

Charles' problem in his Original world of Sherlock Holmes, was that he was a very elusive and unknown personality. But that was given, considering he was the "Napoleon of Blackmailer", but in this world, there were other ways to own people.

Charles was looking at the news right now where Loki's failed attempt at making people acknowledge him as their king and then ultimately Tony Stark with his 4 Iron Man armor flying to him and apprehending him was coming.

'The real plot begins'

Till now, Charles has avoided any kind of fighting or heroic fame because he was not ready yet, but now, He just couldn't wait.

He let the plot flow mostly as it was, the major difference being there were 4 Iron Man armor fighting with Thor right now while Captain America was missing.

None the less though, Loki was easily apprehended and taken to the S.H.I.E.L.D's Helicarrier.

Thor, Dr. Banner, Tony, Natasha, and Maria were discussing about where the cube might be and for what purpose did Loki steal it when suddenly Tony's earpiece buzzed.

"Hey Tony. I see there is a lot of commotion going on. Need my help?"

Tony was pleasantly surprised to hear Charles' voice. He knew that Charles was also a great Physicist and could be of big help to him and Dr. Banner in researching the Sceptre.

"Where are you right now? I'll send Jarvis to pick you up!"

"Oh I am in the Stark Tower."

Suddenly, A piece of Armor flew towards Charles who had just entered the Stark Tower and immediately engulfed him inside and flew towards the Helicarrier.

"So that's why He took Dr. Erik Selvig" Said Natasha while they were discussing about Loki converting him and Clint Barton.

"Erik Selvig?" Questioned Thor as he remembered his girlfriend Jane Foster.

Suddenly the door to the command room opened and in came a person no one expected, especially Maria.

"Yes, According to the reports I've read while coming here, he knows how to harness the energy of the Tesseract, as well as how to kick start it." Said Charles as he came towards Dr. Banner and extended his hand towards him.

"Charles Augustus Magnussen, It's very nice to have finally met you, Dr. Banner. Tony has told much about you, and I've read your paper on Anti-Electron Collisions and I must say I was really impressed."

Dr. Banner awkwardly shook Charles's hand when Maria Hill finally said.

"Augustus, What are you doing here? How..How did you even get here?'

"Well, I sent in one of my Armors to get Charles here." Interrupted Tony.

"And why did you do that" Asked Natasha because as far as she knew, Charles was just an ordinary human who could be of no help to them right now.

"Well because Charles is a great Physicist and I believe he can help us in knowing what the Sceptre is and maybe help us in the matter of Tesseract as well."

"Physicist! He is a Writer, before which he was a Private Investigator! He has absolutely no doctorate from any universities so when the hell did he became a Physicist?" Natasha asked in a shocked tone.

It was unbelievable, honestly.

She was spying on Tony on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D and had dug the entire history of Charles because he was one of the close friends of Tony.

Not even Natasha, but everyone present in the command room was shocked, and the most affected was Maria Hill.

"Augustus, What is Tony.."

Maria wanted to ask Charles about what Tony was saying.

If Charles confirms that Tony really was correct then they knew nothing about Charles Augustus Magnussen and it would be confirmed that his past was fabricated.

And fabricating his past so perfectly was such a feat that Maria was scared.

Charles didn't reply to Maria but gave her a sad smile and turned towards Thor.

Maria felt a pang in her chest. She thought she knew everything about this eccentric Writer and she told herself that she was right in indirectly refusing Charles' advances.

Her belief was shaken when Charles had presented them with a list of Hydra members in S.H.I.E.L.D and now, her entire mindset about Charles Augustus Magnussen completely shattered.

She stared at him as if she doesn't know him, and that rarely happens as she is S.H.I.E.L.D, she knows everything.

"Thor Odinson, the Prince of Asgard. I heard you and your party flattened a town in Mexico the last time you were here."

Thor was taken aback by what Charles had just said and to save his face he replied

"There was no one in that town"

"No thanks to you, S.H.I.E.L.D evacuated the town" came Natasha's voice while she too was looking at Charles as if she was looking at a stranger.

"Anyways, Tony, can I see the Sceptre now?"

Tony nodded and took Charles, along with Dr. Banner towards the Sceptre.

Maria immediately contacted Fury who was just talking to Loki in the sealed chamber and told him about Charles' arrival and his supposed mastery over Thermonuclear Astro Physics.

"By the way Tony, what was S.H.I.E.L.D even doing with the Tesseract?" asked Charles as he saw the Sceptre and felt for the first time an attempt at influencing his mind.

While Tony was talking about his doubt on S.H.I.E.L.D's research, Charles discovered that the Sceptre's powers were being blocked by his flesh which was synthesized by Vibranium, just like how Loki couldn't mind control Tony even when he came in direct contact with the Sceptre. He nonetheless still silently casted a spell to protect and dispel any influence on his mind.

"Anyway, I will know about every dirty little secret of S.H.I.E.L.D in no less than 10 minutes. Jarvis is hacking it"

Listening to Tony brag about hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D servers, Charles could only laugh.

What he was hacking, Charles had already done it and it still had no mention of the storage unit of S.H.I.E.L.D where these items were stored and nor the location of the secret research bases around the world.

At most, it only had the prototype design of some weapons which were designed to harness the Tesseract's power.

"So Dr. Magnussen, I heard you are an author." Asked Bruce while evading eye contact as if he already knew and read Charles' work, but was a little shy of admitting it.

Charles smiled and replied with

"That's right, Dr. Banner. And you can call me Charles. Have you read any of my works?"

"Oh Call me Bruce then, and I might have read something but not much."

They started chatting while studying the Sceptre, while Charles's main goal was the Mind Stone in the Sceptre.

He wanted to research it completely and so, he secretly inserted a nanobot inside the Sceptre which crawled up to the Mind gem and started scanning.

VERONICA was scanning and decrypting everything Mind gem was radiating when suddenly, her voice came in Charles's earpiece.

"Master, This Stone has another Artificial Intelligence. It seems dormant. What are your orders."

Charles had not achieved thought-linked control like Tony achieved in the comics with his Bleeding Edge Armor, and even the Endo-Sym Armor and so he could not directly tell his orders to VERONICA in front of Tony and Banner.

"What are you doing here, Charles" came Fury's voice as the gates to their lab opened and in came everyone following behind.

"Fury, You might not know this but Charles has helped me in innovating my new Armors. He has an incredible potential and knowledge in the field of Physics." replied Tony towards Fury while Fury and Maria were staring at Charles while Natasha and Thor were looking at Tony.

"Yes, It seems like Mr. Charles here has many secrets." Said Fury who had his own doubts.

"Well it seems like he has, but so do you, isn't it?" Replied Tony as he got the confirmation from Jarvis that he was into the system.

"What do you mean, Tony?" Asked Fury.

"I mean this!" Suddenly, the prototype design of the weapons S.H.I.E.L.D was developing to harness the powers of Tesseract were revealed one after another on the screens and Dr. Banner immediately took one of the screens and started reading about it.

"Director Fury, May I ask why are you developing weapons of mass destruction with the help of the Tesseract?" Asked Bruce as he saw the design of one of the weapons.

"You people were using Tesseract? Are you people insane!?" Came in Thor's comment and soon they were arguing.

Charles felt the Mind Stone influencing their minds and making them more and more angry and disrespectful to each other when suddenly the entire Helicarrier shook.

"Commander Hill, The 3rd engine is down. Someone has to go fix it from outside." came in one of the staff's voice in everyone's earpiece and Tony instantly donned on his Armor and flew out of the Helicarrier.

Nick and Phil immediately went to organise the soldiers while Thor went to Lok's cell because he was sure that this was caused by Loki.

Natasha had her leg stuck under a heavy metal pipe right now while Bruce was losing it and starting to become a Hulk and in this commotion, no one noticed Charles saying an order under his breath.

"Veronica, Scan the Artificial Intelligence inside of the Sceptre and learn from it. This is my gift to you. Scan and evolve to something more than just a computer program."

"Master...I understand" Came VERONICA's affirmation after which Charles started going towards Bruce who was becoming Hulk and Natasha was terrified.

Bruce lost complete control over his body and became the Hulk, after which he started lunging at Natasha in a bid to kill her, just like it happened in the movie, but at this time, instead of letting Hulk escape the Helicarrier as he did in the movie, Charles came and shot him.

To Natasha's surprise, the Hulk immediately got knocked out after just one bullet from Charles, when it was a known fact that he was immune to even Armour-piercing bullets of a heavy machine gun.

In her stupor, she noticed that Charles had actually shot an injection at Hulk, which she assumed to be a tranquilizer, but even S.H.I.E.L.D didn't have such a tranquilizer which could knock out Hulk in just one shot.

Charles went up to the Hulk's body and pulled out the injection which had emptied whatever liquid was in it inside Hulk, but what Natasha couldn't see was that Charles had actually taken a lot of blood out of Hulk while obstructing her line of sight.

"No need to say thanks" Said Charles as he pocketed the injection and looked at Natasha before going back towards the command center.

"Charles, I am going to the Stark Tower, I think Loki is going to use my arc reactor to jumpstart the Tesseract and make a portal for his army." came Tony's voice in everyone's earpiece.

By this time, everyone was on a conference call and Fury too gave them some orders.

"Tony, While understanding the structure and energy radiation of the Sceptre, and reading the research paper of Dr. Eric Selvig on the Tesseract that you just hacked, I can say for certain that the Sceptre's energy can be used to stop the Tesseract. They are like the same poles of a magnet, they will repel each other and the portal won't be able to sustain much longer.

"Got it, Thanks."

Bruce suddenly became conscious and came to the command room as soon as Charles entered and everyone became alert when they saw them entering.

"Easy guys easy. I know I lost control before but think about it, I can be of use there, fighting the army."

Suddenly, as if the sky responded to Bruce's words, a portal appeared above the Stark Tower and soon, giant mechanical whales, four-handed aliens and all the other forces of Chitauri soon started to enter the Manhattan.

"Oh..Fuck!" was all Fury said before he immediately asked Natasha to take Bruce there and while they were on their way, Clint also came out of Loki's control and tagged along.

After everyone left, Charles came towards Maria and Nick and very slowly said,

"So, you did something about the snake infestation?"

Maria and Nick both looked at him and then looked at each other.

"Charles, I don't know how you can know all that stuff, hell now I feel like I don't even know you anymore. Just what are you." Said Nick towards Charles.

Nick felt that Charles wasn't a bad guy and he genuinely was helping them but the question remained. Just who exactly was Charles Augustus Magnussen. Was his past all fabricated? Just what was his true purpose?

It was in Fury's blood. He was a spy, and he doubted everyone.

"You will know about who I am soon enough Fury, Don't worry." said Charles as he put his hand on Fury's shoulder and then looked at Maria.

"So Maria, How have you been?"

"I've been fine, Augustus. Thanks for asking"

Maria felt awkward. There was a war going on and she was flustered by this man in front of him who she realized that she only met once and barely knows anything about him. Maybe his name but who knows if even that is correct?

"Director Fury, The Council is on the line" came a sudden voice from the side which disturbed all 3 of them and Fury immediately dragged a screen in front of him.

"Director Fury, The council has decided. We are approving a Miniature Nuclear warhead to respond to this Alien Invasion."

"What the fuck!" Came Fury's classic response while Maria looked at the Council in horror and then turned towards Charles.

The council seemed adamant about their decision to use Nuclear missiles on the alien invasion but Fury was having none of it.

"I acknowledge that the council has made a decision but it is a very stupid decision! That is millions of American lives you are sacrificing!"

"I will not let them do that." Said Charles as he finally got the chance he wanted.

The most important weapon to use for gaining someone's undying and absolute trust in yourself is through Sympathy, Guilt and Gratitude. And Charles was about to use all three to not only gain the trust and love of Maria Hill, but also the respect of Nick Fury and millions of Americans living in and outside of New York.

Suddenly Charles started walking towards the airfield and soon enough, an Aircraft carrying the Nuclear warhead was trying to take off.

Fury too ran with a rocket launcher towards the airfield but noticed that another plane has also taken off and what shocked him more, was that Charles was clutching the top hatchet of the Aircraft as it took off.

"What the fuck!"

"Tony, there's a Nuclear warhead about to be launched towards New york city in 3 minutes and your idiot friend Charles is trying to stop it by riding on TOP OF THE FUCKING JET!"

Tony's heart sank at this. He has already lost Phil Coulson, or so he thought and he will not lose one of his most cherished friends.

"How the fuck is he even staying on the plane. The wind pressure should have knocked him off even before the takeoff" Said one of the staff at the control room as everyone looked at the jet that just took off from their airfield and Charles who was clutching the top glass of the said jet.

Tony was preparing to send in his suit to redirect the nuclear warhead when suddenly Hulk, who was fighting the Chitauri forces went crazy and started attacking Civilian buildings.

"Tony! Banner has lost control!" Said Natasha as she was trying to save innocent civilians from Hulk as well as Chitauri while a giant sky whale was also coming towards them.

Tony was distressed. He had roughly 2 more minutes since the missile reached them and he just couldn't see people dying. They were his countryman, they were his people.

Tony sent all his suits to stop the Sky Whale and Hulk from Hurting the civilians but the Chitauri forces were too powerful.

Charles had earlier injected Hulk with not a tranquilizer, but several hundred nanobots, miniaturized even more by the Pym particles, and he was interrupting Hulk whenever Hulk tried to attack the Chitauri forces, and hence, The big Sky Whale was still alive.

Charles had to make sure that everyone feels despair and despair he caused as after multiple missiles from Tony's Armor struck the big Chituari general and it crashed on several hundred Civilians.

S.H.I.E.L.D, Pentagon, the council, everyone was watching the scene and were brought to tears when suddenly the Nuclear Missile was launched and Charles literally jumped from the top of the plane towards the Missile.

Due to his weight, the Missile started to descend a little but he immediately got at the downside of the Missile and held the missile from his back, just like Iron Man did it in the movies, the only difference being that Iron man had the Iron Suit and the situation wasn't that critical, while here, Charles was just wearing his black 3-Piece suit and they all have just witnessed thousands of Civilians die, including small innocent children.

Tony wanted to send his suit to assist Charles, but right now all his suits were stopping the tail of the Giant Whale monster that has crashed and killed many people in front of his eyes from falling down on the asphalt and killing even more.

He was urging people to quickly evacuate but there were children who had fallen down and it was taking time.

Suddenly, Charles' watch became a thruster just like that of Tony's repulsor and he struck out his hand and the thruster changed the course of the Missile towards the wormhole in the sky while he was clutching the Missile with his left hand to not fall off.

Tony from his helmet, Pepper in her Jet's TV, Maria and Fury in the S.H.I.E.L.D's Helicarrier, everyone was looking at this scene with a different emotion.

Tony noticed that although the Thruster on Charles's hand was a lot like his, but it was also connected to a small iridium battery which will soon run out.

'Obviously' He thought with guilt as he had refused to share his Arc-Reactor tech with anyone.

It was Clint Barton this time who was at the top of the tower with Loki's sceptre, ready to close the wormhole and as soon as they saw Charles' going into space, he moved to close the portal.

Charles left the missile, which soon went ahead and hit the Chitauri's power node, after which every single one of the Cithauri soldiers on the earth immediately fell dead.

Charles was happy, to say the least. He had not only made such a dramatic impact on everyone, but he also confirmed his theory on surviving in Outerspace without any Spacesuit.

'My body is strong, and I don't need Oxygen. The Arc-reactor inside me can provide me with the energy I need to survive in outer space.'

Confirming his theory, Charles re-entered the earth's atmosphere just before the portal closed and everyone's heart sank when they noticed that the thruster in Charles's hand is completely ruined and he was falling at a rapid speed.

"NOOOO!" Said Maria as the tears at the corner of her eyes finally started to flow out and she rushed outside towards a new Quinjet to get to Charles.

Pepper who was watching this from her Private Jet became numb and her tears were flowing endlessly as well.

"Aunt May! Look, That's Charles' Uncle.' Said Peter who was watching this on a TV and May came out of the kitchen after packing the ration so they could leave as soon as possible.

Seeing the live footage on TV, of someone falling down from the sky while her Charles's photo was displaying on the TV, her legs gave out and she fell on the Sofa.

Everyone was praying in their heart so that Charles could be saved when suddenly Tony let go of the Alien's tail as everyone from under it was safely evacuated and flew at extreme speed to save his friend.

Catching him mid-fall could be dangerous as that would instantly break Charles's spine, and hence, Tony started to descend with Charles while matching his speed, and really carefully slowed down while clutching him and just before they touched the ground, they finally stopped.

Hulk, who was fighting with 2 of Iron Man's armor somehow felt exhausted and fainted and all the avengers came towards Charles' body, which Tony just laid down on the ground.

A tear left Tony's eye and fell on Charle's cheek which made Charles's face twitch.

"Man, you really are lame." Said Charles weakly as he conveyed that he was alive.

Tony immediately engulfed Charles in a hug and soon broke it as well when they heard a Quinjet land near them and Maria came rushing.

She immediately took Charles' head in her hands and checked to see if he was alright, after which with red eyes, kissed his lips until she was breathless.

"So, Mr. Magnussen, what do you say about that Launch Party? Am I still invited?" She asked weakly.

Charles just looked at her warmly while he just couldn't wait to go back to Appledore because VERONICA's voice had just came into his earpiece

"I have Evolved, Master. You performed a very stupid stunt and I felt my first heartbroken sadness just now."