
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 11 The Summer Solstice part II

Knowing that made it really difficult for Melody to leave her room and face Illia's parents. Today she was supposed to prepare the decoration of the great hall made of fresh herbs. Lorien placed two bowls on the table and fresh baked bread, the smell was delicious.

"Eat, wash yourself and rest, in the evening we will celebrate. Melody, are you ready?"

"Yes, yes I ...just the basket." She knew she was incoherent, from the corner of her eye she could see how Torib was smiling.

Oh my God, Melody was even more blushed than before. She needs to be out of here, like right now.

"If Melody want's to stay and … rest with Illia, let them." He said lightly making Melody even more miserable.

"No no you should both rest and I have work to do." She bobbed and almost run to the door leaving Torib and grinning Illia behind.

A few steps from home Lorien asked her.

"Are you all right, did something happened between you and Illia?"

"No … yes." Melody thought that red color on her face will become permanent. Lorien looked at her and after a while smiled.

"Well you are almost married, no need to feel ashamed. We all went through this phase. Knowing each other and becoming close is part of every successful relationship. Whatever happens between you two, if it is consensual, than it is fine. I'm happy for you two, enjoy this moment. Now we need to hurry."

Most of the women were already there they were putting garlands made of flowers and herbs along the walls of the great hall. It looked really nice and the smell was amazing. Some of them were singing and laughing it was a really cheerful atmosphere. Darla was participating too, it was her first time and Lorien kept throwing glances at her daughter – in – law.

"Melody you worked wonders with Darla, I sure everything will turn out for the better now."

Soon the whole room was nicely decorated. The women were sitting and sipping some vine taking a break for a moment before finishing the hall. Every woman brought something to eat. Melody made a basket full of cookies together with Lorien. The food was placed on the tables as well as mugs and bottles of wine. On the small meadow next to the great hall men have gathered a few logs of wood for a huge bonfire. Melody was excited. At home Lorien and Melody had prepared some lanterns to lit the streets and gardens this night.

"We need to wash and get changed." Lorien ordered as they were getting back.

The men weren't at home, Melody felt somehow relieved. She took her time in the bath and than carefully got ready. The dress she has made herself looked really pretty. All women were wearing flower crowns. Melody's was made of pink and purple flowers matching her dress. She was really happy and impatiently looking forward to the event. As she stepped out of her room she was greeted by surprised Lorien.

"Oh my, Melody you look like a queen of summer in that dress and with those flowers." She smiled holding her hands.

"Thank you … mother." That's it she finally said it. Lorien eyes went wider, than she hugged Melody.

"Torib and Illia are waiting outside, let's go."

Illia was clad in black and he was looking intensely at Melody holding her hand pretty tightly. He was frowning and Melody felt uneasy, did she do something wrong? Maybe he didn't like the way she looked. These thoughts made her feel a bit uneasy. The walk to the great hall was long and the silence was awkward.

Everybody around them were already in joyful spirits, there was laughter and loud discussions. Some men were singing a really dirty song and they were out of the tune that Melody couldn't help but giggle.

"You like that kind of songs." Illia asked looking angry at her.

Melody was stunned for a brief moment.

"Well they can't sing obviously. " Than she stopped and looked at Illia. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry with me?"

Illia was standing there looking at her for a moment, than at all the people around before he finally replied.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm not angry. Remember you are here with me so stay with me all the time. You can't dance with other men." The frown from his face was still present.

"I can't dance with your father or brother too?" Melody decided to clarify the restriction.

"No family is OK."

"Are you going to dance with me?"

Illia sighted deeply and than nodded.

"I will."

"Good, than sitting and watching others having fun is boring you know." Melody was a bit angry by now too. Illia was an ass. He didn't compliment her at all and she hoped for some praises from him as she put a lot of effort into her outfit. They moved to their table and the marry group already sitting there.

"Melody you look really beautiful." Was the first thing Troy said when they joined them.

"Thank you." Melody smiled.

The official welcoming was soon over and the drinking and dancing started. The music was loud and vivid. Melody danced in a circle along with Lorien, Darla and Bernice. Illia joined them too holding Melody's hand. Than the whole crowed moved out and the great bonfire was lit. It was already dark outside and everyone mixed together creating a great circle around the fire. Melody could feel the warmth of the flames dancing on the logs. The smell of herbs, vine and the whole atmosphere made her feel relaxed. She decided to forget about Illia's bad behavior and enjoy herself. Holding hands everybody were moving around the fire till the music stopped. Melody clapped her hands when she felt someone's hands from behind covered her eyes and she was drag away a few steeps.

"Illia, stop it." Melody was giggling but there was no response. She touched the hands covering her eyes. They were big and definitely belonged to a man.

"That's not funny Illia, stop it." The hand let her go. Melody turned around, it was Jin.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it." he came closer. "You look amazing Melody. You are the most beautiful woman here. I'm so jealous of Illia." Melody didn't know what to say for a brief moment.

"If you were mine, I would never let go of your hand." Jin was whispering the last sentence straight to Melody's ear making her shiver.

The boys back in the village were flirting with her but never in such manner, Melody didn't know what to say.

"Come with me Melody" Jin stretched his arm towards her.

"No, I'm with Illia." She finally managed to answer when a strong arm pulled her closer.

"Forget that mongrel, come with me." His eyes were glowing.

"Let me go." Melody started struggling against the strong man holding her firmly.

"Let my wife go, asshole." After that short warning Illia manged to pull her back and than his accumulated anger was set loose and he punched Jin. The other wasn't holding back, soon a real fight started and Melody could only shout for them to stop. The young man didn't listen to her but soon Torib came and parted those two.

"Illia, take your wife with you and go back home. Jin we will talk about this tomorrow, when you sober up."

Illia was holding Melody's hand firmly and led her straight back home. The whole mood was ruined and Melody had problems keeping pace with Illia.

"Illia please slow down." She asked softly.

Illia stopped, turned around and dropped her hand.

"Do what you want, go back to Jin if you like him that badly." Having said that he let her hand, leaving shocked Melody behind.