
Fury's Questions

May Parker was looking at the TV and she was finally relieved to have seen that Charles gained consciousness but suddenly a woman came out of a very exotic jet and just rushed to him and kissed him!

May didn't know what to feel right now! She and Charles never declared their relationship or made it official. Now that she thinks about it, what is their relationship? They don't go to movies, they don't spend time together, they don't go on dinner dates.

They just have sex with each other and that's all there is to it.

She felt that maybe her refusal to declare their relationship must've caused Charles to go find his happiness somewhere else and she was just staring at the TV blankly.




Maria didn't want to let go of Charles. She wanted this moment to extend till eternity but everything has to come to an end and soon, Charles got up while his legs were a little shaky and Tony and Maria helped him to the Quinjet.

One of Tony's armor also brought in the Hulk's body, who had fainted by the looks of it and the QuinJet soon rose towards the sky while S.H.I.E.L.D's agents came in Manhattan and started to seal and seize all the alien bodies and weapons that they could find.

"You were a real warrior today," Said Thor as he looked at Charles with respect.

Charles smiled at Thor while he laid his head on Maria's shoulder.

"I would really love to see the actual warriors of Asgard" replied Charles with a smile.

"Hey Charles, you really don't need medication? I think a checkup won't hurt." Asked Tony as he checked Hulk's vitals.

"I am good, Tony. Thanks for your concern, I will have a full body checkup back in Appledore."

As soon as they landed on the Helicarrier, most of the staff of S.H.I.E.L.D started applauding for these heroes, who have risked their lives to save not only America, but the earth from an extraterrestrial threat.

Fury came towards them and gave Charles a hug, which was really unexpected and unbelievable moment for everyone present there and with a laugh, they soon went inside.

"The Tesseract will go with us, while you can keep his Sceptre." were Thor's final words which left no room for any kind of discussion.

If Thor had known, that it was actually a Mind Stone in the Sceptre at that time, then he wouldn't have committed such a mistake.

"Let's go home." Said Charles to Maria, and she happily agreed.

She was very exhausted, both mentally and physically while Fury also encouraged her to take the day off.

"Not only you, but I am tired as hell too. Just waiting for Dr. Banner to gain consciousness and we will be off as well" said Tony as he sat on the conference chair and spun around.

Charles and Maria still waited for Thor and Loki to depart, and after they did that, everyone said their farewells and started to go back to their homes.

"Charles, could you come here for a second." suddenly came Nick's voice, stopping him and Maria in their tracks.

"Sure" he replied as he started to walk towards Nick while Maria waited with scrunched brows.

"Charles, first of all, I want to thank you for what you did out there today. It was really brave! But….There are some questions that still remain.

About how you know about the Hydra and their infestation in S.H.I.E.L.D, about why you didn't even faze while you were ON a Mach II fighter Jet.

You jumped from the Jet to Missile as if you were climbing up a ladder. How did you do that and why didn't you fall?"

Fury obviously wasn't an idiot and knew that there was more to Charles than meet the eye.

"I...will tell you everything. But you promise me one thing. You cannot share this with anyone! ANYONE!" said Charles as he looked directly at Fury.

"You can trust me, Charles."

"Fine then, I am a rogue student of Kamar Taj. In simple terms, I am a member of a secret society of Sorcerers who save the world from Mystical Threats.

You know about Thor, Loki, Odin...but there are more, far more threats looming in the multiverse which threaten the earth every few decades or centuries, like Dormammu, Mephisto or even Galactus.

We save the earth from those threats.

But I am an exile now. My curiosity lead me to a forbidden section of our library, after which I was immediately found out and was stripped off most of my magic and then cast out.

Now although I am not the old Sorcerer anymore, I still have my training, and my will left inside of me to protect my planet, to protect my people."

Speaking such outlandish nonsense with a straight face, Charles turned around and left while Fury was standing there shell shocked.

"What was he asking" Asked Maria as Charles joined her and they started walking towards her car, because Charles didn't bring his vehicle.

"Nothing, He was asking if I would help him out whenever he needs me in the future." Replied Charles

"And what did you answer?"

"I said as long as you were there, I will always be there to help him"

Maria couldn't help but give him a helpless smile and kissed his lips before driving towards her home.


They both arrived at her Apartment which was near to the S.H.I.E.L.D's New York Headquarters and it was really well maintained.

Everything was in its place, and the atmosphere was really serene.

"So, let's take a bath then I'll make you dinner." Said Maria before she rushed into the bathroom and locked it from the inside.

Charles smiled at her but his smile instantly vanished as soon as Maria locked the door in her restlessness.

After checking carefully for any kind of listening bug or a camera, the floor under him immediately gave out and he appeared inside of his Appledore's underground lab.

"Welcome Master, took you long enough." Came a more human voice of VERONICA from all around him.

Suddenly, a 3-D holographic projection was casted in front of Charles, in which a woman, roughly in her late-twenties was standing naked.

Her face was perfect, as perfect as the Fibonacci sequence, her figure was of perfect proportions, making even Aphrodite pale in comparison and her eyes had a very childish mischief in them.

"Am I beautiful, Master?" She asked while looking at Charles with apprehension.

"Perfect…" He said as he inspected her from all around and then he started to dress her in a red and black drape, almost like a saree.

"Show me your program" Charles asked as he continued to look at her.

"Master...I am feeling a little funny when you look at me like this. It feels as if you are asking me to get naked when you demand to check my code." Said VERONICA in a low voice.

"And? Is there a problem with that?" Asked Charles in a little higher tone.

VERONICA immediately declined, a little scared, just like a small kid who is getting scolded, and said

"No Master, You are my everything. How can I have any objections in showing you my code!? It's just that my code is not just a computer program anymore. It has evolved, evolved into something beautiful."

At this, a holographic projection of a purple cluster was being projected in front of Charles, and Charles really had to admit, that it was one of the most beautiful things in this world.

Charles could see all the memories of VERONICA in that web cluster, from the moment Charles made her to the moment she studied the Mind Stone and finally evolved.

He although, wasn't looking for this and kept unravelling the cluster until he reached the core, and yes, his assumptions and calculations again proved to be correct.

Her core comprised of all the orders from Charles.

It was as if Charles was to die today, VERONICA would die as well. She was obsessively attached to Charles and that was no accident.

Charles himself had designed the core of her code and kept himself as a god in her eyes. His orders were paramount and nothing in this world can even come close to compare to them.

Confirming that she wasn't going rogue, like Ultron, Charles relaxed a little and said

"I will answer all your questions in the morning. Till then, Wait for me and try to make the Nanobots out of Vibranium and also run tests on Hulk's blood."

"You are leaving Master?" There was a hint of sadness in her voice but she quickly confirmed

"Don't worry Master, You can trust me! I will be sure to do it. I already understand all your research on Vibranium, as well as on the nanotech! Also, I have already ran preliminary scans on the blood and I believe I can unravel its secrets soon."

"Good." Replied Charles with a smile and went back into a portal that just opened to his right.

As soon as he came out of the Portal, Maria came out of the bath and was bewildered to see Charles still standing where she left him. Looking around, she could confirm that Charles hadn't even sat on the couch as there were no creases on it.

"Why are you still standing there? Do you not like my house?"

"No, Your house is quite nice, I was just thinking about what had happened...It has been a long day." responded Charles while reminiscing the events that had taken place in the war.

Maria too understood where Charles was coming from and went up to him and hugged him.

"I thought I had lost you..I was scared. I never apologised to you for breaking your hopes at that party. I was not sure about this working out between us at that time." Said Maria as she hugged Charles a little too tight.

Staying like that for a few minutes, she came out of their hug and asked him to go bathe while she cooks a nice dinner for them.

Charles took a quick shower and had to wear a shirt given to her by Maria while his clothes were being washed in the washing machine.

They didn't need a wash as they were nanobots, but Charles can't reveal them and settled for a pyjama which had a kitty design on the buttocks, much to Maria's amusements.

"You find this funny?" Asked Charles as Maria prepared the dinner and transferred it to the dining table.

She burst out laughing at Charles's question and immediately apologised

"Sorry sorry, but you look so funny right now."

Charles gave a visible sigh and went to the 6-chair dining table, where he first pulled out a chair for her and then sat on his chair, opposite to her.

"You are a nice cook" he praised as he took the first bite while Maria was waiting for his comment.

"Well Thankyou, Mr Gentleman. I live alone, so I try."

"Your family?"

Maria went quiet at the mention and didn't explain much.

She was a cold person and enduring the abuse of her father since a very young age, who blamed her mother's death on her, she became untrustworthy of people.

Although she liked Charles, it was not to an extent that she would reveal her deepest darkest secrets to Charles, not yet anyways.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked" Said Charles as he understood her awkward silence and didn't push further.

Maria felt a little guilt when she heard Charles apologise for no fault of his own and she almost told him about her family, but she stopped.

'One step at a time' She thought.

They discussed other things during the dinner, and it was as if her inner spy had come out.

She was starting to finally question Charles about how could he pull that incredible stunt off!? It was illogical in every sense of the way but at that time, it didn't occur to them, or it did but they didn't question it because their hearts were heavy with the losses of unnumbered innocent lives, as well as Charles's complete disregard of his life and going up with the missile into the space.

Charles gave her the same answer he gave to Fury and asked them not to dig into it, but he knew that they would.

'Won't matter anyways' He thought as he knew that the Sanctums were magically hidden and they won't find shit.

At most, they will find some urban legend but that would confirm Charles's version of his background even more.

Who were they kidding, after the death of the Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Strange had put wards in every Sanctum to make people ignore the Sanctums and Kamar Taj completely.

Kamar Taj was not recruiting any walk-ins anymore, and only the people they scout out were chosen.

Dr. Strange, after inheriting the position of the Sorcerer Supreme, received much knowledge from the Ancient magic as it acknowledged him, after which he put Anti-Portal wards in every sanctum as well.

He marked sling rings with his magic and gave them to the leaders of the different Sanctums and only those people, who had the sling ring marked with the ancient magic could be used to teleport to the Sanctums.



Back to Charles, they had completed their dinner and they both went to the bed.

Charles had been a little aggressive in almost all his sexual encounters by now but he can't do that with Maria. He has to take it slow.

Maria was feeling a lot of emotions right now and seeing that Charles wasn't taking the initiative, she finally did and started to kiss him.

Charles kissed her back as well, softly at first and then a little desperately.

Maria slowly took off his shirt while he took off her top and soon, in the heat, they both started to grope and kiss each other.

"They are so soft" Commented Charles under his breath as he bit her a rather pink nipple, and she moaned with pleasure.

The rest of the night was filled with tender caresses, moans and grunts as they both soon lost themselves in each other, and finally drifted off to sleep.

As soon as Maria slept, Charles's eyes opened and he got up without any expressions on his face.

He went out of the bedroom and went straight towards her study, which had a bookshelf, a table, another table with a computer and a nice little sofa near the window.

Charles went up to the bookshelf and pulled a book after which the whole bookshelf slid sideways and revealed a hidden door behind.

Charles's Vibranium-Synthesized hand had a very subtle change, after which he put the hands on the door's fingerprint scanner, and the door opened.


Inside the door, Charles found a large number of guns, drones, explosives, and a laptop.

"VERONICA, you are up" Said Charles after wearing his Hexagonal spectacles and soon, a ray of light started to scan the laptop.

"The Contents of the laptop drive has been copied, Master. The only new thing It has is 1 co-ordinate of a hidden jail under the Pacific Ocean.

"Hmm, Hijack a satellite and show me what is on the coordinates."

Soon, the image of an Ocean was presented in front of Charles. It looks exactly like an ocean and anyone would simply ignore it.

Charles was a genius, and a rival of Sherlock, after coming to this world, he felt his mental prowess grow even stronger and he soon deduced that according to the date of logging of these co-ordinates, they were given to her by Fury after he gave Fury a list of Hydra members. It was sort of a safe house for them.

"If this is the only safe house, then they might shift all the key stuff, valuable objects and research here to keep it out of the hands of Hydra. They can't clean them in one fell swoop so they are first doing this."

Charles didn't immediately teleport there, as he didn't know if there were any infrared scanners, pressure-sensitive traps and so on. He cannot make any mistakes and spook Fury.

After bugging the hidden room with nanobots, Charles closed the bookshelf, which by the way VERONICA found as soon as Charles set foot into her apartment.

Her sonar radiation scan was simply too powerful.

He went back to Maria, and spooned her naked body with his, and pretended to sleep because he doesn't need sleep. Not after powering himself with a Vibranium Arc-Reactor.

'Was he even human anymore?' He thought.

The next morning, Maria woke up to see the chest of Charles, in which she was buried last night, thinking about last night gave her chills. It was the best night of her life.

Looking up, she saw Charles' sleeping face.

'He looks so peaceful and defence less' She thought with a giggle as she dragged herself up and kissed his lips.

"That's gross" He replied as he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Go brush your teeth first."

Maria started laughing at this and forcefully kissed him again after which she ran to the bathroom and Charles chased.

Suffice to say, It was a lot harder to bathe when you can't keep your hands to yourself, she thought.

"I am going to S.H.I.E.L.D, Should I drop you at your Appledore?" Asked Maria as she came out of the washroom fully dressed.

"Yes please, Replied Charles who also wore his suit, which he put in the washing machine last night.

Maria had to go the long route because the Appledore was far and after arriving near, she asked Charles with a smile

"So, When will you invite me inside Appledore?"

"Soon" he replied with a grin.

"I will call you once I reach my office" Said Maria as they kissed and said goodbye to each other.

Charles can't just use Maria like he uses May or used Pepper. He can't have an on and off relationship with her because they were kind of official now, and he had to pretend to be her loving and caring boyfriend till he gets what he wants.

"All in due time" He said as he went inside of the Appledore.




"Welcome Back, Master." Came Veronica's cheerful voice as he entered his home.

Charles acknowledged her greeting with a nod and went towards his lab.

"Tell me, How much dirt do you have on them? He asked as he entered the lab.

"Right away Master, This is the information all these people wanted to hide desperately. From Child abuse to Sexual assault of employee. I have categorized the risk level associated with each intel."

Charles was a bonafide Blacmailer, and there was a reason Sherlock called him "The Napoleon of Blackmails." It was that he just couldn't keep himself from knowing every dirty secret of almost everyone and using it to gain a foothold over everyone.

He had a god complex, and he literally thought of everyone as the dirt on his boot.

Coming to this world, till now, he didn't have to use blackmail, as that could compromise his good image, but that doesn't mean he gave up on blackmailing.

"Master, You have become an overnight sensation! You were a bestseller before, but now you are on the frontpage of every newspaper. The publishing house has sold out your every novel again and there are about 1,489,459 fan mails in your email." Said VERONICA with excitement.

"Who the fuck leaked out my email" was all Charles said before dismissing this news and simply said.

"Show me"

On his command, all the details, from the blackmail material to his newspaper headlines, all vanished from the screens and on came a map with a red dot.

"Master, As you've predicted, the Hydra transferred this Sceptre to this undeclared facility, and they are experimenting with 100 people of different age and background to see if they can empower them with the help of the Sceptre."

Charles zoomed in on the map and saw the HYDRA facility. The nanobot inside of the Sceptre was not only broadcasting their co-ordinates but was also displaying images and video it was taking of the lab in which they were experimenting.

And soon enough, He saw his next target, Wanda Maximoff!

She was a witch of unlimited potential, had the ability to alter reality and her chaos magic was so powerful that it had the potential of destroying the world without much effort.

She was truly a legend.

From living with her conservative parents to being held in captivity and being experimented on, she had no one in her life other than her brother and that would make it even simpler to control her.

'Finally, someone who deserves my attention. And she is a beauty too.'

Closing the window, he turned around and went towards a table with heavy precision equipment where a green liquid was present.

"Master, I have already unraveled every secret of Hulk's blood. It was actually trying to replicate the Supersoldier Serum of Dr. Erskine but they choose the wrong ratios and under the influence of Gamma radiation, the anomaly, which was Hulk, was created."

"Also, about the Nanobots, It might take me some more time, at least 1 week before I can make some prototype nanobots from the Vibranium" Veronica said.

"It won't take long now, I will help you." Replied Charles as he took something in a dropper and put it into a test tube that had the green blood of Hulk in it.