
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 10 The Summer Solstice part I

Lorien and Melody packed all the food and necessities for the men. Torib kissed Lorien and head out, Illia stood for a wile but Melody didn't make a move. Was he expecting her to kiss him? Right in front of his parents? She couldn't, she felt ashamed at the mare thought of it. Illia lowered his head and left without a single word. Melody felt awkward and somehow guilty. She watched them leave a group of forty men, Jin was among them. Melody's body moved on her own, she run behind Illa and grip his hand.

"I packed some herbs in your bag, they stop bleeding." She said quietly and than gave Illia a small peck on his cheek. "Come back safely." She was flashed red and Illia sent her the brightest smile she has ever seen.

"I will if you wait for me." he said grinning like an idiot.

Melody smiled and waved him good bye.

"Man you are one lucky motherfucker." She heard someone saying. She stood there looking at the men leaving the village. Illia turned back a few times to see if she was still standing there. She was just like Garth back then.

"Oh my, you really like my son. I'm so happy for both of you. It's not always the case. The poor men will envy Illia even more." Lorien giggled and went back home. Melody followed her.

"What do you mean?" She inquired.

"Well after your presentation in the great hall two other fathers asked Torib if he wasn't willing to sell you off to them, as their sons are older and will be of age in a month or so. They offered double price and Jin's father even tripled it. You are quite popular."

"What?" Shock was all written on Melody's face.

"No worries, Torib would never go for it. Illia officially told us that he wants you and even threaten father if he would dare to give away his wife. I could laugh at my poor soon he was so pissed." Lorien started cleaning the kitchen from what was left after breakfast.

"You know the Summer Solstice is coming and today we will go collect some herbs like St. John's wort, vervain, yarrow, fern, and mugwort. We need them dry to burn during the feast and also some fresh ones for the house and hall decoration."

"I like that festival." Melody smiled back at home hey also celebrated the Summer Solstice, there was singing dancing and bonfires. It was a joyful event.

In the afternoon equipped in baskets and knives Lorien, Melody and Darla went out of the village to look for the herbs. Melody was quick to spot the white flowers of yarrow and she has collected a bunch very quickly, near the forest they have spotted St. John's wort and fern. Thing were going well. Darla was even laughing, she still had some bad days but now due to Melody's effort she came out more often and became more sociable. They were engaged in collecting herbs when Melody heard weird buzzing sound. She automatically followed it. She came close to the lake surrounded by high cliffs from the one side. The trees and the blue sky mirrored in the lake's surface. It all looked so peaceful. She stood at a small sandy beach and on her left there was a landslide. The buzzing was coming from there. She came closer and had to climb a bit till she found the source of the annoying sound. It was a rock. Melody picked it up and put closer to her ear. Yes it was vibrating in a very low tune. She felt the urge to smash it. It wasn't easy though. After a few tries it broke to pieces leaving a gemstone it was green with a hint of blue. It looked pretty, Melody looked at it from every side turning the gem a few times in her fingers than she hid it in a pocket. The buzzing stopped. That was weird. Melody returned to collecting herbs. The sun was close to setting when women returned back home. All the herbs were tight in bunches and hanged to dry. Melody has forgotten about the gem until she was taking her dress off. In the candle light the stone changed its color it was now red. Melody watched it for a while and went to bed.

A few days passed as everybody was preparing for the festival. So was Melody, she even got some new material to make herself a dress for the festival. It was a pale pink color. Melody was good at sewing so she started eager to make herself a pretty dress. It took her two days to make it ready. In the meantime men have returned. Illia stormed back home as first only to see an empty kitchen. Lorien came into the house straight from the garden.

"Where's Melody?" He frowned.

"She's in her room, getting her new dress ready." Lorien smiled. "Go to her."

Illia put his rucksack down and knocked at the Melody's door.

"Come in."

Illia entered, he looked a little worn out but his golden and green eyes were fixed on her expectantly.

"Illia, I'm glad you are back." Melody smiled knowing what he was waiting for. "How was the trip? Did anything happened?" She sat down on her bed and watched how awkwardly he was thinking where to sit. She patted the place next to her and he took the bait. He was sitting close to her and was waiting.

"So will you tell me how it was?" Melody really was curious about their trip.

"Lot's of walking and checking the border if there are any power leaks or holes in the field. Was boring. I want to kiss you." The last sentence made Melody's eyes go round from surprise.

"You should kiss me, you are my wife."

"I'm not your wife yet." Melody retorted

Warning: Mature content

Illia looked hurt. "I was looking forward to that kiss." He said quietly getting up. Melody thought that she should stop teasing. She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

"Than you should make the first move." Illia leaned closer he initiated the kiss it was soft and delicate but soon his tongue made its way to her mouth and Melody responded by kissing him back she even bit and sucked his lip a little making Illia gasp with excitement. Melody almost forgot how to breath so she pushed him a little catching breath.

"I can sense your excitement, I know you want me." Illia smirked and his eyes were glowing. "We don't have to wait till we get married you know? I'll be good to you you'll see." Illia pushed Melody on the bed and he was on top of her kissing her lips, jawline and neck. His hands were on her breasts and Melody thought it was happening so fast that she didn't know how to react. Part of her wanted him but the other one was afraid and not ready yet. Illia grabbed her hand and placed her between his legs.

"You make me all excited Melody, can you feel it?" Melody could, he was hard and it was her first time touching a man's … thing. Even if it was through trousers still she could fill it and she was scared.

"Illia stop, not like that. I want my first time to be special." She whispered.

"It's all right we won't go all the way. I'll will give you pleasure by touching you only. Don't be afraid, I'll be gentle." His hand landed between her legs and slid under her panties. Melody whimpered and covered her mouth. Illia was breathing heavily, he kissed her again as his finger touched her between her legs and rubbing in a way that made her horny.

"I can feel that you like it, can you touch me too?" He grabbed her hand and put it inside his pants. "Just stroke it, like that."

Time froze and all Melody could do was feel Illias touch and his hot stiff manhood. They were both excited and she could feel Illia was shivering above her. She came first than she felt wetness on her hand and she saw white sticky fluid. Illia came too. He was holding her tightly as they were trying to calm down.

"I like you Melody, I like you a lot. You are mine and I will never let anyone touch you." He was whispering into her ear.

"We need to get ready, your parents may suspect us doing … you know." Melody was a bit ashamed.

"It's fine, they know already, dad for sure. I also always know when they have sex. Men from the tribe can smell it." He smiled.