to support. Melody's heart froze, she was scared only from looking down. This is the only way down … or maybe there is some other she only needs to walk a longer distance? Melody moved along the cliff and after a while it became clear that the range is inaccessible, the steps were made not without a reason. Melody sighted and crouched down, it was hopeless. Her little escape stopped before it even started? She heard a light jingling, it was a bit annoying and Melody automatically moved in the direction of the sound. With every step she made the jingling was getting stronger and it was coming from the rocks on the right. The weathered rock reviled a shiny crystal. The nerve wracking sound stopped, that was weird. It happened the second time. Melody looked at the stone, it had a nice lightly purple color. It felt comforting to hold this cool stone in her hand. She moved back, she had to use the steps. She was back at the spot, that's it she will make it. She could do it.

"Melody!!" She heard someone calling her name, she turned around. It was Illia with his father running behind him. She stood there frozen, they found her? So quickly? How?

"What do you think you are doing?" She heard Torib's angry voice. Melody raised her head and looked Torib straight in the eyes.

"I'm going back home, Illia told me I could do whatever I wanted so here I am. I want to go home." Torib looked at Illia for a brief second only to notice the deep blush on his face, hard to say weather it was from being ashamed or from exertion.

"No matter what my son said, we made a deal. I paid for you."

Melody wasn't able to control her anger anymore, she took out the newly found crystal.

"Here, this crystal must be worth something, this stone was jingling."

"What?" Torib asked again.

"I said the crystal here was jingling, oh and back in your house there is another one that changes colors and was buzzing too. I'm sure they are worth something." She said with determination.

"You heard the stones making sounds?" Torib clarified her answer.

"Yes, so they must be something more than simple gems."

Torib was silent for a moment, he came closer and took the stone out of her hand and looked at it.

"This is a rare crystal, healers use it." He said with a hushed voice.

"Good, so take it and let me go." Melody was on a verge of crying.

Torib sighted and looked back at Illia who was staring at the tips of his toes.

"I don't know what happened between you two yesterday. I know you two were more than fine … even yesterday morning. Illia." Torib turned around looking at his son.

"Yes father."

"She's your wife to be, clear it with her. I will wait for the two of you down the cliff." Torib stepped aside and went down the hill leaving those two alone. Melody averted her eyes and looked at the mountain tops covered by light mist. She heard Illia coming closer but she turned her back at him. He stopped.

"Melody, I'm sorry." Illias voice was quiet.

"And what exactly are you sorry for." Melody turned around and looked at him. Illia was quiet. Melody smirked and shook her head.

"I don't understand you Illia, one day you are nice and sweet, next you are hateful and full of resentment." That's it she sighted and came closer to the cliff. He won't stop her if she starts going down.

"Melody, stop don't go." Illia grabbed her from behind and drag her away. "Please don't go. I really like you. When I noticed you left, I thought I will go crazy." He was holding her tight.

"You like me? Than why are you behaving like that!" Melody had problems holding her tears back.

Illia turned her around and started wiping her tears.

"Please Melody don't cry. I'll be better ...I was just so jealous. You looked so beautiful and all other men were looking at you and they want to take you away from me. Especially that asshole Jin." Illia let her go his hands dropped, he somehow looked so vulnerable in this moment. "Jin with his perfect golden eyes is way better than me."

"Maybe you should marry Jin than."

Illia looked at Melody, there was a faint smile spreading on her still wet from tears face.

"No way." He smiled awkwardly.

"Illia, I don't like Jin. He is nice and I can talk to him but I don't like him. I think you are more handsome and I like those amazing eyes of yours. They are not plain golden but have nice green shades, that's exceptional. I don't understand what problem have you got with those eyes?" Melody reached for Illias hand and he instantly came closer.

"In the Tribe all boys between the age twelve and fourteen undergo a process of change, after it we become faster, stronger and our senses are sharper. A full and correct process gives us these golden eyes. In my case something went wrong." His eyes were fixed on the ground again.

"Why, are you slower, weaker and you feel nothing?" Melody asked curiously.

"No, I'm fine, it's just the eyes."

"Than what's the problem? I don't understand. Are you a woman to make fuss about a color?"

"I'll show you, I'm not a woman." Illia cupped her face and placed a light kiss, Melody didn't push him away so he kissed her again this time more passionately as their tongues intertwined and they both could barely catch breath. Illia was holding her in his arms and his head was on her shoulder.

"Don't leave me Melody, please. I'll be better. I promise I will try to be less jealous but it is hard. You are so perfect, so beautiful. I'm afraid you will leave me."

Melody felt his warmth and something inside was melting. She wanted to believe him, in everything he said but she must talk things straight. She will not allow him to treat her like that anymore. She has feelings to and Illia must change his ways with her.

"I won't if you treat me right. A bit of jealousy is sexy but too much is no fun Illia. It's scary and makes me feel unloved. You should trust me Illia."

"I will, I will work hard." He tightened his grip.

"Stop it Illia you will squeeze me to death." She smiled.

"Let's go Melody. Let's go home."