
The Misty Mountains

„Listen Melody, they don’t come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don’t go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!” Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently.

KatS2020 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 1 The Accident

Our village lies on the route from Midan to Garth a big city that specialize in selling minerals and stone work. So every year many people visit us, most of them are merchants and some mercenaries protecting the caravans but there are wizards as well. After all the best crystals used by them to channel their magic are sold in Garth. In our village we have got like four inns and three shops and a few food stalls opened every day. Its a place bustling with life.

My family didn't belong to the richest here but we managed. Father worked as a guide and led the merchants through safe routs across the mountains and mom helped out in the kitchen at an inn – Golden Duck. We led a happy and safe life. Me, my two brothers and my baby sister. Everything got complicated when my father had an accident and died. I was 13 than my brothers were 14 and 16 years old and my little sister 7. It was hard. Suddenly we all had to find a way to help mom. Brothers were helping at an inn with mom and I was collecting herbs for the healers and to trade. That wasn't much but still I wanted to do something so I was working at an infirmary led by older Jaldar. He had many customers the routs weren't that safe. We were lucky, our village and four others were protected by the Tribe. They were a bunch of mysterious people, they lived in the Misty Mountains a mountain range separating us from the wasteland. I clearly remember my mom warning me many times about the Tribe.

„Listen Melody, they don't come here very often, but when they do remember to stay put. Don't go out on the street and if you do, make sure to cover your face. You are not allowed to make eye contact with them. If they notice you, they may take you to their village in the Misty Mountains and there is no coming back from that place. Do you understand?!" Mom seemed to be in a distress so I nodded obediently. I was very young back than and didn't know what was the whole fuss about. I have seen them a few times in the village. They always wore hooded tunics or coats. They stood out from the crowd as they usually were very tall and well built. Melody never had a chance to look at them carefully as it was forbidden. It was only a few years later that she learned they were buying or simply taking women as a payment for their protection from the night creatures living in the wastelands. She heard that in the Tribe's village only men were born. That was definitely strange as Melody knew that having a boy or a girl dependent on god's blessing. Well, the older women were talking about the right time for a girl or a boy or gave special herbs to drink. Melody still remembered the poor Syla, who was a frequent client at Jaldar's, drinking all those herbs in hope for a girl. She already had five sons. She was bitterly disappointed giving birth to a sixth boy. She called him Nil. Nil had those beautiful curly long hair and delicate features he kind of looked like a little girl, still down there he was a boy. So having boys only was a trait typical to the Tribe, that's why they were buying women. Some families were that poor that they did sell their own children. Shameful thing but beggars can't be choosers. Melody was carrying a basket with herbs for older Jaldar. She wasn't a healer. She wasn't that skilled, she only knew a few herbs and how they work but that's it. She was collecting what the older told her. It took her two days in the woods to find everything. She earned four copper coins (enough for two loafs of bread) and was on the way back home when she came across Mrs Mirian.

"Hello Mrs Mirian." Melody greeted her nicely.

"Oh Melody it's good you are here. Your poor mother had an accident." The older woman looked worried.

"What happened?" Melody felt the hardness of copper coins almost squeezing them from sudden distress.

"She tripped and fell from the ladder. Her head got hurt. She couldn't stand up on her own they had to carry her home."

Melody was running back home her eyes filled with tears. Her sight was blurry as she was passing some people on her way till right at the corner she bumped into someone. She hit so hard that she was almost knocked out. Some strong arms caught her and prevented from falling.

"You all right?" She heard the man asking.

"Sorry sir." She apologized quickly looking briefly at the man's stunning yellow eyes. As soon as he let her go Melody run away. She didn't look back.

Her mother was at home lying on the bed. Her brothers were in the kitchen talking while Bella, the youngest, was sitting and holding mom's hand.

Mom was unconscious. Melody looked at her and patted her cheek. She felt her tears rolling. Mother wasn't responding to the touch. She went to the kitchen.

"… we could give it a try." said Garth. Jeha the oldest brother shook his head.

"It costs a fortune and the result is not certain. We do not have that much money." He scratched his head. "Even if I take the payment in advance and all our savings we will only have less than a half of it."

"What are you talking about?" Melody asked.

"Melody you're back. Mom had an accident two days ago. She hit her head and for the past two days she has been lying like that. Her only chance to survive is by wizards power. There is a healer in our village, but he wants a golden coin for his service." Garth explained.

"A golden coin." Melody repeated knowing they really didn't have that much. "Maybe we could borrow some money. How much time do we have?"

"One day at most. Than the healer is leaving and if mother doesn't drink or eat anything, she will die soon." Jeha made their situation clear. Suddenly they heard Bella's cry.

"I don't want mom to die, please do something." her sobs were braking Melody's heart.

"I'll go and ask our neighbors and any friends we have." Melody said placing her copper coins on the table. She asked Mr Finn, the Fergus Family and Mrs Mirian and older Jaldar. Nothing they felt embarrassed, apologized, said they had no money or have just spend them. Melody felt like a trash, nobody trust they will be able to return money soon. She decided to go to the inn. Her last hope was Mr Breck. He was rich and after all mom worked there.

Mr Beck was an opulent man with a beard and bushy eyebrows. He was bald but lack of hair on his head he balanced by a very thick beard.

"Good day sir, can I talk with you for a moment?" She asked stepping to the side away from two other customers.

"What's the matter? How's your mother?" He asked her moving a side a bit but not loosing his focus from the clients.

"Mom's still unconscious. We need some money to pay for a wizard's help." Melody was fidgeting her fingers. Her previous optimism and confidence left her after so many rejections.

"And how much money do you need?" He frowned.

"A golden coin. We will pay it back I have two older brothers and I work too." She assured him.

"Melody I will be honest with you. Your oldest brother joined the mercenaries, he may die on the way. Your younger brother works by me so I know how much he earns and you get payed almost close to nothing. I'm sorry but that's a lot of money and you just don't have any financial credibility." he sighted.

Melody covered her face red from shame and anger from being powerless.

"Sir I need those money, I can work here too." She whispered.

"Melody I have enough workers, and young women who work here ... well it's not something for you." He came back to cleaning glasses.

"Hey Missy" said one of the customers at the bar "You can always try your luck at the Tribe men he pointed to the side." Melody followed his sight. In the corner there were four hooded man sitting at a table and drinking beer. "They pay well for fine ladies." He laughed and sipped some more beer.

"It's true Melody, but this is a way with no turning back." Mr Breck warned her. "I'm sure your mother wouldn't like that."

Melody knew that much. However desperate time needs desperate measures. Melody took a deep breath and asked Mr. Breck. "Can you ask them?"

Hi everyone!

This is my new project and I hope you will like it. Feel free to comment. I'll update this novel on regular basis every second day.

Have fun:)!

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