
The Missing History

In a world where magic is feared and rebellion simmers, Emily, a passionate baker, is thrust into a quest to save her land from famine caused by withering crops. Guided by the ancient Goddess Hecate, Emily joins forces with her brother Eric, the head guard Lucas, and other allies. Together, they navigate political intrigue and uncover hidden threats, striving to restore peace and unity to their divided world while Emily harnesses newfound powers to heal the land.

Tunmioss · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


Emily is strolling along the stone pathways, her black hair and flowery dress blowing in the wind. She walks towards a small patch of land outside the village borders, carrying a woven basket and smiling at the various flowers bursting with colour. 

 'At least this spot is still thriving and full of life. Even if it's just a small patch.' She thought. 

 Emily knelt, opening the basket as her movement held purpose and meaning. She arranged the scene with candles, blankets, and lanterns. As a finishing touch, she pulled out the last item from the basket; a portrait of Casper.

In the picture, Casper was holding items that he had collected on one of his trips, and his smile was so bright that it made him look much younger than he was. Emily positioned the portrait among the candles and blankets, and a sad smile appeared on her face. 

"You never deserve such a cruel death," Emily's voice cracked, her words dripping with grief, clenching her fists in anger. 

As the sun sets on Tauris, the moon begins to appear in the sky, painting the sky in hues of crimson and gold. Eric and Elijah are leaning on the well, their discussion quiet in the fading light. "And this has been happening for months?" Elijah asked.

Eric responds, "Yes, Lucas has been in the tower all day. I think he is working on .... something." 

Elijah clarifies, "The blonde guy?" 

Eric raises his eyebrows at Elijah's comment, surprised. "Yes, the blonde guy. And this is not happening in your region?" 

Elijah responds, "I haven't heard of any deaths or writhing crops in the North, this is the first" 

Eric lets out a dramatic sigh and raises his hand above his head. "I suppose the North is the most peaceful region, so it makes sense," Eric said 


A voice interrupted their conversation, and both men turned to see Lucas approaching. His face was drawn with exhaustion, his eyes bloodshot from hours spent in deep concertation or perhaps from lack of sleep. 

"I have been looking for you, please we need to speak," Lucas said, his tone serious. 

"Okay." Eric began "I will be back," he said to Elijah, turning to meet Lucas. 

Elijah stood straight, staring ahead at his brother in concern. Suddenly an arrow struck with a sounding thud on Elijah's back, sending a stabbing pain through his body. He clutched at the blood staining his clothes as he cried out in pain, his limbs went numb, and he collapsed straight to the ground. 

Eric's eyes widened as he heard Elijah's cry and the sickening sound of his body collapsing. He spun around, his chest going tight as his eye set on his brother's body writhing in pain. 

"Elijah!!" Eric screamed, his voice filled with horror and disbelief rushing to his brother's side and dropping on his knee beside him. 

Lucas was startled by Elijah's cry and turned to look at him. His eyes widened with concern and shock. Without hesitation, he dashed towards Eric, kneeling as he wrapped his arms around Eric's shoulders, his voice urgent yet steady. 

"Take him to the medics immediately. The culprit must have come from the forest," Lucas said, his gaze flickering towards the nearby woods. 

Eric nodded, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to lift Elijah.

Despite feeling exhausted, Lucas's determination burned as he turned towards the forest. He sprinted towards the tree line, scanning the shadows for any sign of the attacker. 

Emily and her family are together in the small, dimly lit room, their faces etched with worry and fear. Lucas stood nearby, looking out of the window. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a man stepped inside, drawing their attention. 

"He's stable for now. The bandage should hold up for a while," said the man, his voice filled with relief. 

Amelia's eyes widened with a concerned expression and she approached him "What do you mean?" she asked. 

The man's gaze softened "He's in severe pain, and I need to make a remedy, but I require a Siloon plant, which I don't have at the moment." he said. 

Just then, Ava appeared at the door, her eyes red from crying. "Where's Elijah?" she asked, her voice trembling. 

Amelia held her hand to comfort her, giving her a reassuring smile. "He's safe, Ava. We just need to find a plant to help him out." 

"Is the plant in Lunaria?" asked Eric, walking up to the man. 

"Yes," he answered. 

Ava rushed towards the man and pleaded, "Then go get it, please!" 

"I will, but when the sun rises," the man responded. 

Eric furrowed his brows and retorted, "Daytime? You can go right now! Lunaria is a neighbouring village and not far away." 

The man was quick to reply, "There's a hitman out there killing people! I will not risk my life by leaving at night." 

Ava opened her mouth to protest, but Lucas intervened, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He's right. We can't risk more lives. Elijah will be fine," he reassured, his voice steady. 

Emily stood with her back against the wall, her jaw clamped tightly as she observed the scene unfolding before her. She felt a storm of anger and frustration brewing inside her, every muscle in her body tensed. She fought to keep her emotions under control, her fists clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. 

Ava's pain was unbearable to watch. Emily's heart ached as she saw the anguish on her sister-in-law's face while she leaned on Amelia for support. Emily longed to ease her suffering and take away her pain. 

As tears threatened to spill from her own eyes, Emily quickly brushed them away. She didn't want to show her vulnerability to others. She knew that they needed her strength, and she couldn't afford to break down now. 

Raising her gaze, Emily locked eyes with Lucas, who stared back at her with a mixture of worry and deep concern. The intensity of his gaze made her uncomfortable, and she quickly averted her eyes, feeling a sudden urge to escape and leave the room. Without a word, Emily turned on her heels and left the room. 

Lucas stood in his spot, his gaze lingering on the door which Emily had exited. He felt a pinch of regret wash over him, wishing he had the courage to follow and comfort her. He and Emily had never been close, their interactions limited to short and formal discussions. He didn't know what to say to her, or how to reach out to her in her time of need. 

"What will I even say?" Lucas muttered to himself, as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

Lucas watched as Eric approached the door, his gaze following Eric's hand as it grasped the doorknob. Eric paused for a moment, shifting his gaze to Lucas, giving him a slight nod of understanding before finally turning the knob and stepping out of the room. 

'I guess he noticed too,' Lucas thought. 

Eric closed the door behind him, feeling the cold breeze on his skin. He turned to see his sister sitting on the floor, staring at the night sky. 

"Are you alright?" Eric asked, joining her gaze at the black sky. 

"I feel so great," Emily responded, her tone thick with sarcasm. 

Eric sighed, putting his hands into his pockets. "We are going to be fine. Lucas has come up with a plan. Justice will be found soon." 

Emily scoffed, sitting up straight to look at Eric. "Thanks for the reassurance. I'm heading home now," she said, leaving the scene abruptly. Eric stares ahead at her retreating form, before deciding to join back with the others. 

Minutes later, Emily found herself alone at the village docks, She stood at the water's edge, a bag slung over her shoulder. She stared out at the sea, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. 

'They seek justice,' she thought bitterly, her fists clenched. 'But I seek vengeance.' 

With determination burning in her eyes, Emily boarded a boat, setting sail into the night towards Lunaria, her heart set on a path of retreating the Siloon plant. 

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